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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, just turn off the "Use Cellular Data" option!
  2. I think you've not quite understood what BitTorrent Sync is all about - it is a serverless, de-centralized way of syncing files. For example, let's assume you have 3 devices all syncing, labelled A, B, and C, Device C is on a slow network and you place a large file on A. The file will start transferring to both B and C. However, B and C can also transfer data between them. So if C is on a very slow connection, C will be able to obtain chunks of the file from both A and B. C will receive the completed file a lot quicker in this way than if it was only able to obtain it from one device (A).
  3. Please see the sticky thread, If you have a SyncApp Issue
  4. Also, even if your LAN is "gigabit", are the network adapters in your devices also "gigabit"? Your network & Sync performance will only be as fast as the slowest component in the system!
  5. Are you sure you have enough free space on your target device?
  7. Indeed. However, this isn't a Sync-related issue, so would be better posted in the General Discussion forum (incidentally, the forums are accessible via http as well as https)
  8. Firstly, check the icons in the devices tab - are they arrows or clouds? If they're clouds you're not connecting directly to these devices, and that'll be why your speed is lower. If they are arrows, check that "rate_limit_local_peers" is set to "false", and check that you've not limited the upload/download rates of Sync. In addition, if your devices have fixed IP addresses, you could disable the tracker, relay, Search LAN, and DHT options, and use the pre-defined hosts settings instead - this should give you a speed boost! If none of that works, check your router settings - some routers for example give higher priority to streaming media traffic, rather than generic traffic, etc meaning that Sync may not be able to use the full connection speed.
  9. Yes, it has indeed been a while since a new build, but the team are hard at work on Sync 1.2, which will include a whole host of performance improvements over 1.1.x, including, most notably improved transfer speed (in some cases twice that of 1.1.x builds) and lower memory usage (in some cases half that of 1.1.x builds), and there will also be improvements to .SyncIgnore and error handling.... essentially, the focus is on improving the core of Sync first, features will come later.... so watch this space!
  10. It depends on the position within the file where the data has changed that determines how much of it is re-transferred - Please see "When a file changes, does BitTorrent Sync transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  11. 1.1.82 essentially just contains bug fixes - there are no "new features" with this build. The team are gearing up for the release of Sync 1.2, therefore 1.1.82 is likely to be the last public build of the Sync 1.1.x branch
  12. Yes, assuming the devices are on the same physical local network, and have IP addresses in the the same range/subnet
  13. Ha! What, and expect them to just "memorize" a string of 30+ random characters?!
  14. What you're asking is not currently easily and directly achievable with the "consumer" edition of Sync. I suspect the functionality you're after, allowing you to easily deploy to a vast number of devices, will be available with the Enterprise/Business-grade edition of Sync, once that becomes available.
  15. Sync looks at the size of the file as well as its last modified date (or if no modified date is found, its creation date) An anti-virus scanner shouldn't be changing the modified date of files it scans, unless of course it detects a virus and attempts to "clean" the file
  16. Have you searched this forum for the word "TrueCrypt", as this topic has already been discussed a number of times. Due to the way that a TrueCrypt volume stores data, any change to it, however small, will result in the entire volume needed to the sync'd & transferred again. It's likely therefore that it's taking Sync a little while to re-index and subsequently transfer the 8GB file each time a change is made. As I say, do search the forum, as there are plenty of other discussions about syncing TrueCrypt volumes and their associated issues
  17. I know you say all your devices have the correct time and are sync'd to the same time server, but it'd be worth checking the actual time stamps on the files in question themselves to ensure they're valid (i.e. not set to 1 Jan 1970, or some arbitrary date/time in the future). If files were created/modified at a time when a system clock was previously incorrect, even if you then subsequently correct the system clock, the affected files will still remain with invalid created/modified timestamps from when the system clock was wrong... worth checking/ruling out at least!?
  18. Some suggestions that may help: Check what's being excluded from the sync in your .SyncIgnore files. Check that no files are open/locked/in use in other applications Check that files have valid timestamps
  19. ...and what exactly is this "backdoor" in BitTorrent Sync that you speak of!!??
  20. You are correct - whilst there is a simple indication of the amount of data being transferred and the transfer speed, there is no "progress bar" as such showing the "time remaining" at this time There is a dedicated Wishlist thread for such suggestions - feel free to add your idea there!
  21. To "immediately" delete files, it would be easier to just turn of SyncArchive altogether! (Folders -> Select Folder -> Folder Preferences -> Properties -> untick "Store deleted files in SyncArchive")
  22. There is no "recommended method" as such - how user's choose to share their "secrets" is up to individuals. One potential method, if you're really worried about your secrets being "intercepted" when sharing them with a friend/colleague via a single medium (for instance, in say an email), would be to split the secret up and send each part via a different medium - i.e. email say the first 8 characters of the secret to your friend, IM them the next 8 characters, send the next 8 characters in a text message, and then telephone your friend with the remaining characters... your friend just needs to then combine all the parts of the secret they've received via the various mediums, to construct the complete secret!
  23. There is no "visual" indication of whether a folder is read-only or read-write - the best way to determine this is to look at the folder's Secret - if it starts with an "R" it's a read-only folder. The OS will report the size of all files in a directory. Sync will only count the total size of files to be transferred (i.e. Sync won't take into account the size of .SyncIgnore, and .SyncID, etc, or any files you've set to exclude from syncing via .SyncIgnore) The 73.6MB number you're seeing is the amount of data remaining to be sent to other devices from that folder. If this number remains constant and doesn't go down, it likely indicates that you've got some files that are currently open/locked/in-use by another application. Closing these files in those applications, will then allow Sync to access the files and complete the transfer.