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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. It's to do with the way the protocol works - the protocol (essentially a variant of the BitTorrent Protocol) isn't designed for copying files "locally" between different locations on the same device. In order for the functionality you desire to be added, either a new/different protocol would be required, or in order to achieve such functionality, files would have to be "copied off" your device to a remote device and then back again to a new location on your first device - not very efficient!! So please do remember that Sync is first and foremost a synchronization tool to keep files/folders in synch between multiple devices. It's purpose is not as a "backup tool" allowing you to backup from one part of your device to another - there are plenty of other tools available if that's what you're after.
  2. Hi and welcome to the Forum and to Sync! it possible that you didn't close the file and/or Quickbooks on your works machine? Sync can't sync files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications - this will likely be why your Transfers tab still shows that there is 8.7MB to transfer. Closing the file in Quickbooks and/or closing Quickbooks itself should then allow the file to transfer
  3. dmason, If you wish to believe I'm "making it up", that's up to you! - but as an Alpha Tester for Sync, I've been running various 1.2 builds for the past six weeks or so. However, as the team have chosen to keep specifics about 1.2 underwraps for the time being, I'm not in a position to elaborate more than I have already on precisely what's coming in 1.2! As for your "frustration" that changes are made to Sync without you personally being informed in advance - please do bear in mind that Sync is currently only in "beta", therefore things - sometimes significant things - can, and will change - often without notice - before Sync leaves Beta and becomes a "stable" product. If you don't like that, well, you probably shouldn't be using "beta" software!
  4. So... yes! (If you'd read my post): "Sync 1.2, which will include a whole host of performance improvements over 1.1.x, including, most notably improved transfer speed (in some cases twice that of 1.1.x builds) and lower memory usage (in some cases half that of 1.1.x builds), and there will also be improvements to .SyncIgnore and error handling.... essentially, the focus is on improving the core of Sync first, features will come later" You wanted information on Sync 1.2 - there it is! Further information on 1.2 has intentionally not been made public yet, and therefore, I am limited in what I'm able to share at this time, as I'd hope you can understand. So complain about my "lack of information" all you want (but perhaps not in this thread and it's become somewhat off-topic now!), but at least you've got some information on 1.2! - so please just be patient and wait! - Sync 1.2 will be available to general users in the near future, and then you'll be able to see for yourself the complete changelog!
  5. Not just yet! ...but Sync 1.2 is just around the corner!
  6. Yeah, pretty much what I said in reply to Tajnymag's identical post in the main thread!
  7. ":" is an illegal character in a Windows filename. The error you're seeing is because a ":" character is essentially being interpreted as a drive, and "8:" is not a valid drive! This is a limitation of the Windows file system, and not a "bug" with Sync. Please remember that Sync is a cross-platform application - therefore the names of the files/folders you're sharing should take that into account. For example, whilst Linux would happily allow two different files named "ABC.txt" and "abc.txt" to co-exist exist in the same folder, Windows would see these files as identical, and so only one would be permitted. The morals of the story: Avoid syncing files/folders containing characters that can be considered illegal on some operating systems, such as: \ / : * ? " < > |Don't have files with the same name (but different variations of character case) in the same folder The two are not mutually exclusive! Windows is an operating system, NTFS isn't! If you're running Windows on a NTFS partition ":" isn't allowed in a filename, if you're running Linux on an NTFS partition, ":" is allowed in a filename... the point I'm making is that NTFS isn't the issue here!
  8. The ability to handle "Nested Shares" is unlikely to be present in Sync 1.2. Handling "Nested Shares" is a pretty complex issue, that can cause all sorts of problems and "race conditions", and so if such support is ever to be introduced to Sync, don't expect it in time for 1.2
  9. There are really no more "specific notes" for 1.1.82, as this essentially just contains "Bug Fixes" - there are no new features with this build Expect more of a Changelog when 1.2 lands
  10. Please read the Unofficial FAQ. - .!Sync files are temporary files created by BitTorrent Sync when receiving incoming data transfers. If these persist and your files are not transferring, stop Sync on all your devices, manually delete all .!Sync files, and then restart Sync. However, please note though that Sync can't sync files when they are currently open/locked/in use by other applications - such as in you case, Excel. You will need to close these files in Excel and/or close Excel itself in order for these files to transfer. I would also suggest you use .SyncIgnore to prevent temporary files created by Microsoft Office from syncing
  11. Please update to v1.1.48 - available now in the Play Store v 1.1.48 Changelog - Added auto sleep functionality - Fixed mobile data usage - Battery life improvements
  12. Read the option carefully - it's actually "Search LAN" - unticking this box will not simply disable all transfers over LAN!! If you want to disable transfer completely right click on the taskbar icon and select "Pause Syncing"
  13. You might also be interested in this thread, as another user has also been working on an ebuild for Gentoo
  14. If you're running Sync on your Android/iOS device you CAN selectively sync!
  15. Whilst I'm not familiar with that particular VPN, if they say that "everything goes through" you should be alright! The way you can tell if your devices are connected directly or via a relay is to look at the device icons - please see "What do the device icons mean?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  16. Sync can't sync files that are open/locked/in use by other applications, until those files/applications are closed. It's likely that your IM software keeps the log file open whilst it's running. Closing the app should allow Sync to transfer your chat log
  17. Sync will always try to establish direct connections between your devices wherever possible (i.e. they are on the same LAN, or VPN). Where direct connections cannot be established, Sync will fall back to relayed connections (which will be slower)
  18. Well, as Lighting says, SQL Replication is probably your best bet. However, if this isn't an option, one potential "workaround" to allow Sync to run on a "Schedule" would be to setup a Scheduled Task in Windows to run BTsync.exe at a specific time each day, and then kill it again later.
  19. Remember that any changes you make to .SyncIgnore won't take affect until you restart Sync, and that your .SyncIgnore files need to be identical for the folder you're syncing on all your devices
  20. It's possible that the files your removed were removed whilst still transferring data, and therefore Sync is still waiting for them to complete (which they never will if the source files have been deleted) So, with Sync not running on any of your devices, check for and remove any .SyncPart, .SyncTemp and .!Sync files, then restart Sync. If that fails to resolve the issue, I'd suggest you remove the folders from Sync on both devices, and then add them back to Sync - this will cause a re-index of the folders.
  21. It's important to note that Sync won't sync files that are open/in use/locked by another application, as it common with databases. Sync will only be able to Sync them once they are closed by their respective applications. Therefore, Sync is not ideal if you require databases to be constantly in-sync in "real-time".
  22. In which case, it's probably worth updating the title of this thread to include the word "[sOLVED]" at the start, as your problem isn't Sync-related.
  23. I know you've said you've checked, but one or more of your devices system time will be incorrect. As a very last resort you could try increasing the advanced "sync_max_time_diff" setting, but as I say, you really need to check and sync the system clock on all your devices to correctly resolve this issue.