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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @mlaster The config file does not support new 2.0 folders (as they are cert-based), though it will work as before with classic 1.4 folders.
  2. @colinabroad Yeah, looks like a flaw in history. I'll check if we can fix it.
  3. @crash893 Sync can listen to any port you configure in Sync's preferences. Just change the "Listening port".
  4. @lorccan Moving folder across volumes is more bound to filesystem limitations - it is not moved, it is copied - and old copy deleted. Therefore Sync can't track it (and scanning all drives is way too heavy operation). We are looking for ways to make it more easy and lightweight.
  5. @piersh 1) It happens as you added more folders. You can make window bigger - Sync will remember that for next launch. 2) Fixed in 2.0 - right click menu is available and copies what we have in "..." menu 3) This is a known issue, we'll address it in future.
  6. @mexter Yes. Folder type does not matter. @enterfornone Read-only folders are not available between devices added to "My devices" mesh. We are aware of this limitation and going to fix it in future. For now you can just make a separate identity for your backup PC.
  7. @hungarianhc This is "My folders" feature - it automatically propagates / removes folders. Actually, all new folders can be added in "Disconnected" mode by default. I.e. They are present in the list, but actually not synced - you need to tap it first to actually connect. So you can keep your folder in "Disconnected" state on mobile. Alternatively, you can create a new identity on mobile. In this case it won't get any folders automatically and you'll need to scan QR every time you want to connect folder.
  8. This is the only way to test I can share at the moment. @el_milagro I'll check we can do something to check it easier @smajor Don't make yet another conspiracy theory. It is just out of design.
  9. @Napperkt Your friend will have his own folder list. And yes - free is working just fine with Pro.
  10. @rstarkov Was fixed in 2.0. @colinabroad There are many changes in 2.0 comparing to 1.4 in terms of core and fixes. Majority of issues reported on forums and via app feedback were addressed in 2.0, so indeed it is unlikely that you encounter something new in 1.4 For the 1.4 - as it was mentioned by @kos13, we can't shut it down, it can work even without a tracker and relay servers. Existing tracker and relay are fully compatible to 1.4. Also, 1.4 will be available on for downloading.
  11. @zbigb69 I'm a bit confused with your question. Could you please elaborate?
  12. @zbigb69 There is no conversion. You simply disconnect folder and connect it as 2.0 folder.
  13. @dieseltwitch You are likely using 1.4 Beta - it has no folder limitation. If you don't need any features mentioned above - I see no point in moving to Pro.
  14. @arlinsandbulte Starting Win7 and newer. I agree for Vista is missing message box - will be fixed.
  15. @arlinsandbulte Move the time forward on your PC to emulate license expiration. Make sure to do it on all peers involved. Make sure you are working ONLY to test files as they are going to receive new timestamps which are not going to be valid when you return the time back to normal.
  16. @duch It might be latest 1.4 release. We don't plan any more changes in 1.4 at the moment.
  17. @spamminator Yep, identity is a part of free tier and My Devices folders are part of Pro. For the folder reconnection - you can always produce a link and reconnect it via link. In Sync Free new folders (and folders removal) are not distributed over My Devices - so you have to maintain it manually. When the license runs out (Sync will warn you in advance) My devices won't longer sync new folders / deleted folders. Existing folders will sync with some changes: on-demand folders will turn into sync-all folders and will get paused. Also, user access control will not let you do any changes. @fdbryant3 Actually, the identity is created more for the user convenience. Identity data is not sent to bittorrent servers. You can put whatever name you want to identity, just know that it will be shown to you when you operate Sync and will be shown to other people when you exchange links with them, so just make sure they recognize you. Technically, identity is a key pair with public key wrapped into x509 certificate. It is used to authenticate when 2 peers start talking, to generate session key. Identity in 2.0 is very similar to what is in 1.4, though 2.0 also allows use it to automatically share data about user's folders. This is brief overview. We'll prepare more tech info on user identity for Knowledge Base.
  18. @zeropluszero The issue with DB was present in 1.4 as well, 2.0 is simply not as loyal to it as it may cause damage. For the reconnecting - it should only ask once. Could you plz provide exact steps on what are you doing and what happens?
  19. @FFAMax Actually, key (formely - secret) is generated locally. You can put Sync to completely isolated OS and it will generate a key for you. Also, you can generate your own key - just generate 20 random bytes, base32 encode them and add leading symbol "A" to get a full 33-symbols working key. Note, that 2.0 is using certificates and asymmetric key pairs instead of secrets - though key pairs are also generated locally.
  20. @arguser Thanks for sharing the link @benguild Sync 2.0 supports boths new 2.0 folders and classic 1.4 folders, so when you upgrade your Sync it will leave existing folders as is. If we compare 2.0 and 1.4 folder briefly, we'll get: 2.0 folders are: - certificate-based (you can't copy key and should always use link, also more secure than key) - support user access change 1.4 folders are: - key-based (you can copy and distribute key or link) - do not support user access change or on-demand sync.
  21. @lupus Briefly: No. We are looking for solution. In details: Its not a Sync bug, it's more interoperability issue between Office (and some other apps) and Sync - as Office tends to open file for exclusive use and fail immediately when OS prohibits that. There are couple of solutions possible (including delay which was working in 1.3) though each has significant drawback and we are looking for another, most optimal.
  22. @zeropluszero The "foldererror110" message indicates that database connected to your sync folder is corrupt. Sync won't sync anything as working with corrupt DB may cause some unwanted effects - like, syncing older files over newer ones. DB can be corrupt if application crashes, improperly closed, etc. The quick fix for it is to re-add the folder. Did you notice what was happening when the error popped up?
  23. @zeropluszero I've moved your question to relevant subforum and will answer there.
  24. @michaelk42 Its not going to. You can stay with whatever version you want. No one forces you to 2.0. If you search the forums (especially topics with "build" tag), you'll realize that 1.4, and 1.3, and other older versions are still available for downloading and usage. @all 1.4.111 is available here.
  25. @all, here is the 1.4.111 topic Though it is strongly advised to upgrade to 2.0. It contains much more ubiquitous fix for out of sync and should resolve all issues that we've found in logs of users, who reported in this topic.