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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @timmah87 Well, config file might not have API key - then Sync will simply run in config mode - and still you can use the parameter to prevent auto-update. As for the crash - sounds interesting. Could you please share your config file (pad only secrets, please)?
  2. @Parapo What is the specifics? Could it happen that minor tweaks with config file will cover your needs?
  3. @robson.sobral I still do not see the whole scenario to attempt repro. I'll describe how I see it - please correct me if i'm wrong. 1. You've got a folder shared between your PC and iOS with selective sync mode. 2. Top level of a folder has a long list of files and subfolders (several hundreds). 3. You scroll it to the very bottom and tap some file to download. 4. The file download speed is extremely slow. 5. If you tap to download file from the beginning of the list it downloads quickly. 6. After you readd the folder - the issue has gone. Is it correct?
  4. @nicopo Yes, you can. What exactly didn't you manage to do? Could you please elaborate?
  5. @merlinuwe This should not happen. I also double checked in lab - 2 secrets are added to 2 folders on 2 computers. No tracker or any other search means. First folder has predefined hosts and connects, while second has no and stays disconnected. If this is your test environment - I would love to take a look at your sync.dat. Although, if this is production environment - do not share it. I suspect that you've got your predefined hosts for both folders. Not sure that I understand a question. Do you mean that you can add predefined hosts in the config file and in WebUI of the same instance of Sync?
  6. @Mutantx - Is the backup only data you do sync? - Does it happen in LAN? - Does PC and Linux actually have different file set comparing to each other in backup folder)
  7. @mogarick I understand the urge to know more about future planning - but unfortunately we can't share it at the moment. We don't want to set some estimations we'll make in future, and currently product is not at the stage of development we can plan far ahead. Sorry for bad news.
  8. @wimbit There is no change in encrypted secrets. The algorithm of "taking first 33 symbols and changing E to F" is working for 1.4 as well (though not needed anymore). But you can't get an ordinary RO secret (the one starting from B...) and make it encrypted - and could not in 1.3. The A and B secrets relate to non-encrypted world. The D, E and F are encrypted. They do not intersect. I guess you are confusing something. Could you please describe in a very detailed way, step-by-step - what were you doing in 1.3 with encrypted secrets what is not working for 1.4? This will really help.
  9. @0mikeyj0 I'll need debug logs from system that is affected and any other system. Also, a couple of filenames that are affected.
  10. @mobileTOmobile It is currently not possible as sync on mobile does not generate RW keys. So it's better to use PC and connect both mobiles to it first, than remove folder on PC.
  11. @Sypnos If you add the folder with the same key you had before - some of files in folder you add might be replaced with newer files, updated on other peers.
  12. @kramb0l Because of the nature of the key. Once you've got it - you don't need any approvals - you can access the data. That's why the Links were created - they do not store the key directly, therefore the approval is possible. We'll consider it for future releases. Though, in future - please post such proposals to Feature Requests forum to make sure it is not lost.
  13. @sshanky Yes and no. You can sync whole folder between 2 devices. Although there is no possibility to add folder from mobile to mobile at the moment. So your workaround would be to grab some empty folder on PC, add it to couple of devices via the same QR code, then you can remove the desktop from equation and your mobile devices will stay sync.
  14. @nickluck Unfortunately yes. When you close the UI - it destroys the whole window and IE does not save zoom settings.
  15. Well, @whelderwheels613 expressed his negative attitude towards new UI and asked for the reasons to upgrade - why should I mention UI then ?
  16. @kramb0l That's feature available for the top folder level only. We'll consider improving it in future. Search works only for current folder - though we plan to make it going over all subfolders. @robson.sobral Do I understand correctly that after you updates desktop clients, your iOS device does not download files from the bottom of the folder with huge amount of folders? If no - could you please elaborate? Could of screenshots can make it easier.
  17. @merlinuwe Actually predefined hosts (as well as LAN discovery and other ways of discovery) are completely per-folder settings. So, if you put pre-defined hosts for folder A but not for folder B and both A and B exist on both peers and have other means of discovery disabled - As will stay connected while Bs won't see each other. As for config file - they should be added also per folder, so they will affect only folder they belong to.
  18. @all If someone encounters that your app can't save file to sync folder unless Sync closed - we've prepared another experimental build for you. Please let me know here or via PM if you are willing to check if it resolves your issue.
  19. Frank, Thanks for the logs - please let's continue finding our what happens via ticketing system.
  20. @wimbit Thanks for the feedback! Both Support team and devs are working hard to make Sync more stable and reliable!
  21. @micokeman Exactly. So, Read-only node means - it cannot distribute changes and new files to other peers, only to receive and store files, while read-write means that all changes done on peer are going to be propagated to your mesh. Well, it's more folder-specific setting. So same PC can have some folders with RO access, some folders with RW access.
  22. @wimbit We'll make encrypted keys available in UI eventually. Because the non-encrypted RO key IS 33 symbols. When you replace A... to D... you are forcing sync to re-generate RO and Encrypted keys, and Encrypted RO is now going to be 59 symbols. What makes you think it was different earlier? Sample step-by-step scenario, video, etc?
  23. @micokeman Not 100% sure what do you want to achieve... Do you want your backup server never delete files even if they are deleted on master? Or - Do you want your master never delete files that are removed on backup? The first option is not possible directly in Sync, while the second is working by default for read-only nodes.
  24. @wimbit I'm a bit lost on what's wrong with they keys. The architecture of Encrypted secrets did not change since 1.3. You get the 33 symbols of RW secret, you'll get 59 symbols of RO secret and 33 for Encrypted secret. If you update the key with existing and change just one letter A... to D... - Sync will calculate ERO and Enc keys for you. Though, note - these new triple of keys are completely new keys, not related to the A... and B... you had before - so if you had some peers using them, you'll have to update with new keys manually. Could you please elaborate your question?
  25. @whelderwheels613 Here are some reasons, not sure if they are relevant for you, though still: HTTPS links support Proxy server support Finder / Explorer integration Moved/renamed folders support Sync speed optimization Bug fixes found by users in 1.3 +more bug fixes in latest 1.4 builds (and more are coming).