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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Try posting your suggestion over in the dedicated Mobile Wishlist thread - it will be more noticeable to the developers there
  2. Is one of your devices obtaining a new IP address each day at midnight? If a device's IP address changes when Sync is running, this may confuse a currently running instance of Sync. If this is the case, you could either: Assign a fixed IP address to the offending device, or router (if possible)As a workaround, setup a scheduled task to shutdown Sync at 23.59 and then execute it again at 00.01 each day
  3. If they are on the same subnet, your devices should be able to communicate directly with each other, therefore, if they're not then it's likely to be a setting (firewall, NAT, or otherwise) on your router that's preventing devices from directly communicating with each other.
  4. On Sync on your phone you can choose which files you wish to sync from your 5GB folder on your PC - this is termed "selective syncing"
  5. Please take a few moments to read the Unofficial FAQ - this question is answered there!
  6. Remember that Sync cannot sync files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. You may need to completely close iTunes on your devices for all your files to sync
  7. Please take a couple of minutes to read the Unofficial FAQ - Your question is answered there
  8. There has been a high demand for API keys, so you'll likely have to wait more than just a few hours before you receive a key, as it's not an automated process.
  9. It's likely that during your file copy process, the original timestamps of your files were not preserved. Therefore the two sets of "exact files" won't have appeared "identical" to Sync if they had different timestamps. "Identical" files to Sync have the same name, same size, and same timestamp. If one or more of these differs, Sync won't see files as "identical". So, if you're copying files from one device to another before adding them to Sync you need to make sure that their timestamps are preserved upon copy
  10. Settings -> Found an Issue? -> Send Feedback, will include logs with your feedback
  11. As already indicated earlier in the thread, this issue has now been resolved though for 1.2.x builds of Sync. If you're still running 1.1.82, it's worth updating
  12. Please update to the latest builds: 1.2.68 (Linux), 1.2.9 (Android) here
  13. I am merely quoting official advice from BitTorrent Inc on the matter!
  14. I also briefly experienced this yesterday whilst trying to access this forum - but going directly to and then navigating back to this forum through the forum index worked. I think this issue may due to the re-organization of the forums (i.e the Sync Hacks forum used to be a sub-forum of this one, but is now its own separate forum, and there's been the introduction of a Sync "Developers" forum also)
  15. A couple of things to check: Setting "lan_encrypt_data" to false should give you a speed boost over LAN Make sure "rate_limit_local_peers" is also set to false
  16. Even after you've executed as root "echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment" and run btsync?
  17. It may be that the volume/rate of traffic through your router to/from Sync is what's causing your router to throw a wobbly! To confirm or rule this out, try setting the "Limit download rate" and "Limit upload rate" settings within BitTorrent Sync so that the speed of traffic through your router is lower.
  18. Firstly, I'll assume that you have the necessary free space on your Android device? (i.e. 4GB) which case, it's likely to be down to the format of your microSD card. For example, under FAT32, the maximum allowed size of an individual file is approximately 4GB. This would explain why you're unable to sync files larger than 4GB.
  19. Lou, the page you refer to contains the plain text "Fill out this short form", with no link, this should be hyperlinked as "Fill out this short form"
  20. Lou, can I suggest that this thread is moved over to the new forum (and possibly pinned there)?
  21. 1.2.67 is now available - please update your devices to see if this resolves your issue.
  22. If you enable debug logging, and then analyze the resulting log file, that should give you a clearer idea of what's not syncing and why
  23. Remember that Sync cannot sync files when they are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. The interface will indicate that there is an amount of data waiting to be sent, but the transfer itself will only commence once the files in question have been closed in their respective applications. So the first thing to check is that the files you're trying to sync aren't currently open/locked/in use by other applications