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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. 7UpMan, We did not put a 1.3.77 to an automatic updates yet. That's why it is not warning you that new version is available.
  2. No, it can't. Predefined host won't share the information about Sync folders that it has no in its list.
  3. acurcione, BTSync also uses NAT-PMP to map ports, which is not disabled by the checkbox in preferences. I suspect that your router supports NAT-PMP and that's why is actually mapping ports.
  4. joncrain, We don't have such option in config now - will be available in one of closest builds.
  5. JimmyTheSaint, What about power consumption? BTSync should not use a lot of battery if auto-sleep is working properly.
  6. Photoniac, Aren't some files in .syncignore? Also, are there some files on Computer A has "0" size (these files are not counted)?
  7. noiime, Could you please: 1) Make a couple of debug logs on problematic peers. Make sure to set log_size to ~100-200 Mb, so the issue will get into the log for sure. 2) Make a dump of a process when it becomes obvious that memory is leaking (say, it consumed 1Gb of your mem). All of the above for 1.3.77, please as it has numerous fixes comparing to older builds which might affect behavior. Thanks!
  8. cz2000, Relay server is still working in 1.3. Could you please try to get the config file directly, ""?
  9. Bohdy, Currently BTSync supports only one connection (if it connects over TCP), while the term connection is not applicable if we are talking about UDP. The issue with speed is known and we are going to prepare a special debug build, which will allow us to find out the root cause of a low speed in some cases. I'll update this topic once we are ready with the build.
  10. Remo, I would also suggest upgrading to 1.3 so you'll get a control over log rotation.
  11. kamikaze, Indeed, BTSync on mobile devices pre-creates dir structure on your mobile device, it is designed behavior.
  12. freigeist, I suggest putting it to Wishlist. We'll consider it for future releases.
  13. Hi all, We've prepared build 1.3.19 for Android devices. Please see change list below. Build will be available on Google Playmarket shortly. Android change list - Fixed crash on folder view open - Fixed crash on switch to 3G connection - Fixed crash on app start - Fixed LAN discovery issue - Fixed issue with non-ability to get data over 3G after sleep - UI cosmetic changes
  14. Bohdy, Currently we utilize one logical connection, but it can be used to transfer several files simultaneously (if files are small). In your case - are your Debian and Win8 located in one LAN or they are connected over WAN?
  15. Stanha, Thanks for the dump and report. We'll check what has happened.
  16. capi Your crash report was very useful, thanks. Issue will be fixed in next build. fbreve, We've got issue reproduced and will fix it soon.
  17. fbreve, It's more a bug than an item for wishlist. We'll fix it
  18. cz2000, In the past I've realized, that only DNS is incorrectly resolved in China, while actual connection is possible. Please try to associate next IP addresses with in your hosts file:,, fbreve, Thanks for reporting. We'll try to reproduce this issue in our lab. d9nut, Thanks for reporting! Any chance to get debug logs? capi, Thanks for getting crash log. We'll take a look at at and get back to you.
  19. FozzTexx, I'd advise to install just released 1.3.77, which contains a bunch of fixes including fix for various crashes. Please see if it resolves your issue.
  20. Right. And make sure that it is executed in that way every start of your NAS. Well, its up to you. You can follow Linux guidelines to store files, or just put both binary and config to your home user directory. Just make sure that user running BTSync has RW access to its files. It means that even if you have WebUI enabled in your config file, you need to pre-configure your shared folders in config file, not in WebUI.
  21. hungarianhc, We've just released 1.3.77, which contains a bunch of fixes - including crashes. I'd advise to try it first. If it does not help - I'll assist you in collecting dumps.
  22. Dear all, Let me introduce BTSync 1.3.77 for desktop. The main changes in the build are fixes, please see the list below. Desktop changes Fixed crashes on all platforms Fixed issue with clients discovery in LAN Fixed issue with redundant .conflict files and folders creation Previous change list here.
  23. jfitie, My suggestion is that volume was synced and after that it was changed on your PC / android again. BTSync is prohibited from renaming file .syncpart into real file name unless all the hashes are equal to the seeder(s) hashes. Do I understand correctly that now you have TC volume file on 2 different peers and it is different (=hash is different), keeps not syncing while BTSync claims folders to by in sync? If this is the case - I would eagerly look at your debug logs from both peers.
  24. Jindra, It does not matter if it is 1.3 or 1.2 in your case - this behavior did not change. Looks like your permissions are okay. As a quick test - could you make a couple other folders with the same structure (sync folder containing .folder, both with some data)?
  25. joncrain, There is no document dedicated to config file. Config file is mainly self-descripting, the only thing it is missing are advanced preferences (i'll keep an eye to make sure they are added there). Also, existing config can't be exported to json (BTSync usually does it vice versa). I'm not sure about "the newer feature that allows the restore of modified files to original version." Do you mean the Read-only peer which you want to make sure resync changed / deleted files?