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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. As Harold indicates, the first step is to ensure that in fact all your devices are correctly synced with a time server. If, after doing this, you're still having this issue, you could increase the advanced "sync_max_time_diff" setting, to allow to greater time discrepancies between devices - but this should be considered a last resort - the issue is more likely due to the fact that one or more of your devices has an incorrect system clock.
  2. Please read the Unofficial FAQ - Android x86 support is coming soon
  3. If the status is stuck at "U: 652 MB", this likely indicates that one or more files that are to be synced are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. Closing these files in their associated programs will then allow Sync to transfer the data.
  4. "U:" denotes the amount of data to be uploaded (sent) from the device. There's more about this in the replies in the Unofficial FAQ thread
  5. Please read the Unofficial FAQ for more about what .!sync files are. They should be automatically removed by Sync once transfers are complete, however, if a transfer fails/gets stuck, yes, you can safely remove the corresponding .!sync file, which will force Sync to obtain the file again.
  6. Please appreciate that Sync is still in "Beta", and there is currently no formal release schedule for new builds - each new build is ready when it's ready! Given that the current version of Sync, 1.1.70, is a pretty stable Beta build for the majority of users, there has been no urgency to push a new build out to fix any "critical" issues, and there's no point in putting out a new build for the sake of it just because there hasn't been one for a few weeks! Sometimes it can be several weeks between builds as the Sync team don't want to push new builds out to the masses until they have been tested and deemed stable enough for a public release, as I'm sure you can appreciate.
  7. Well, don't get too excited - there aren't any major new features coming with Sync 1.2, but there will be speed, memory & performance improvements, improvements to SyncIgnore, improved error handling, and various bug fixes.
  8. Guys - don't panic, Sync 1.2 is on its way!
  9. Well, what you could do is create a Scheduled Task to essentially attempt to launch Sync every X minutes/hours. As you're probably aware, you can't run more than one instance of Sync at any given time, so the Task would fail if Sync was already running, but if it wasn't Sync would be automatically started! +1
  10. Forgive me, but I don't see what you're asking that you can't do already with Sync!? - if all you want to do is distribute an installer/executable to others, there's nothing to prevent you from dropping it into a folder, adding the folder to Sync, and then sharing the Secret with your friends/colleagues!
  11. The issue is that under Windows, a file named "TEST.txt" and a file named "test.txt" are considered the same - go on, try creating both in the same folder - Windows won't let you! Therefore, the issue you're experiencing is not actually related to Sync - remember, Sync is cross-platform, so whilst other operating systems may allow "TEST.txt" and "test.txt" to co-exist, not all operating systems do!
  12. I see a couple of instances of the following errors in your log: [2013-09-11 19:46:49] SyncFileEntry: got dictionary with bad time 1377896410 0 [2013-09-11 19:46:49] Merge: failed to construct file entry received from remote, aborting This likely means one of the following: 1) One of your devices has an incorrect system clock 2) One or more files (or folders) has an invalid timestamp (i.e. it was created on an impossible date - for example, in the future - possibly due to an incorrect system clock)
  13. It's possible, but you may have to do your symlinks the other way around! Also, it's worth considering WHY you actually want to do this!? - With other products, such as DropBox that only allow you to sync a single centralized folder, I can understand the need to symlinks/folder junctions, but given that Sync allows you to sync ANY folders on your device... do you really need to sync symlinks, when you can just sync the physical folder itself!?
  14. Well, you could try limiting the upload/download rate in Sync to reduce the amount of traffic through the router - but this obviously doesn't address the actual issue with your router. Try checking/tweaking your router's wifi settings. For example, turning off QoS may help. If you're unable to resolve the issue after playing with your wifi settings, there is likely to be a problem with your router. Reducing the upload/download rate in Sync could work-around the issue, but will give you sub-optimal Sync performance
  15. The issue is likely related to the connection method of your Ubuntu box - i.e. "directly using a cross-over cable". Given this connection method, it's possible that your Ubuntu box is expecting an IP address to be assigned by a DHCP server (which won't be found when connecting to another device using a cross-over cable) Ensure that your Ubuntu box has a valid IP in the same range as your other device. You may also need to use the "Pre-defined hosts" settings in Sync to ensure that each device knows the IP address of the other
  16. It means Sync is already running, and you're trying to run a second copy (which isn't allowed) It's likely that you've selected the "Start BitTorrent Sync when Windows starts" option, but also manually added a shortcut into your Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup folder also - this would cause Sync to try and run twice, causing the message you're seeing. Simply delete any shortcut to Sync from your Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup folder, or untick the "Start BitTorrent Sync when Windows starts" option
  17. Yes. Wait for the API! See "Is there an API available" in the Unofficial FAQ
  18. Sync monitors folders in "real-time", however, as a "fall back" it also does a complete rescan every 10 minutes. If you set the "folder_rescan_interval" setting much higher, this will not affect "real time" monitoring, just complete folder rescans
  19. You would need the following: 1) A "crossover" network cable - a standard "straight" RJ45 network cable won't work 2) Each device would need to be assigned its own static IP 3) You can then use the "Predefined Hosts" settings in each devices Sync to enter the static IP of the other device
  20. This is already present in the Windows version - just right click on the Sync tray icon and select "Pause Syncing"
  21. Your UC2 can already be achieved - rather than adding a single root folder to Sync, simply add each sub-folder as its own sync - then just distribute the relevant sub-folder secrets to appropriate users. If you wish then wish to "backup" all the sub-folders to another device, you could sync each individual sub-folder to that "backup" device also. Your UC3, where remote data is "permanently destroyed" would be near impossible to implement! Even if data within a sync folder could be "destroyed", what would stop a user copying files out of a sync folder first to another non-sync location? UC4 is available in the Android version also
  22. Install Sync on your new device, then try copying across the "settings.dat" file from your original device (located in %APPDATA%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync)
  23. The latest public Android build is 1.1.38, available in the Play store as of 3 September
  24. It would be helpful if you shared what Operating System you're running!!!
  25. By default, BitTorrent servers negotiate and establish the connection between your devices (unless you disable these options, and use Search LAN or Predefined Hosts settings instead). So, in a nutsheel, your "secret" is encrypted & transmitted to BitTorrent Sync servers. These servers then return connection details for any other devices with that same secret, allowing your local copy of Sync to establish appropriate connections.