BitTorrent Sync for iOS Bug reports and feature requests


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I seem to have found a bug with the Camera backup. Many GB were backed up successfully, but the iOS app now reports "Uploading 7.6 MB" and "Connecting". It reports this constantly. The backup was stopped and started a few times, but always resumed correctly.

When adding a new photo to iOS, it gets synced over immediately - and then stops at "Uploading 7.6 MB". The other client (Mac OSX 1.1.69) reports "Finished Syncing with iOS device". There are no files with !.sync & I've deleted a few from the backup and I've tried restarting the iOS app.

Thanks for releasing this app - should be very useful.

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Thank you for the feedback!

I know there's the tracker and relay options and what they control, but I wish it was just more clear for the average user what that all means. Like, wording around "If you want to only sync on your internal network, use these options"... and "if you want to...", etc. Or just more user friendly descriptions of tracker and relay, maybe. Anyway, that's minor.

We will add this in next releases. Please, follow our updates!

We are trying to reproduce your bug with .xml file, will fix it in the next versions.

I seem to have found a bug with the Camera backup. Many GB were backed up successfully, but the iOS app now reports "Uploading 7.6 MB" and "Connecting". It reports this constantly. The backup was stopped and started a few times, but always resumed correctly.

When adding a new photo to iOS, it gets synced over immediately - and then stops at "Uploading 7.6 MB". The other client (Mac OSX 1.1.69) reports "Finished Syncing with iOS device". There are no files with !.sync & I've deleted a few from the backup and I've tried restarting the iOS app.

Thanks for releasing this app - should be very useful.

This is a known issue. It's because you've deleted several files from backup folder on your PC. We are working on it.

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When using the "Share files" feature, the received folder name for devices containing spaces gets truncated at the first space. For example: the sending device is called "Matt's iPad" and the folder structure on the receiving device would be "Received/From Matt's/" instead of "Received/From Matt's iPad/".

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When using the "Share files" feature, the received folder name for devices containing spaces gets truncated at the first space. For example: the sending device is called "Matt's iPad" and the folder structure on the receiving device would be "Received/From Matt's/" instead of "Received/From Matt's iPad/".

Yeah, that is the bug! Will fix it. Thank you for pointing us.

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Another user Racoon wrote it better than I could:

"One of the very few disadvantages of bt sync is that both computers should be on and online while syncing.

Well for most people, your phone is always on and always online, so why not use it for central server/cloud?

Seems like 64gb micro sd is the most, most modern phone support (if there are phones supporting more please do say) and in case that's enough for you, i don't see why not install bt sync on your phone as well and use it for "server".

It's just an idea i just got, so would like to discuss it and see if you guys see any major disadvantages to it?

My first thought is how this would affect the battery life? "

Would this be possible in future updates? or would implementing it bring down the wrath Apple and get the app banned form the app store.

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Works great, except I noticed when transferring large files, the transfer rate becomes really slow because it used up a lot of battery power, my transfer rate became fast again when I plugged in my iphone. I guess, make sure your phone is plugged in when using this app and transferring large files. Also I have an icon to save to camera roll but it is not saving the file. My wish list is --- I would like to be able to import the file from my iphone to another computer by wire. I tried this on my 2 laptops with windows 7, and iphone and worked well. However, wont work with my classic IPAD since it does not have a camera.

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If I use this to automatically sync music files from my computer to my iPhone, is there a way to get the music files from the Sync folder on the phone to Music so I can play them? I understand it works (automatically) syncing pictures, but what about other content that is playable on an iPhone?

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Would this be possible in future updates? or would implementing it bring down the wrath Apple and get the app banned form the app store.

A good question! I don't have answer on it for now. BitTorrent Sync is in AppStore and that's great, then we will see what we can do and what we can't! But we are working on improving BitTorrent Sync.

