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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @frank@btsync Okay. Try collecting debug logs. Make sure that you enable logs, then restart app, see the 14 locked files, open the peer list and then actually grab the log file. Send it to me.
  2. @frank@btsync Try displaying the peers column, open peers list and see which files are in the queue to be synced. Another alternative way to see which files are being locked is to download Microsoft utility Handle and run it from console with the patch to your sync folder. It should show all the apps with file handle opened to your sync folder.
  3. @lupus, procmon is a powerful tool by Mark Russinovich intended to track down process activities (files, registry, network, etc.). Most likely it contains a bunch of non-necessary data, though I prefer to filter it our myself not to lose anything valuable. You can try to compress it with zip, usually the log itself contains a lot of redundant information and will deflate 5-6 times.
  4. @Finar Thanks for quite representative picture! Can you please turn on debug logs, reproduce issue, collect logs and send to me? @rossipedia There are number of root causes bringing the "out of sync" issue. Some are issues in Sync and can be fixed, while others can be caused by your environment. This topic is dedicated to resolve first group and help overcoming second. Don't hesitate to share more details on your case.
  5. @dustinhess Sorry about that, I've killed the topic as we've got a some good guess on what might be wrong and how to fix it. Got you, you've upgraded from 1.4.99. Was the sync speed okay on 1.4.99? @sfmcnally Thanks for the update. I'll retest it in the lab - the upgrade might be the reason. @/dev/null It's not shown in 1.4 @rockhill04 Well, that's good news. I'll still take a peek into your logs just in case if I encounter the reason.
  6. @Finar, @smajor Could it happen that your target RO folder has files that are different that original folder? In this case RW folder is going to get "Out-of-sync" status. It can be easily solved with setting "Overwrite changed files" preference in folder preferences.
  7. @sfmcnally Looks like you've got a ticket with our support - how is it progressing? We'll be happy to resolve the issue with your NAS so you won't need to downgrade to 1.3 @wimbit The way encrypted secrets were created in 1.3 is still available in 1.4. There were some issues with read-only encrypted keys in pre-1.4.103, but latest version should fix it. Is it something new?
  8. @lupus Can you please collect the process monitor logs? You need to run procmon to record the events, reproduce the issue, then save the log and send to me.
  9. @Bitwise No, Sync should not use this call if check for updates is disabled.
  10. @zatricky In general it is not recommended to use BTSync with CIFS. The most common cases users encounter when they use SMB with Sync are slow files indexing, permissions issues, absence of notifications (which in some rare cases can lead to fact that older files from CIFS overwrite newer files on other peers). We are working to support SMB better in future.
  11. @zeropluszero Can you get a procmon log capture of the issue and send to me? Thanks!
  12. @colinabroad As I understand from you it looks to be a UI issue (i.e. it shows "locked files" while files aren't actually locked) and everything syncs fine. Is it correct?
  13. @zeropluszero Do you mean that when your file gets synchronized - you cannot save it from the application? @rockhill04 Thanks, we'll take a look at your logs! @merlinuwe #7. Got you, thanks. So - at the end of day it stays in "out of sync" state and still consumes battery, right? If this is correct - we'll need logs from your Android and some other peer it can't sync with. #11. Now it is more clear, thanks. I'll open a ticket for you - we'll need a bit more data to resolve it. For the camera - it means that no new files in camera roll since last sync. Also, could you please make a screenshot for the wrong Android translation? Thanks! @dustinhess For the UI slowness - could you please post here info we need to resolve the issue? For the slow speed - let me know what was the version you upgrade from? @colinabroad Yes, please. I urge to take a look in your logs. Thanks for the positive feedback.
