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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @jackal & @all Okay, the fix is on the way! It will be available in next update.
  2. @mumen Okay then. Can you please debug mode on for a couple of weeks more so you'll capture debugs just in case issue comes back?
  3. @sab34 Nope, it is not in 1.4.99 - see change log. Sorry.
  4. @advhound Also note, that Sync requires around 1Kb of memory per file / folder being synchronized. As RPI is pretty limited in memory (only 512Mb), it means that it will definitely have the limitation of ~500K of files total (that is not counting space necessary for OS to run on your Pi).
  5. @mh5bl Unfortunately this feature is not yet there. Sync for Mobiles does not shows the peers that are actually online, only their number.
  6. @no1453 That's really interesting! In general, increasing buffer size should help with the speed for some time if you have some other processes loading HDD intermittently. I wonder, if you can also set "hdd_low_priority" advanced preference to "false" and see how it affects your performance?
  7. @bb220 iOS usually keeps only one NIC available for the apps. So if you have your iOS device connected to wifi - traffic goes to wifi. Once wifi is out of range / off - iOS will pump the traffic thru your mobile network. You can do a simple test - if you've got a wifi router, connect your iOS device to it then make sure router is disconnected from internet. Observe the fact that your iOS is connected to wifi, but can't browse internet. Also, you can restrict Sync from using mobile data, so when your iOS switches to 3G - Sync will stop actual data transfers.
  8. @ms2oo8 What happened? From your previous post it looked like Sync was doing its job.
  9. @mcored Can you please check if files were moved to .sync\Archive folder on HT-PC? Usually, Sync moves deleted files there. Actually, it looks really surprising that Sync is re-syncing files after move: even if file is deleted, Sync still keeps tracking it in .sync\Archive, and if remote peer wants to sync this file again (due to move, for example) Sync should instead get the file out of Archive.
  10. @b0rman 1.4.99 does not contain fix to "out of sync" if it is not related to encrypted peers. Though, thanks a lot for the logs - our devs will analyze them thoroughly. @rockhill04 The fix for locked files is not present in 1.4.99. If you are willing to participate in testing and try experimental build intended to address this issue - you please acknowledge it here.
  11. @sunylat It looks to be a bug with WinXP and 1.4 as XP has to use WebUI. We'll address this issue in future.
  12. @quincytynes Alternative way is defining a "predefined hosts" so your peers won't need a LAN discovery mechanism at all. Though, it requires static IP or DNS name to be available.
  13. @mumen We'll need your debug logs from all your peers affected the "out of sync" issue. @lequick You might need to re-add the folder, as fix implies changes in data being written to DB.
  14. @zeropluszero Is the temp file extension added to IgnoreList? It actually should not be synced
  15. @jdyer Could you please share what percentage of your bandwidth is used? Also, could you try to disable "low_disk_priority" advanced preference and see if issue persists?
  16. @trevellyan You can clean up the "StreamsList" file and they won't be synced anymore
  17. Marmite, While your RW node is pretty powerful, there RO one is based on Atom CPU - which is low-end power economy CPU. I suspect that it might be a bottleneck as the CPU itself will have to read and hash 100Gb of data. Can you please do a simple test: 1. Disconnect the folder on your Asus netbook. 2. Add it as a new RW folder (just hit the huge blue button) 3. Observe - how long will it take to index all the files. I suspect that it is going to take around 8 hours.
  18. @zeropluszero Please keep monitoring. Relying on the nature of changes - it is very unlikely it is slower. As for the sticking with experimental / official builds - it depends on what we'll be ready to include in next public build. We'll do our best to include as many fixes there as possible, so it's better to upgrade to get more fixes on board.
  19. @jsober This is a known issue and was already addressed. Please expect the fix in upcoming update (should be available very soon).
  20. @Scott1x For Windows its rather simple. Open file properties, digital signatures tab, details - and Windows will verify the digital signature of binary. It's a bit more complex for mac: you'll need to unpack the BitTorrent bundle the file from .dmg package and then run command: coding -dvvv <path_to_app_bundle> Also, AFAIK Mac won't allow to run unsigned bundle (or bundle with broken signature). See screenshots below for both OSes.
  21. @b0rman Great, thank you for the logs! We'll analyze it and hopefully find out what happens in your peers.
  22. @quincytynes Yep. They use multicast over port 3838 to find each other in LAN. Make sure your local firewalls allow it. If it allows - please check if they will manage to connect if you connect at least one of laptops in LAN to wired network.
  23. @all The one folder being synced in another folder already synced is allowed only if both folders have read-write key. If any has RO key, BTSync won't allow you to add such folder - so it is design of application.
  24. @BTUser1921 It depends on which version you update from, but most likely you'll have to re-add your folder from scratch. I apologize for inconvenience.
  25. @Galyna I suspect that you may be affected by daylight saving time (which was recently switched to winter time in number of countries). What does the commands / scripts from article show you when you run it? It should show difference in GMT time if DST is invalid.