If I use this to automatically sync music files from my computer to my iPhone, is there a way to get the music files from the Sync folder on the phone to Music so I can play them? I understand it works (automatically) syncing pictures, but what about other content that is playable on an iPhone?

We can't do this because of Apple restrictions. But you can sync video and music files to iOS device and play them directly in BTSync.

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I like the index-view of shared items before downloading, but it seems to make one thing impossible: deleting files from the iOS interface. If a folder was set up as master on the iOS client through "Connect mobile", it is impossible to delete items from the folder, as the interface only allows to download and then delete the file from the device but NOT from the folder itself. The file will still be visible (without the tick mark), which is what I expect from read-only folder, but not master ones.


When iOS devices add files to a share, the filename gets appended with a date stamp, e.g. '2013.08.28'. Would it be possible to change it and adhere to ISO 8601, which uses the format of '2013-08-28'? I know this seems like a small issue, but as there are so many different ways of describing the date around the world, this one is internationally recognised.

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Bug: After syncing and removing some files between my PC and iOS, the BTS document folder on the iPhone still takes up 500MB, although according to the app no files are synced on the device. Autosync is off and the previously synced files have been deleted. Connecting the iPhone to my PC, iTunes also shows in the app documents section that BTS takes up 500MB on the device. I'm not sure if those are temp files that are not cleared correctly or what else to do except deleting the whole app. Any suggestions?

Also, the one with the QR/name order thing.

Request: Please leave the original image names from the photo roll instead of renaming them automatically by time/date. So annoying! If you do so to avoid name conflicts, just iterate the original file names.

Otherwise, great software!

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not sure if this is really a bittorrent sync problem but when syncing audiobooks in m4b format to my iphone (4, 5.1.1) i can't open them in any application. they aren't offered in the open with list, it offers stuff like teamviewer and dropbox, even ifile but ifile can't open the files with it's audioplayer either.

same files synced through itunes open fine. ideas?

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not sure if this is really a bittorrent sync problem but when syncing audiobooks in m4b format to my iphone (4, 5.1.1) i can't open them in any application. they aren't offered in the open with list, it offers stuff like teamviewer and dropbox, even ifile but ifile can't open the files with it's audioplayer either.

same files synced through itunes open fine. ideas?

Looks like you don't have any applications that handle m4b extension on your iPhone. iTunes doesn't register itself as m4b extension handler. Try to find any application which opens and plays .m4b files in AppStore.

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The application of bit torrent to mobile syncing is genius. It has worked well so far. For my purposes of document sharing, I think the following features are necessary to make it truly a Dropbox replacement:

  • iPad native app - this is huge to work with the documents
  • search the document titles - this should be recursive though all subfolders
  • Ability to send documents to the BT Sync app to have them uploaded to the other syncing devices. Of course this necessitates the ability to choose the subfolder in which to upload.

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iOS BT Sync app is just what doctor ordered, guys. And special thanks for Russian translation - so good quality.

Feature requests:

1. Please provide the possibility to store image and movie files at iPhone's synced folders to camera roll.

2. Now to add photo album at iPhone to synced folder I need to open it and select each picture. It would be better to select full album and add it as folder.

3. "Open in" function of BT Sync iPhone app for any file type.

4. More 'advanced' photo / video viewer inside BT Sync app - to look at synced photo/video albums. More or less as 'Photos' internal iPhone/iPad app.

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An API on the iPhone would be awesome !

Example: my data are protected with boxcryptor on my different laptops.

If I want to access them from my iphone (with the help of BTsync or Dropbox) I have to use BoxCryptor for iPhone.

It's not a problem for Dropbox or any kind of WebDav provider.

But since I've moved to BTsync (from Dropbox) I'm unable to access my data on my mobile.

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Looks like you don't have any applications that handle m4b extension on your iPhone. iTunes doesn't register itself as m4b extension handler. Try to find any application which opens and plays .m4b files in AppStore.

no. m4b is the apple standard for audiobooks, and is natively recognized by idevices.

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