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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @ms2oo8 I don't have exact answer for you as we haven't found the root cause in 1.4 yet. There are numerous core changes in 2.0, so it might happen that issue was already resolved - and we'll find that our only when we find your issue root cause.
  2. @fyl I assumed your computer with encrypted data was dead, but you have only access to HDD. If it runs successfully - all you need is to add RW secret so some other peer and Sync will do the job. For any setup you need to backup the actual folder you were syncing and the "storage" folder which keeps the DB. On Win that would be %appdata%\BitTorrent Sync, for Linux - it depends on package you use and your setup. By default Sync creates the .sync subfolder next to binary and saves DB there.
  3. @Surfingnewport Couple more things for your config: 1. The path you use looks relative. Does your Sync binary stays in C:\ location as storage path hints? 2. Escape the backslashes by doubling them: it should look like "C:\\Documents and Settings\\<username>\\..." 3. It asks for login and password as you specified to demand it in WebUI. 4. If above does not help - send me yours settings.dat - i'll check if sync_trash_ttl was set indeed.
  4. @capi That's more correct. Unfortunately, there is nothing Sync can do about it. It never has an idea who changed the file - some app running on OS, was it changed while Sync was off - or HDD returned a different data this time.
  5. @chmars2020 Starting from version 1.3 BitTorrent Sync is capable of syncing extended attributes, starting from 1.4 - it can store xattrs even on OS which does not support that type of data. This was tested by QA and number of users, no known issues found for 1.4. All necessary information is written in the article @GreatMarko mentioned. Could you please elaborate what kind of data or tests you need?
  6. @Christian_K There was a bug found with ignorelist recently - therefore the "*\target\" might not be ignored in your sample. We'll release a fix in upcoming build. @bmattis We'll make IgnoreList more friendly eventually. There was a number of voices raised about it in Feature Request forum.
  7. @lupus Well, yep - I see the incoming ticket from you, though it does not contain any attached data. Did you send it over some other channel?
  8. @fyl It was already mentioned at least once in Feature Requests forum. You may add your voice there.
  9. @fyl To recover files from encrypted you need: 1) Actually encrypted files 2) Sync DB from encrypted peer (this is a must. If you kill it / damage it - no way to restore files) 3) RW key (one starting with D...) And to actually recover files you need to run Sync on some working computer with DB from #2 and files stored in completely same paths as they were on dead PC. For example, you got your Win8 dead. Sync DB was stored in %APPDATA%\BitTorrent Sync, and your files in D:\MySyncFiles. - get the new computer, install Sync of the same version, shut it down. - copy %APPDATA%\BitTorrent Sync from dead PC to %APPDATA%\BitTorrent Sync on new PC - Make the D:\MySyncFiles on new PC, put all the files from dead D:\MySyncFiles there. Make sure you transferred all the files including hidden dirs. - Run Sync. - on a different computer install Sync and put the RW key there (any folder). It should start receiving the data from encrypted peer and decrypt it.
  10. @12345lamacun Thanks for the info. Let's take a look at your debug logs. Could you please enable it, reproduce the issue and send me logs from both RPI and Android?
  11. @immenz It hasn't been implemented. I suggest posting it to Feature Request forum to ensure your request won't be lost.
  12. @12345lamacun When your Laptop is off - does RPI shows any up/down files it wants to sync in Peers List window?
  13. @lupus Thanks for testing. Then we'll need Process Monitor utility logs capturing the issue on your PC - with experimental build running. @cassioac Sent you to PM.
  14. @immenz There is no way to control Sync tracker communications interval. While we are working to make Sync more gentle with HDD operations for NAS platforms, the optimization we are doing is not targeted to tracker communications. I can only advise to schedule sync startup / shutdown with cron if file delivery latency is not important for you.
  15. @JudeMBitCo Send your attachments to - we'll take a look what happens there. Make sure that you send logs not only from the "out-of-sync" PC, but also from some other computer to compare. Collect logs at the same time (as logs containing different timespan are useless). @andrew554 Check if the file that constantly overwrites others has future modification time? If this is not your case - please collect debug logs from all your peers.
  16. @skywriter This behavior is by design, as background sync is not supported for iOS at the moment. Does it sync well when app stays in foreground?
  17. @colinabroad I strongly suspect that win8.1 based tablets suspend all the processes when they sleep, so it is very unlikely it will sync.
  18. @12345lamacun Just to clarify - the RW secrets were generated with API and one you entered to Android starts with D..., correct?
  19. @donjano There is no "backwards backup" function. Technically you can try to setup sync in backwards direction, though, it will sync all the backed up data, not only those that was on phone at the moment of hard reset. Also, it is not necessary that apps will pick up the files delivered back (pictures will be as Android Sync explicitly updates media files in gallery, not sure about notes and other content).
  20. @pjmsullivan It is not unique and we are getting reports from other users about same issue. Though - we don't have enough information yet to make a fix for the issue, so your help would be highly appreciated here. Turn on your debug logs, increase your debug log size just to make sure everything fits there - and send logs to me when issue reproduces.
  21. @btsnewbie The one-time secret in 1.2 and 1.3 was like a Link in 1.4. It served to safely deliver the key - that's it. At the end of day the client ends with either RO or RW key in 1.2-1.3. Managing access to your folders is planned in upcoming Sync Pro - see here and here for details.
  22. Could you please collect and send us debug logs? Thanks! Same here. I need debug logs, for iPhone simply send a feedback - it will ask in feedback form if to include debug logs in feedback mail. Note this topic and your nickname in the message box. @Maxgle Do I understand correctly that sync restart helped you and now the data is syncing? If not - could you please elaborate?
  23. @ocinatas When you are receiving link - you need to choose the path to save sync folder, not the content of the folder. So you need to choose \btsync\ and Sync will create "forms" on it's own. Alternatively, you can share the folder by copying key from folder properties and inserting it via "enter key" function - though note that this is less secure than transferring link and you need to keep your key in secret and use protected ways of transferring data.
  24. @lupus We are working on it - though it never reproduces in our lab. BTW, did the experimental build help you?