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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. GreenLED, From BTSync POV doing something with the file while paused is the same as doing something with the file when it is being synced. In this case the seeding peer which detected file change will have to recall file metadata and let other peers know. If changes are massive (more than 90% of the file or more than max_file_size_diff_for_patching) - file will be downloaded from scratch. Otherwise it will keep already-downloaded part. Even paused, BTSync still merges trees, messages and other service information. I suggest checking API. You can determine folder status and if upload and download are "0" it means that folder is fully synced and you can gracefully shut BTSync down.
  2. pseudonym, That's rather strange. BTSync usually connects to tracker, relay, auto-update service and other peers. The behavior you describe is only possible if DHT is enabled. Could you please share the traffic capture (also please let me know what is the listening port in your setup). Thanks!
  3. exctorrent, Looks like: 1) Your Android is not sending notifications about files change 2) PC can't delete files by some reason. I suggest opening support ticket (please attach debug logs from both peers).
  4. Benchi, If machines are in the same subnet - BTSync will prefer TCP. Otherwise - UDP, however if UDP is not available it should try TCP. Could you please collect debug logs so I can take a look what is happening on your PC? ShedoSurashu, Thats more to the Wishlist.
  5. This means that while file is being downloaded by Android device - you can cancel it by tapping the cross icon to the right of filename. It does not allow to un-sync files.
  6. Kenninaz, This feature (Selective Sync) is now available for mobile devices only. We've got a bunch of requests to implement it, so it is in the wish list for sure.
  7. Stanha, I suggest adding your proposal in Wishlist as well.
  8. Send dumps to me. We'll do our best to find the root cause.
  9. Ken, Could you please send a feedback from your Android (and tap a "Send logs" checkbox while sending)? When filling a feedback - please add couple of folder names that are not syncing and couple of folder names that were added later and synced successfully. Thanks!
  10. Herbtea101, I can advise trying to determine what is the GMT time on your PCs to see which one has incorrect timezone. For Linux and Mac you can run "date -u" in terminal, for windows command a bit more complex: "for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do set %%x" (you might need to put it in batch file). There is no way I know to determine the same for iOS. To get BTSync working, calculated GMT time on your peers must be equal.
  11. FozzTexx, Could you please send me a crash report? It should be stored in "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports", just pack all the files with "BitTorrent" in the name.
  12. hungarianhc, Crash / core dump will be enough to find the root cause.
  13. jfitie, Most likely your volume file was not synced at all. TrueCrypt does not change file size or mtime due to security reasons, that's why BTSync cannot actually detect that file was changed. There is a setting in TrueCrypt which forces to adjust mtime every time when volume file is actually changed. Please set it and BTSync will sync TC volume with no issues.
  14. Avim, Thanks a lot for attaching proper debugs. We'll take a look at dump and see why hang occurs and how it can be fixed.
  15. heehee62, Due to Android 4.4 limitation BTSync can't write data to other apps folders on ExtSD. So for now BTSync won't be able to backup anything staying behind his folder on ExtSD. We are looking for ways to change it in future.
  16. night_runner, The device discovery issue in 1.3 is known and will be fixed. How many files / folders do you have on your RPI? What was CPU consumption on 1.2?
  17. Jay Janssen, Is your "auto sleep" enabled? How quickly is your battery drained when BTSync is on? Isn't making initial sync of large amount of files (which might prevent it from sleep)?
  18. Hi Jindra, Actually the .htupload folder from file API POV does not differ from the rest of folders and should be processed accordingly. I suspect that in your case it might have different access permissions. Please check that user running btsync process has actual RW access to this folder.
  19. 7UpMan, The issue most likely covers in your Windows firewall settings as it blocks incoming connections from Internet. Just as a test - try disabling your firewall and see if it helps.
  20. They are identical only on Windows. All other platforms treat it as different filenames, while BTSync is cross-platform tool. @firstzerg, please wait for the next build where issue is likely to be resolved.
  21. Benchi, on 26 Mar 2014 - 1:47 PM, said: BTSync 1.3 tries both. If UDP does not work - it will attempt TCP connection. What is not working in your case - could you elaborate?
  22. Hi Paul_Kingtiger, Is your Winphone configured to send crash reports to Microsoft? If yes, we'll get it an see what happened in your case.
  23. Ok, thanks for the feedback. Notifications were redesigned in 1.3. As I mentioned, it will be changed soon to more convenient view.
  24. Quick, Your second machine should get the photos from first one, if they were not changed. If file on a RO peer gets changed / removed, RO peer won't longer seed it to other peers. I suggest checking if your 2 computers are displayed in "Devices" tab when your iPhone is off-line. If PCs are not displayed - it looks to be some connectivity issue and they simply can't reach each other. Which version of BTSync do you use? Also, removing photos on iOS device won't trigger their removal on PCs which are used for backup.