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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. No, but the generic Terms of Use state that "If no license agreement accompanies the Software, use of the Software will be governed by the terms of this Section 4( b )." So, whilst there may not currently be a dedicated set of Terms of Use specifically for Sync, the general Terms of Use (that apply to all BitTorrent Inc products that don't have their own specific terms), still apply to Sync, and govern your use of the software.
  2. Well, it's impossible to determine from that screenshot! Go ahead and send the crash dump to the developers, and they'll be able to analyze it for you!
  3. It may be that: 1) Some of the files are currently open/locked in other applications, and therefore won't transfer until they're closed 2) Some files are being ignored/excluded from the sync (check your .SyncIgnore files on both devices to see what's being excluded, and also ensure they're identical on both devices)
  4. Please note, that attempting to "reverse engineer" BitTorrent Sync violates the current Terms of Use
  5. No, there is no IRC channel. The developers frequent this forum, so all comments/feedback/suggestions etc should be posted here and they will be seen by the developers
  6. It's sadly not currently as easy as it should be - you essentially have to remove and then re-add the folder again using the read-only secret: 1) Copy the folder's read-only secret 2) Remove the folder from Sync 3) Add the folder back to Sync using the read-only secret you previously copied
  7. If you don't like/accept the Terms of Use for BitTorrent Sync - which you agree to if you use the software - then don't use the software! - it really is that simple!
  8. Hmmm... so which is safer? A secret in someone's head, or a password stored on a remote 3rd party server!!? ...I think the former! If you were to go down the username/email and password route, these details would need to be stored on a server somewhere - this is FAR less secure than the current method of "secrets"!
  9. Unlikely, as there are no restrictions (other than the physical space on your drive) on the number of files you can Sync
  10. Probably because no one else has experienced it since! Anyway, instructions on how to report it & send logs, etc so the devs can look into it may be found here
  11. It's just an informational status message only and nothing to worry about! According to the developers "Log message started with Torrent... is just a status message. It does not mean any error." - Please see this thread
  12. It's to prevent accidental deletion. You shouldn't have to change it to an archive on Windows though in order to edit it - you should just be able to open the file in a standard text editor, such as Notepad, make your changes and then save it (You'll need to restart Sync for the changes to take affect)
  13. Is the folder in question "hidden", or have any special security permissions assigned to it, that may be preventing Sync from removing it? ...or is there another application also trying to access the folder at the same time, preventing the folder from being deleted? Also, is this reproducible across all your folders, or are you just having this issue on one specific folder? Well, it may turn out to be a bug, although it's not that "scary" when you consider that 1) your issue isn't resulting in any data loss, 2) Sync is currently in "beta" and therefore there are going to be bugs, and people would be ill-advised to use any software with a "beta" tag to process important data that they don't have backed up elsewhere!
  14. What version of Sync were you using prior to 1.1.42? If it was a much earlier version, it may be that the database hasn't upgraded properly when you updated to 1.1.42, or that the database has somehow become corrupt. You may be able to resolve it by simply removing the folder(s) in question from Sync, and then re-adding it again. This will cause a re-index of the folder, and therefore should rebuild the associated database.
  15. Apparently, the OP "can't install google play in my phone"
  16. The chances of two people managing to "randomly create the same secret" are near impossible! Please see "How secure are "secrets"... can they be guessed" in the Unofficial FAQ
  17. Yep, I agree - in fact I've suggested ".SyncInclude" functionality a number of times previously (just search the forum for "syncinclude").... hopefully it'll be implemented in some way shape or form in the not too distant future!
  18. What version of Android does it run? Sync is only supported in Android 2.2 or later EDIT: Ok, forget that, I've just googled the specs of your device, and see that it'll be running at least Android 4.0.4, in which case, your device should theoretically be compatible
  19. "log in" to what?! I think you've perhaps misunderstood what Sync actually is; Unlike DropBox, there is no central server - BitTorrent Sync is completely de-centralized! Having no central server where your email address & password are stored makes Sync far more secure, and far more versatile, than DropBox!
  20. I don't see how that's relevant in any way to the topic of this particular thread?! The OP was concerned about the possibility of government agencies obtaining "secrets" that were shared through email/IM/social media... this has no bearing on whether Sync is open source or closed source!
  21. Please read "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of beta?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  22. There's plenty of discussion around this topic around the forums, including this thread. Also please see "Is BitTorrent Sync Open Source?" in the Unofficial FAQ as there have been hints at Sync possibly going open source in the future. But as it stands at present, BitTorrent Sync isn't open source. If users feel that no software can be "secure" or "trusted" unless it's open source, the bottom line is, no-one's forcing them to use Sync!
  23. If you disable the Tracker, Relay and DHT options, Sync should remain confined to your LAN and not venture into the WAN (other than to check for updates - which you can disable)
  24. Please update your Android Sync to 1.1.21, as this may solve your issue! ...and no, to my knowledge there isn't a "Debug Mode" for Android, only a "Found an issue? - Send Feedback" button at the bottom of the Settings screen