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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @yonyonson Is it fresh install or the upgrade?
  2. @alpinemobile Please check for the replaced files versions in .sync\Archive folder - they should be there. Also, do you know if you or some other apps could "touch" the file replaced on computer #3 when it was booting up?
  3. @sebknzl Unfortunately, Links were introduced in 1.4 and API does not support Links yet. Stay tuned for API updates!
  4. @all, If anyone is interested to test experimental build with the fix for the issue - write me to PM. Anyone who subscribes - I'll likely will ask you for logs or maybe more debugs!
  5. Hi Olaf, Sync is suitable to work without external servers. The fact it has to turn to tracker server to discover your other devices simply indicates that LAN discovery mechanism (which is built around multicast packets) is not working in your environment by some reason. I suggest checking several things which may prevent your cyanogen phone from connection to other local Sync entities: 1) Make sure that multicast traffic over UDP port 3838 is allowed in your AFWall. Note, that target Ip for multicast traffic is (which might fall out of your definition of local network). 2) Make sure that AFWall does not block IGMP - which might be used by Android to let your router know about new multicast group. 3) Make sure that your outer actually routes multicast: many of cheap solutions does not route multicast packets from wifi to wifi (though, wifi to wired and vice versa is okay). 4) Make sure that your IPs in local network belong to IP ranges defined in RFC1918 (briefly - 10.x.x.x, 172.0.x.x - 172.31.x.x, 192.168. x.x) If all of the above does not help and you are owner of your router and can configure it - you can use next workaround: 1. Set up a static IP for your cyanogen phone 2. Put it into the "Predefined hosts" of your PC. In 1.4 release you can set the "folder_defaults.use_tracker", "folder_defaults.use_relay" preferences in Advanced preferences so all your freshly created folders won't attempt to connect to Internet from the very moment of creation. We don't want to make it default after app installation as it greatly reduces usability of a product. Though, the settings are not yet available in mobile UI. We plan to implement it in future.
  6. @borahshadow Just tried to do the same in Lab - UI does not allow to do it. Do I understand correctly, that you've got a sync folder with RW key, and inside it there is another folder added with RO key? You can copy RO key from nested folder, but it can't have RO key, actually. Can you describe in a very detailed way, step-by-step what were you doing? (or capture a short video)?
  7. @robson.sobral Just tried to reproduce with no success. What is the exact version of your Sync, iOS and iPad model?
  8. @prog9999 I suspect that Sync can't actually compare trees of files and therefore displays that whole folder is different. If reading the folder on both peers does not help - I suggest collecting the debug logs and sending to us for analysis.
  9. @Catsrules It's kind of possible. All files you delete on your Digital Ocean are actually moved to .sync\Archive folder and stay there for 30 days. You can change the advanced preference sync_trash_ttl to 0 to prevent Sync from cleaning up your archive. Then all your podcasts you delete on server will stay there until you delete them manually.
  10. @b0rman The RO share with enabled option "Overwrite files" can cause out of sync state only if it does not accept some files - like xattrs or something liked that. What are the OS involved? @rockhill04 This usually happens when remote PC does not download the data by some reason. I suggest checking next things on your PDSSERVER: 1) free space 2) ignore list (if any of files from Mac on screenshot are gets ignored 3) if PDSSERVER is RO peer - check the "Overwrite changes preference"
  11. @colinabroad I'll try Avast as well in my Lab as well (although anti-malware solutions rarely open files for writing, they may significantly delay file open which might reveal some new issue). Leave your logs on if possible - and capture them immediately if issue pops up again. Thanks for your help!
  12. @all This is known issue. It affects all files with non-ASCII characters in the filename, Linux computers only. Please expect fix in next build (sorry - no ETA).
  13. @krtaylor In general - yes, we'll need logs to identify your "not syncing" issue root cause. Though, there are couple of things you can quickly check yourself prior sending us logs.
  14. @b0rman Yep. I suspect that second log and the messages that happen nearly same time can be the key to your issue. That's why I need your logs from both peers.
  15. @b0rman I mean - usually permission denied means that user which runs sync simply can't write file to a folder as OS restricts that (either folder belongs to a different user, or current user has no write permission).
  16. @Finar By design Sync should not resend information if files are actually the same. Though, Sync will have to resend all the metadata information (file properties, hashes, etc.) for all the files to actually compare if they are the same. Give Sync 5 minutes to sync metadata, it should not start actually sync files unless they changed indeed.
  17. @borahshadow I'm missing the "sync profile" concept in your description. Could you please elaborate?
  18. @TJ Walker, @ChrisH 1) Sync never had an ability to directly synchronize 2 folders from mobile to mobile. 2) There was another feature - "Send / Receive" file, which sort of created temp sync folder to transfer data from one mobile to another - and then remove it. Feature was removed as it was extremely confusing for almost all new users of Sync and they messed up with QR codes for sync and for file transfer. Also, both #1 and #2 are going to be addressed in future, stay tuned for updates.
  19. @ms2oo8 Our support still did not manage to get logs from you. Once you provide us logs - we'll start analysis ASAP and hopefully will find out what makes your Sync indexing all the time.
  20. Hey @b0rman, The "permission denied" is pretty straightforward error, though counterpart on another peer looks really suspicious. I suggest sending your debug logs to us so we can inspect it thoroughly.
  21. Dear community members, I'm closing this topic as it becomes more advertisement of SyncThing. It will stay available for searches, views and future reference. If you are interested in Sync alternatives - please see Wikipedia page comparing different synchronization apps page. If you have questions or topics to discuss on SyncThing - please visit SyngThing forum.
  22. Awesome! I hope you told them the filename for ease of search over logs?
  23. @colinabroad The first thing I did when understand your scenario - tried to repro it in my Lab several times, no success. For the PC #2 - I ask if there are some apps added to autorun that might read/write data to the folder that was deleted on PC#1 BEFORE PC#2 fully booted up and Sync started. I.e. there is small period of time, when PC#2 is already working and system loads all autorun apps and Sync is not loaded yet. Are you aware of any app that might write data to your folder at this moment?
  24. @MCB529 Whole project is in Beta. We plan to release first non-beta as soon as we cover these nasty issues and stabilize Sync. Note, that the file which was replaced by Sync is stored in .sync\Archive folder - so you can restore it. The file you complain about - was it changed / edited / touched when Sync application was shut down?