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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, please search the forum before you post - there are PLENTY of other threads on this topic, such as this one - we don't need another new thread on this!
  2. If everything's on the same LAN, disable the Relay, Tracker, and DHT options - this will be where your extra connections are arising from!
  3. Well, I have no idea what computers/OS's you are running, and therefore can't advise where the system clock is on your particular devices! For example, on Windows, the system clock can be changed/synced by clicking the time that usually resides in the bottom right of the screen in the taskbar. But some Windows users have the taskbar in a different position, or don't show the clock in it at all, etc, in which case you'd have to access it via the Control Panel... but that's just for Windows... I have no idea what OS you're running! ....but basically, every OS will have a system clock/time - it's that that you need to check/correct on your devices to resolve your issue
  4. Yes - use the .SyncIgnore files. Whilst you won't be able to define rules to exclude hidden files/folders as such, you can exclude them by name/partial name using .SyncIgnore
  5. I wouldn't say this is particularly "dangerous" in any way, just an inconvenience for you! The default .SyncIgnore files do contain a number of rules to exclude certain files/folders by default, however, you may freely modify these files to suit your own particular needs! What should/shouldn't be included by default in these .SyncIgnore files is something that is being discussed by the team, so your particular usage case will be considered, but as I say, this is not in any way "dangerous", and can easily be changed by simply removing the "Icon?" line from your .SyncIgnore files
  6. No, BitTorrent Sync can't sync files that are currently open/in use/locked by other applications
  7. Check the system clocks on all your devices - it's likely that one or more of them are incorrect
  8. Might be useful to post the relevant section of your config file so we can see if you're setting the up/down limits correctly? They should be in the following format: "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, (where the value is in kB/s, and 0 denotes no limit) Remember, you need to restart Sync for changes made in the config file to take affect. Also, the latest version of Sync is actually 1.1.69
  9. No, It is not currently possible to sync a subfolder separately to its parent. Please search the forum for "nested shares" for more on this.
  10. You can add the line: "sync_trash_ttl" : 30, your config file
  11. Yes, they would be - a folder on Device B with a "read only" Sync essentially "follows" the source folder on say Device A, so any changes made on Device A would propagate to Device B, but changes on Device B would not propagate back to Device A Do remember though, that even with a "read only" Sync on Device B, if items are deleted from Device A, on Device B they would just be moved to the SyncArchive folder - so they'd wouldn't be physically deleted from Device B by default Essentially, what would be needed to fully achieve what you're after is the ability to have a "write only" Sync... which doesn't, at this time, exist.
  12. I would suggest that it's more likely going to be "weeks", rather than a matter of days, or indeed months
  13. No, the lettering convention I indicated in my previous post is NOT wrong! are simply seeing the backwards compatibility that is still present in Sync to allow Secrets from earlier versions (before one-time secrets were introduced) to still be valid! Generated secrets in early versions of Sync (before one-time secrets were introduced): Full Access: 20 bytes in base32 Read Only: R + 20 bytes in base32 Generated secrets in more recent versions of Sync: Full Access: A + 20 bytes in base32 Read Only: B + 20 bytes in base32 One Time: C + 20 bytes in base32 ...which is why your read-only secrets that begin with R are still valid, and your full access secrets starting with J, 7, Y, and Z, etc are still valid - check the length of your secrets to confirm! - you are simply using older secrets! The current lettering convention I outlined in my last post is the convention that is in use in current Sync builds.
  14. The Relay/Tracker options are per-folder settings. In Windows, on the Folders tab of Sync, right click a folder and select "Show folder preferences". In the resulting dialog, click the "Properties" tab - you will find Relay/Tracker options there! If you have static IP's/domain names, you can make use of the "Predefined hosts" options (also found on the "Properties" dialog described above)
  15. This is correct. Full Access secrets begin with an A Read Only secrets begin with a B One Time secrets begin with a C
  16. Depends if you're using the Relay and/or the Tracker options. If using the Tracker, BitTorrent servers facilitate the connection. If using the Relay, BitTorrent servers act as an intermediary.
  17. I suspect once the API becomes available, the ability to externally pause/resume Syncing will be available through this!
  18. There is currently no built-in scheduler in Sync... there are potential workarounds though - for example, on Windows you could use the system Task Scheduler to automatically run Sync at certain times each day, and kill it at others. i.e. setup a Scheduled Task to run Sync everyday at 6pm, and then kill it at 8pm
  19. ...and that's why it's still in BETA!! There is a formal bug tracking system - just email your issue to, and a ticket will be automatically opened for you on allowing you to track progress on your bug/issue It really is! - If BitTorrent Sync was a Cloud Storage solution, then yes, it could be directly comparable to DropBox - but BitTorrent Sync isn't a Cloud Sync or Cloud Storage solution as DropBox is, therefore, they are two very different products! It does! Please read the user guide - specifically the section on the "sync_max_time_diff" setting(!) Also, timezone is irrelevant as Sync references everything back to UTC anyway.
  20. 1) Stop BitTorrent Sync on all your devices 2) Remove any .!Sync, .SyncPart, or .SyncTemp files from the folder you're syncing - do this on all devices 3) Restart Sync on all your devices ....this should solve the problem!
  21. ...and I think that's the point - Sync has only been available on Android devices for a few weeks! It would have been interesting to see what DropBox, DS Cloud etc were like when they first came to Android devices - I suspect they may well have had "bugs" and battery consumption issues, etc too! My point is that, give the devs chance, and I've no doubt battery consumption will be drastically improved! It's a similar story to the very high CPU/Memory issues that some of the earlier builds of the desktop version had - the developers focus in the first instance on getting things working... and then once things are working, look at optimizing them! ...this has happened with the desktop builds... it will happen with the Android builds soon I'm sure! That said, your post is excellent and very detailed! Thanks for sharing!
  22. No, BitTorrent Sync will not permit you to sync one folder location on your computer to another location on the same computer (i.e. you can't have two shared folders using the same "secret" on the same device) ...and it's not currently possible to run multiple instances of Sync on Windows under the same user account
  23. My advice would be to wait for the API to become available! (Please see "Is there an API available?" in the Unofficial FAQ)