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Everything posted by kos13

  1. Sync uses adaptive uTP, so if there is any traffic it will reduce the speed of the transmission. We do work on improving the speed for 1:1 connection, stay tuned.
  2. click on tray icon of Sync, top right corner and select "Enable debug logging"
  3. If there is a route between them, Sync will figure that out. I.e. if you could ping machine - there will be direct connection.
  4. We are working on optimizing protocol further, so please wait for next builds. We will be faster. If the file is big, we transfer only one file in one connection. We are going to make in configurable. So transferring two files most likely will consume all bandwidth you have.
  5. It is ok. We need logs from the second machine. Everything is ok with first one.
  6. Sorry, this is not possible with Sync. Sync will works over network only.
  7. Do you see another computer in device tab? If yes, then we need logs to localize issue. Please follow steps from this thread
  8. I am not sure that I get all the numbers. So you trying to synchronize two machines. Your uplink is 500Mbs download link for second machine is 50Mbs. You are sending 1G file. What speed you see? Yes, 1 connection per file is normal.
  9. In a simple way, changes on recipient will not be propagated to other peers. It is very difficult to change file back, since it could lead to a very strange cases on recipient.
  10. We already started development for Android and iOS and quite soon will start recruit testers for mobile apps.
  11. Could you please email us at syncapp@bittorrent.com with details you have. And we will solve your issue.
  12. It is interesting use case. However this is first time users ask about such behavior. Do I understand correctly that you want a share, that will be emptied when all piers got the data? Complexity is that Sync doesn't know how many peers share the Secret. So if two peers got data, there might be a third peer that will come in few hours.
  13. We don't like "security through obscurity" approach and will expose all details. We also understand importance of the implementation, so we will do something.
  14. Could you please follow these step and we will localize the issue.
  15. probably you need to kill btsync and follow these steps Then we will have enough info to help you. Thanks.
  16. It will take time to understand beauty of Sync
  17. It is SHA256(secret). We plan to expose all security details of the Sync.
  18. Sync has totally different goal, it is not about anonymity it is about privacy. Share your family pictures and movies across family members without need to expose them to employee of The Big Company.
  19. Sync splits file to 4Mb chunks, if one chunk was changed - it will be transferred. It works well on files that doesn't change the size, for example TrueCrypt volume. If you add one byte in front of the file, all chunks will be shifted and Sync will not be able to detect shifted data.
  20. you have already ./btsync running. Just access this machine from browser http://machine_ip:8888 and you will be able to configure Sync.
  21. We saw this thread and added to feature list for our Linux version.
  22. It is possible, but not yet implemented.
  23. Steps are following: 1. You need to find out your CPU type for NAS and download proper binaries; 2. Login to your NAS over SSH 3. Transfer binaries there 4. Unzip it 5. Made chmod +x ./btsync 6. Then in browser go to your_nas_ip:8888 and configure sync
  24. If I do the math correctly you have around ± 150,000 files. Sync should perform good on this data set.
  25. We plan to do this, but not there yet. Consider this case, you share a file with a friend, we won't be able to give the ownership user name to the file, even if both platforms are Linux.