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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. BTS, TIndeed, it is a usability issue but there are huge amount of tech issues behind full implementation of so-called "Nested folders". Currently BTSync supports only limited implementation of nested folders - which forces both folders to be RW.
  2. Do you mean ZXing Barcode Scanner? What do you mean that secret is not in the corresponding field? Could you please make a screenshot? Thanks!
  3. myuchan, Some of the Andorids actually limit file size to 2 or 4Gb regardless of the underlying file system. Could you please collect logs on your Android device ("Send feedback", agree to send logs, put the reference to forum topic) so I can check if this is the issue indeed? Thanks!
  4. sachben, Which version of BTSync do you use? Also, I would appreciate if you can collect debug logs from both your peers - i'll try to find out what is happening on your Macs. Thanks!
  5. piotrnik, The .SyncIgnore file can be edited manually.
  6. Jimmy, We'll need your debug logs ("Send feedback" in Android) to find what is happening. The file might get deleted as you killed the app. Thanks!
  7. piotrnik, The feature you are looking for (Selective Sync) is now only available for mobile platforms. On PC you have only one option to restore deleted folder - tell BTSync to re-sync all the data, which will force you either to delete all unnecessary folders again - or add them to .syncignore manually.
  8. Sledge77, Microsoft advises to check the file system and update .Net framework, however BTSync does not use .Net framework which leaves you with option #1 only. Could you please send me: 1) A screenshot of the issue 2) When it happens - open the TaskManager, process tab, and a list of processes you have there? Another screenshot would also be fine.
  9. Szpadel, Please try just released 1.3.80 - it has the fix for your crash.
  10. Hi all, We've just prepared new build for desktop clients, 1.3.80. Change list below. Desktop client 1.3.80 - Fixed crashes (Windows, Linux platforms) - Added full path column - Fixed issue with QR codes on Mac - Improved installer - Fixed issue with speed calculation for many small files Previous change list available here.
  11. Killa, A bit more details? When does the error happens? Do you see it in console or in log? Was the previous version worked? What is your platform?
  12. em5, Encrypted nodes creates additional load to ARM CPUs not because of calculating some check sum, but because of the very fact of necessity to decrypt data. ARM CPUs has no built-in hardware decryption capability, therefore the decryption is done by CPU itself. While decrypting of humble amount of data may show no big difference, any significant amount will overload CPU greatly. And it does not matter a lot which algorithm we are going to utilize unless it has hardware support.
  13. GieltjE, Right. Sample config just gets a little bit behind the actual code. We are going to update it.
  14. Szpadel, Thanks for providing crash report. We've identified the root cause and will issue a fix shortly.
  15. mike20021969, all, I would avoid getting this build for now. It has not passed QA cycle yet. I usually announce on the forum once we have a build suitable for deployment. So use 1.3.78 only at your own risk.
  16. Apelsin, Thanks for reporting. We'll see how it can be dealt with.
  17. Scus, If you are running 2 instances of BTSync on a single PC, I would advise the following: 1) Make sure that you have different listening ports 2) Make sure that your 2 instances have different storage path 3) Make sure they are configured over config, not WebUI. In general, for such setup disable webUI (it stores some data in cookies, so it might conflict if you have multiple instances on one PC)
  18. tehabe, if the QR code can't be scanned with 3rd party applications, the issue covers either in malformed QR code OR in your nexus device. Could you please provide a QR so I can check it is okay? Also, I guess you checked the simple stuff (Nexus is focused on QR code, it is not over-highlighted or or too dark)?
  19. zaphon, Currently BTSync RO peer just ignores files that are not on the file tree received form RW peer. I suggest dropping your suggestion into Wishlist.
  20. BTS, This error indicates that your ~/Sync folder is already added to sync. When you are trying to add a subfolder of synced folder - they both must have RW access.
  21. bez, In general it is very bad idea to set the future mtime for the files as BTSync relies on the mtime when adding files to its internal tree. If files are in far future, they will be always consider as "latest" version regardless on where their copies were changed - and will roll back the changes made.
  22. hungarianhc, We did not publish 1.3.77 to the auto-update yet. So just reinstall it manually. Chewie198, Could you please: 1) enable debug logging and drop me a debug log 2) make a core dump of btsync process once it stops responding for webUI and consumes 100% CPU.
  23. PacketMan, This is the design. File is actually not deleted on iOS, but "un-synced". iOS has no fully functional file system available for apps, so we have to limit the deletion of files on iOS. Your Win and Android clients are fully functional, that's why file removal is propagated on all other peers.
  24. 7UpMan, We did not put a 1.3.77 to an automatic updates yet. That's why it is not warning you that new version is available.