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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Sync attempts to scan for changes to files in realtime. In addition, however, it also performs a routine scan (default - every 10 minutes) of each folder its monitoring. This scan interval is configurable via the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting.
  2. No, it's not currently possible - please search the forum for "nested shares" - you cannot currently setup a new sync for a folder separately if its parent folder is already being synced
  3. Check the system time on all your devices - it may well be that if one or of your devices has an incorrect time, this can cause Sync to believe that newer versions of files are actually older versions, and therefore will move them to .SyncArchive. Ensuring all your devices clocks are synchronized with a time server may resolve your issue.
  4. I assume you've checked that The "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" setting has been set for each folder ? The advanced "sync_trash_ttl" setting has been set sufficiently high so as not to prevent auto-deletion of SyncArchive files? (default retention is 30 days)
  5. Have you seen this thread?!
  6. Hmm... strange! Also have a look at points 2 and 3 for the explanation of the error "Can't open the destination folder" in the Unofficial FAQ - it would be worth checking/ruling out these two things as well!
  7. By default, in addition to real-time monitoring of your files, Sync will also routinely re-scan each folder it's monitoring every 600 seconds (10 minutes) as a fail-safe to pick up any changes that weren't detected in real-time. These routine scans can prevent drives from sleeping. To workaround this issue, simply increase the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting to something more suitable that will allow you drives to enter a sleep state.
  8. The developers have previously indicated that they are keen for users to contribute other translations - see this thread - however, no further details on this have yet been made available.
  9. How can Sync handle this, if the underlying operating system itself sees "TEST.txt", "Test.txt" and "test.txt" as IDENTICAL!!?? - Short answer: It can't!! Yes, ok Sync could potentially show an alert on Linux whenever you rename a file in any folder that Sync is monitoring, but this still won't resolve the underlying problem that's due to the physical limitations of the Windows operating system! Whether such an "alert" is shown or not; you should still take extra care with your filenames when syncing between Windows and Linux, and ensure that you don't have files with essentially the same name, but letters in different cases, existing in the same Sync folder. The same is true of certain non-alpha-numeric "special characters". For example, the following individual characters are not allowed in filenames on Windows: \ / : * ? " < > | ..again, a limitation imposed by the operating system, not by Sync! Now, potentially this could/should perhaps be listed as a "Known Issue" within the Sync documentation, for those Linux users who aren't aware of this limitation of the Windows OS, but this is not a "bug" with Sync itself, it's a limitation of the operating system that has no easy solution, other than the workaround to be careful over the naming of "identical" files on Linux
  10. Sync is already available in German. In the Windows version, for example, just go to Preferences -> Language -> Deutsch
  11. This is a limitation of the Windows operating system, and therefore, not actually a problem with Sync itself! Let me explain - the files "TEST.txt", "Test.txt" and "test.txt", for example, can all co-exist in the same directory in Linux, and Linux will see them as three different files. On Windows, however, it's not possible for the files "TEST.txt", "Test.txt" and "test.txt" to all co-exist in the same directory - Windows won't allow it/will assume its the same files. Because Windows is unable to distinguish between these files, as a result, neither can Sync running on Windows enviroments - again, this is a limitation of Windows, NOT of Sync. For this reason you should take extra care with your filenames when syncing between Windows and Linux, and ensure that you don't have files with essentially the same name, but letters in different cases, existing in the same folder.
  12. Filenames beginning with a "~" are generally temporary files created by other applications. For example, when you open a file in Microsoft Office, it creates a temporary/lock file that starts with a "~". Sync is unable to sync files when they are open/locked/in use by other applications, as is generally the case with "~" files. To fix your current issue, stop Sync on all your devices, delete any .!Sync files on all you devices, then restart Sync on your devices Then, to prevent a repeat of this, you should probably consider excluding files starting with a "~" character from syncing by using your .SyncIgnore files.
  13. Installing/Running Sync as a Windows Service isn't natively supported at this time - but as you indicate, there are a number of interim "workarounds" in the forum to allow you to run Sync as a Windows service Yes! - but do also add it to the Wishlist Thread as the more often a particular feature is requested there, the greater priority will likely be given to implementing it!
  14. This will almost certainly happen at some point - right now, Sync is still in "beta" so the focus has been more on functionality than perhaps on the user interface and "user friendliness". There are some improvements coming to .SyncIgnore with Sync 1.2, but at some stage after that I would expect/hope there will be a more "user friendly" way to easily exclude items from syncing.
  15. The BitTorrent Sync protocol is a variation on the BitTorrent protocol - they are not identical/interchangeable. Specifics about the BitTorrent Sync protocol haven't been released by BitTorrent Inc at this time (don't complain about that here - there are plenty of other developer-bashing threads around the forums already! lol)
  16. The bottom line is, it's never a good idea or advisable to run multiple different file Synchronization software products on the same set of files! - it's always going to cause issues! You'd be best to either choose BitTorrent Sync OR DropBox for your file syncing needs. If you insist on using both, make sure that they don't "overlap" in terms of the files/folders they're syncing (or if that's not possible, as a last resort, you could try using BitTorrent Sync's .SyncIgnore features to exclude your DropBox folder from syncing)
  17. It's important to remember that Sync can't transfer files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. When Sync encounters such files it will wait until they are released by whichever application is currently using them, and then transfer them. During this "waiting", Sync will indicate that there is an amount of data waiting to be transferred. If your files are not open/locked/in use by other applications, It's safe to delete .!Sync files. Doing so should then prompt Sync to re-transfer any failed transfers, causing the "bytes remaining" count in Sync to return to zero.
  18. Well, it's likely that your machine had a different IP/MAC address before you upgraded to Windows 8 than it did post-upgrade. As Sync attempts to open a specific port on your router using uPnP, it will have opened a port for Sync which will have been assigned just to the IP/MAC address of your pre-upgraded machine. Post upgrade, you tried using the same port, but your router rejected it as the IP/MAC address didn't match the rule that had been previously configured when Sync was running under a different IP/MAC address (i.e.that port now forwards to a non-existant device) - therefore, simply selecting a new port in Sync resolves the issue!
  19. Are you talking about the Sync installer? In which case, this is common when executing files downloaded from the Internet
  20. A quick Google search will tell you that these files are not created by/related to Sync but by Outlook. For example, see this or this or this or this The above external links provide more information and offer ways to disable these files. Alternatively, if you don't want to "turn them off", you could always exclude them from syncing in your .SyncIgnore files
  21. As Lighting says, the latest version for Android devices should be installed from the Google Play Store. The current version is 1.1.48 (October 17, 2013). Installing from the Play Store will also mean that you can keep your app up to date!
  22. There's a thread on Supported NAS devices, which may give you something to go on!?
  23. As ismail said, changing the Listening Port fixed his issue - have you tried that?
  24. As Harold has indicated - this will be an issue with one of your device having an incorrect System Clock. The timezone itself is irrelevant as Sync references everything back to UTC when determining which files to transfer, etc. So one or more of your devices will have an incorrect time in whichever timezone its in. As a last resort you could increase the advanced "sync_max_time_diff" setting in Sync - but this should be considered a last resort. Every time this issue has popped up in the Forum (which is quite frequently!), the issue has always turned out to be a device with an incorrect time.
  25. At present, only if using the Android/iOS apps. Such functionality isn't available in the "desktop" editions of Sync at this time. Feel free to suggest it in the Wishlist thread though!