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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. Nolime, Could you share your logs so we can see all the bunch of messages there?
  2. t1279k, They are stored in the phone's internal memory, in BTSync private folders. We plan to add functionality to save BTSync data to SD card in future and add possibility to add videos in phone's library.
  3. Odilbert, There is no way. Once you've selected file for downloading - it will be synced forever, i.e. if you remove it - it will be removed from other peers also. I consider putting your proposal into API wish list.
  4. Dpx, Thanks for the idea. We'll consider it when will adjust folders list.
  5. in either .sync folder - or in your "storage" folder if you configure sync with config file.
  6. prosciutboy, Glad to hear you've found a workaround and now it works for you!
  7. ashgotti, Are you using BTSync generated secret? Are you copy-pasting it or deliver manually? Could you please check several things: 1) it has length of 33 symbols, all are capital letters and digits 2) first letter is either A or B.
  8. Thank you Scott. I think that I might try to catch it in the debug logs, if the .conflict folders still appear for you. Can you collect debug logs?
  9. 1.3 installation could affect it. I suggest deleting your settings.dat and settings.dat.old files. The issue should disappear after that.
  10. Stanha, Default log rotation renames sync.log to sync.log.old every 10 megabytes, while old sync.log.old is deleted. When you see this happening - what is the size of your log? Also, could you please see what is the value of advanced preference "log_size"?
  11. firecat53, Can you share your scenario? What were you doing when you get .conflict files / folders appearing?
  12. firecat53, Are you starting btsync with config or just using WebUI? In first case changes done in WebUI won't be saved.
  13. ionoxx, Sorry - can't say precise ETA for now. It should be released soon.
  14. ionoxx, Thank you for reporting. This issue is already fixed, in next Android update will be delivered to Google Play. Roman.
  15. guigolum, FLACs are pretty big files, so it might make some CPU load while BTSync hashes all of them. After making initial hash tree it should consume few CPU power.
  16. Mbi, Linux does not accept Mac's xattrs. For now I can advise only adding them to SyncIgnore, however they won't be synced to other Macs then.
  17. jerue, You have rather complex setup. As a quick test I suggest trying to set predefined hosts on each of QNAPs to point one to another. If you want to understand fully what is happening, you'll need to debug it a little bit. Let me describe how BTSync works: Every peer contacts the tracker, over UDP port 3000 and let tracker know the share ID, peer IP:port in the LAN and peer's external IP:port. The tracker in response shares the same info about other peers it knows with the same share ID. Then peer tries to contact other peers on both local and external IP:port. In your case it means that it fails both ways. Strange thing here is that if direct connection fails, both peers will try to connect via relay server - which is not happening in your case. I consider checking your firewall settings as well.
  18. jerue, How both sites are connected to the internet? How IPs are set up in both sites - are they same subnet or different subnets?
  19. Yair, Readfile error is not critical error. Indeed, it happens due to some other apps open file exclusively. Inability to map port over PMP is also not critical - either UPnP or hole punching might work. I suspect that issue might be bound to your firewall \ other security software installed on your PCs. As a test you can try to disable your firewalls temporarily. Also, if you drop me your debug logs (from both machines) - I'll take a look what could be wrong with your sync.
  20. Jimmy, We need BTSync debug log (sync.log and sync.log.old), preferably both set to debug mode prior issue reproduction, from 2 peers. Also, closing btsync indicates that it crashes, so we need core dumps. Core dumps must be also enabled prior to reproduciton by command in terminal "ulimit -c unlimited", btsync then must be started in the same terminal window.
  21. Great. Let's continue there.
  22. tuxpoldo, 100msec is still very fast. Does it make any functional problems / issues for your UI?
  23. Jimmy, I meant sync.log and sync.log.old. It should be stored in your storage folder, if you did not configure it - .sync subfolder in the same folder where binary is.