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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. kgunther, I suggest waiting a while for the full rescan on Android. If it does not help - try removing sync folder and adding it again, in this case BTSync purges the database. Let me know if it helped.
  2. nicopizza, Usually btsync binary goes in tar ball archive with execute attr, so you don't need to set it. Also, in your config file there is redundant comma symbol. Also, I'd advise to config your shares directly in the config files, or you won't have one. BTSync stores all the data in it's own format config files, native for all BitTorrent products. So would it be config file or webui configuring BTSync, at the end of day settings are converted and stored into the internal format.
  3. heehee62, The initial setup looks okay. Couple of questions to see where the issue might be covering: 1. Which version do you use? Would it be 1.3.67 - you might encounter a known issue with local peers discovery. 2. Do you see your Android device in "Devices" tab on your PC? If no - it looks to be a connectivity issue between phone and PC. 3. When your phone is connected to Internet over 3G - does the same issue reproduces?
  4. zuzibivoxale, Would be great if in ticket sent thru Android you'll mention this forum topic.
  5. Stanha, Notifications in 1.2 are somewhat annoying and are shown for the every file downloaded. Could you describe what was the actions / event after which you started getting notifications? Also, debug log from that peer might help. Roman.
  6. schteff, Jimhaddon, Looks like the process crashes, especially if you say that WebUI is functional for few seconds. Do you see any core dump files near binary or in storage folder? If no, try running ulimit -c unlimited command in terminal, then run btsync in the same terminal window.
  7. elektrokokke, If you are using default folder settings, files deleted or modified on RO peer are not going to be re-synced. BTSync remembers the fact that they were changed and is not going to re-sync them. Also, deleted / modified files are no longer going to be seeded to other peers (while RO peer will seed files to other hosts unless they are changed). So your setup is going to work. Just note that server B has to be cleaned up manually.
  8. all, This is a param of a first level. Here is a sample config for it: { "device_name": "Mint CONF", "listening_port" : 0, // 0 - randomize port "storage_path" : "/home/test/BTSync1367/.sync", "check_for_updates" : true, "use_upnp" : true, // use UPnP for port mapping "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "admin", "password" : "password" }, "folder_rescan_interval" : 567, "shared_folders" : [ { "secret" : "xxx", "dir" : "/home/test/use", "use_relay_server" : true, "use_tracker" : true, "use_dht" : false, "search_lan" : true, "use_sync_trash" : true } ]}
  9. No-no-no! Archive it (it should be packed well due to numerous repeating messages) and send to me for analysis . After that you can stop btsync and delete it. And disable debug logging to stop it growing so rapidly.
  10. patoka, wandogau, I wonder - is there a way to get sync.log and sync.log.old from your affected computers? Thanks!
  11. thelinuxfr, Probably no. We are preparing fix for this issue, should be released soon.
  12. nicopizza, There are 2 modes of running btsync on Linux-based platforms. 1) WebUI. You just run btsync, then access the IP of your box over port 8888 to reach webUI 2) Config. You make a config file and run btsync with "--config <config_file_name>" command to force it grabbing all the configuration from config file. On linux, you can adjust advanced parameters only with 2nd way. I suggest that you are running it with WebUI.
  13. taskdone 1. BTSync should run just fine on Android device with no cellular data. We've tried to run btsync on Ouya and couple of other platforms running with Android (with different NIC configurations - wifi + LAN, only wifi, LAN stick connected to USB, etc.), no issues encountered. You might play with the setting "Use cellular data" if you have more than one NIC adapter. Could you please share what is not working for you? 2. What do you mean under "special ReadOnly Key"? You can generate a pair of keys in advance, prior to installing a client to Android using either UI in Win / Mac, or console on Linux. Could you please elaborate this question?
  14. peteac, If you set a folder_rescan_interval to "0" it will not rescan your sync folder on startup. However, it is not going to rescan it later as well and BTSync will fully rely on system notifications.
  15. patoka, Does the netbook stores its sync folders on SMB share, flash driver or any other removable storage? After files were removed on your PCs - do they still stay in sync folder on netbook?
  16. gamor Could you please check the following: 1. Disable your firewall on W2008, see if issue occur. 2. Make sure that your corporate firewall is not blocking UDP and TCP port 3000 for, The fact that you don't see other devices on W2008 is indicating that it cannot reach tracker server.
  17. Dahaniel, Even with fixed issue of waking up HDDs, default value of folder_rescan_interval is 10 minutes. I suggest adjusting it via config file to some bigger value.
  18. Right. You can sync between routed subnets. Tracker is not necessary if you predefine hosts and ports. I'm missing your question. I would advise add a list of pre-defined hosts to all 5 your NASes. One in Area B should know of 4 existing NASes in Area A, while every NAS in Area A should have pre-defined host of NAS in Area B. If you have predefined hosts already and peers from A still can't see peer from B - it means there is some connectivity issue between 2 sites over UDP protocol. BTW, I see that the clients you use are rather old. There were plenty of fixes since that time. One of things worth to try is 1.3 client, which has ability to connect over TCP in different networks (just in case if there is some issue with passing UDP thru VPN gateway).
  19. gamor Are your W2008 server synced with another device over LAN or WAN?
  20. heyredy, We would like to implement it in future. However, I cannot provide you ETA for now.
  21. erwin hoberg Thanks for the feedback. We are working to make it more convenient.
  22. There is no such setting in WebUI, however, if you configure your BTSync via config file instead - you can set this setting there.
  23. jerue, Thanks for the picture. I hope that the box staying next to the city icon is not a NAT, but VPN tunnel? I consider checking that your VPN tunnel has MTU at least 1500, otherwise you can have connectivity issues even with predefined hosts.
  24. heehee62, After adding a folder to BTSync and initial scan (=hashing all the data) BTSync is not going to consume lots of CPU power and it does not depend would it be on NAS or on Laptop. Also, on NAS (=Linux-based OS) you can configure your BTSync via config file instead of WebUI - this will give you an ability to set advanced preferences, like folder rescan interval.
  25. zuzibivoxale, There is a known issue in 1.3 related to devices discovery in LAN. We are looking for ways to resolve it, you can assist us by sending debug logs from both Mac and your Android device.