  14. @rockhill04 Well, we've found and fixed not all of the "not syncing / out of sync" issues, only one. Can I get debug logs for analysis? Super slow is very likely just results of inability to sync. @zeropluszero A bit slow - the UI you mean or sync speed? Temp file are fixed in terms that Sync does not open them and should not prevent the app to write data to it. If you want them to prevent syncing - add to IgnoreList. @merlinuwe #1. I confirm the bug, reproduced in my lab. Will fix eventually. #2-3. Ok, I'll let localization team know - thanks for noting. #4-5. I guess you mean that for Android? It is not implemented yet. #7. Encryption and hashing are pretty heavy operations for ARM CPU - and can load it while indexing files or sending them to other peers. Was it inadequate hot (like, heating when being idle) - or Sync was working actively? #8. Makes sense. We'll consider it for future releases. #9. No button needed. Just imagine that Sync is pushing this button all the time. #10. If peers are different - it won't be green check mark. At least out of sync (of course, if Sync is aware of it). #11. Did not get it. Could you elaborate? #12. We are working to make the web-interface lighter and faster. #13. Confirmed. Will fix. #14. Our QA tested it thoroughly in 1.4.103 - test included German, Japanese, Chinese and bunch of other languages. #15. We'll see if it can be addressed. And - big thanks for such a detailed feedback!
  15. @citronbleu Try setting "overwrite_changes" to "true". I'll add this to documentation.
  16. @kratochviljan The fix is important indeed and bug was affecting both 1.3 and 1.4. Unfortunately, we cannot longer support 1.3 so my advise would be - upgrade to 1.4. 1.4 has a number of fixes since release covering issues discovered in both 1.3 and 1.4 and shows much better stability than after release. Also, we continue to work on issues reported by customers to make 1.4 even more stable.
  17. @b0rman 1. Any files are shown in sync queue (see peers list window)? 2. Cool. 3. Okay, does remote peers has local IPs from the same IP range as your peer? If yes - it still will attempt to connect them directly. 4. I suggest checking that the ports configured as "Listening" are not blocked by firewall. Also, are there any mobile devices involved? They process approvals slightly different. @Mutantx Do I understand correctly that your Linux and Win peers cannot sync the photo backup folder between them? Or some other folder keeps to be "out-of-sync" when iPhone is disconnected?
  18. @b0rman Okay, let's move into appropriate topic and continue there.
  19. I confirm. Sync is not working smoothly with SMB shares. We are checking in the lab for possible reason and solution.
  20. @turner1984 I wonder if your IP range in LAN conforms RFC1918? If it does not - Sync might have issues with finding other peers in such local network.
  21. @b0rman Try checking if your route table routes the target predefined hosts into proper NIC.
  22. @b0rman 1. Make sure that RO peer has "Overwrite changed files" preference set. If it is off and you delete / modify files - RW peer will go out of sync, this is known case. 2. Sounds logical. There is some file that cannot be transferred on "real out-of-sync" that can't be transferred that makes other out-of-sync. I need debug logs to find out what is the file. 3. Does your route table routes predefined hosts IPs outside of VPN channel? 4. This indicates connectivity issue. Peers need ability to contact directly to approve / decline requests. If request is not coming / can't be approved - root cause is definitely inability to connect. @rockhill04 You can put temp Autocad files into ignoreList to prevent them syncing, though Sync should not prevent Autocad from saving files in .103 build.
  23. @mlwang Thanks, we'll address it in future. @rockhill04 Today. See here. @BitDuck We'll need your debug logs then, from both encrypted and non-encrypted peers.
  24. Dear community, Sync 1.4.103 is now available on download site. Here is direct link. It is NOT available via auto-update yet, but a direct candidate for auto-update. This build is candidate for auto-update. Change log: - Fixed issue with files not syncing ("out-of-sync") in some cases. - Fixed issue with sync preventing some apps (MS Office, Autocad, etc.) from saving files into synced folder. - Added "/webui" command line parameter to run WebUI on Windows in default browser. - Fixed issue with older files replacing newer files in some cases - Fixed issue with blank UI caused by corrupt settings - Fixed command line validation Previous public build (1.4.99) change log can be found here. Important Notes on Sync 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 is not possible after installing Sync 1.4. (If you wish to downgrade - please uninstall Sync removing all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch) Important Notes for Sync 1.3 Users Windows XP and Server 2003 clients using Sync 1.3.x will not receive auto-updates to 1.4, but can still update to 1.4 manually. Known issues - UI is tiny on high resolution displays [Workaround] - Sync may continually re-index SMB shares [Discussion] - Renamed files are logged as New Name → Old Name (instead of Old Name → New Name) [Discussion] - Checkboxes once selected may move out of alignment on OSX Yosemite [Discussion] - Sync icon may not update when switching between light/dark themes on OSX Yosemite [Discussion]