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Posts posted by AlexC

  1. @SFarbo

    When a file in a shared folder in Selective sync mode is created and then deleted/moved while Sync is paused/busy with another task/has no other peers online, it cannot be synced to the other peers. Local peer notices the presence of a new file and after deleting it creates a placeholder. Other peers become aware of existence of such a file later, hence the warning sign, but in reality it is a "ghost file" that no one has anymore.


    Clicking on the warning one can see the filenames.


    If the files don't exist anymore, you can press the Ignore All button to hide the warning. One can also disable this warning via power user preferences:


    If the files exist, one should be careful - may be the more up-to-date version actually exists on a certain peer which is offline at the moment. If you are certain that local version of files is the most up-to-date, touch them or move them out of a shared folder to some temporary location and then move them back to the shared folder.

  2. @7H0M4S

    Whitelisting Files And Folders

    Whitelisting works in a similar manner as ignoring, although you need to comply with one simple rule: whitelist rules must start with ! symbol (no quotes). Whitelist rules are always of higher priority than exclude rules, so their position in the list does not matter.

    You can use global IgnoreList in Profile to force agents to sync entires that are ignored by default IgnoreList. For example, default IgnoreList on each agent has entry ~* meaning that agents won’t sync items starting with a tilde. Edit global IgnoreList in Profile and add line !~* , all agents will start syncing new items starting with tilde. However, those that are already ignored, will stay ignored and not synced. To fix that you’ll need to recreate the job.

    To create pure whitelist, the first (ignore) filter should be all files * followed by a number of whitelist filters starting with !. For example, the whitelist allowing only synchronization of PDF files should look like:
