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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @B0re Do you mean that whole list of folders in Sync UI is gone? If yes - this is a known issue and is addressed in 2.3.4.
  2. @leopinheiro Sorry about that. This is a known issue that is present in 2.3.3 and happens when you close Sync. The bad thing about it is that you can't restore your folders unless you backed it up in advance. I'll warn all users in topic starter. BTW, if you've already wrote to support, can you please tell me ticket#?
  3. @vigilian Nothing in sync.conf. Although, there is another UI-less way to apply license on Linux: Run Sync with "--identity <username> --storage <path_to_designed_storage>" to create identity. Sync exits after creating and recording identity to specified storage folder. Run Sync with "--license <path_to_license> --storage <path_to_designed_storage>" to create identity. Sync exits after applying license to specified storage folder. Run Sync normally with your config file. Make sure that storage_path in your config points to same location as you used in #1 and #2
  4. @leopinheiro Which one shows access denied for you?
  5. @patoka No, we don't need log files in such case. VPN is way different business
  6. Dear community, Sync 2.3.4 is now available. You can get it via direct links below, via official download page or via "Check now" button. Build is not yet available via auto-update. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installer Package for OS X: OS X package Gzip archive for Linux: arm armhf i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64 Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64 A list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Latest Android build is now also available via direct link: 2.3.4 APK Latest Raspberry Pi package is available via direct link: 2.3.4 DEB Known issues and peculiarities: - Linux users please note: starting from 2.3.0, Sync now creates and uses storage folder (.sync folder) in current directory, not next to binary - Upgrading from 2.3.0-2.3.3 may remove your identity and folders. It is strongly advised that you backup your storage folder prior to upgrade to 2.3.4.
  7. @dido Sync does not preserve POSIX file permissions. All files created by Sync will belong to user and usergroup running Sync, file permissions set to user's umask. The only permission Sync preserves when transferring files is "execute".
  8. @carloxp The issue with all folders disappearing in 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 was already addressed in 2.3.4 (which is on the way). For the amount of files - I'm asking as amount of memory consumed by Sync is proportional to amount of files and folders it manages. It takes around 1.5 Kb of memory per file. So, the 100K of files and folders will force Sync to allocate around 150Mb of memory. So this info can give a hint if memory consumption is adequate or something is going wrong.
  9. @kamborio When installing, try use the "LOCAL SERVICE" account. Should work fine. I'm attaching simple sync.conf file. Don't change the filename, just drop it to your storage folder: for LOCAL SERVICE account: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync Service\ for SYSTEM account: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync Service\ Then restart the service. It'll listen to all available interfaces. Adding the ,"force_https": true to the config file in "webui" section will also enforce https, although it does not work on windows due to known issue (already fixed, will be available in 2.3.4) (And 4) Its not a debugging turned on, neither memory leak. I suspect it is bound to new flow of things in Sync core. There was an couple of issues addressed regarding mem and CPU usage in upcoming 2.3.4, although I'll be more than happy to peek into your debug logs to see if this is something we already fixed or that is something new. @carloxp Could you please provide an idea on how many folders and files you have in total added to Sync? Or, at least compare on what was the consumption ifor 2.2.7? Thanks! sync.conf
  10. Yes, it is possible. The mail template depends on your application language preference. So, if you set it to say Spanish - the template will also be in Spanish.
  11. @KawateTadako Investigation of your log has shown that file notifications could be the reason of indexing slowdown. I wonder if you could send us fresh logs after you disabled notificaitons? Please also mention this forum topic so support engineer who takes care of you will be aware of it. Thank you!
  12. @KawateTadako @MaBu81 We've recently found one more possible root cause. Starting from 2.3 we've fixed notifications over SMB (if SMB server and client support SMB 3.0, which seems to be your case, as logs contains number of notifications pending). All notified changes are pending the rescan and prolong the indexing. Could you please try disabling the "enable_file_system_notifications" power option on your NAS and see if your indexing will take the same amount of time as in 2.2.7? @repertor @gabled-bravado-dell @generator We need logs to see what happens on your machines. In general, indexing in 2.3 got kind of lower priority than other tasks performed by Sync, therefore it may last slightly longer, but it should not take several times longer.
  13. @mintwurm Yes, we've got several customers who confirmed sleeping of NAS after applying some settings. Could you please try and see if it works for you?
  14. @patoka Could you please check next folders for presence of crash dumps (*.dmp files, with timestamp approx. when you started Sync): C:\Users\<user_name>\Roaming\Bittorrent Sync C:\Users\<user_name>\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive
  15. @KawateTadako Try to do the following: Open regedit, navigate to HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{581FFA***********} (there can be several of those), find the path do DLL there. Open command line prompt, navigate to the folder with DLL and run the following command: regsvr32 -u <DLL_NAME> Reboot your OS (or just restart explorer.exe) After that, the log files and the DLL (which is also stuck) could be deleted.
  16. @kewiha Sync keeps all files changed or deleted on other peers in Archive by default. So, in your case files that are changed / deleted on linux will be me moved to archive on laptop and vice versa. There are several settings that affect this behavior: Folder preferences may restrict moving files to archive. Can be different for every folder. sync_trash_ttl (see power options) controls on how long files are stored. "0" means "forever", 30 days by default. max_file_size_for_versioning controls the maximum file size in megabytes. If file exceeds this value, only only one copy of this file will be stored in archive (no versioning). For Linux, you can either specify these vars in WebUI or put them directly in your config file.
  17. Hi Will, There are 2 ways : You need to backup whole storage folder. Though, you'll need to be careful and ensure that folders path does not change. Make your own config, with pre-defined folders (only standard folders supported). In this case, you'll need to keep only this config folder, Sync will create all other folders from it.
  18. @KawateTadako That't the log used by Sync shell extension. I wonder if you get any .dll files remnants in Sync's folder or only log?
  19. @MF14477 Thanks. We'll do our best to find out what has happened.
  20. @Shad0wWulf That's rather strange. Sync does not send magic packets which cause other peers to wake up. For the undelivered files - I suggest checking for any files / folders that Sync has no permissions to access, as well as checkning that there no any read-only files there.
  21. Hi @zwiebelbart, It is safe to delete all: *.journal * sync.log.<timestamp>.zip sync.log *.backup (folders) as .log and some of .journal files are locked while Sync is up and running - its better to delete'em when Sync is off.
  22. @Jig Generally, Sync is capable to work with OTG devices, although we got reports from our users that in certain cases (like, no ExtSD card in device at all) Sync can't reach external USB drive.
  23. @KawateTadako If you change files over SMB Sync still can receive notification from your NAS OS, though notification subsystem is less reliable than rescan. Although, if your files are updated via SMB it is in general not very good to change them with some other tools like Sync or anything else. Please see this article about SMB.