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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @pportnoy, As out-of-sync issue is pretty massive, there is a topic dedicated to it. Briefly - issue is known and you can participate in testing experimental build with a possible fix if you are willing. The log you pasted does not contain any errors related to the issue. I'm closing this topic so if you have further questions - please continue in one I mentioned above.
  2. Stephan, Yes, this limitation applies to all iOS devices so testing Sync on iOS in your car won't depend on particular device model.
  3. @texaszman Thanks for testing. Please keep me updated. @RollerRalle, I suggest trying experimental build first, as it looks to address the most common root cause for OOS. If it does not help - i'll instruct you on debugging. @RollerRalle, @MoonGlorious You'll get build links to your e-mail accounts. Looking forward to hear from you.
  4. @CoupeWare Interesting. Actually, the "Revision" key should be for the regular user as well. Could you please add it manually? For the .106 version it should be "Revision"=dword:0104006a
  5. @question78 Yes, just put advanced preferences to the top level params. The red sample is almost correct - you need to remove double slash which comments text out and make sure that all necessary commas are present (or removed, if this is the last line before "}"
  6. @lupus would be ideal. If there is some message - mark down that it comes for "RomanZ". Thanks!
  7. @uffowich Thanks for info. Please keep debug logs on on both PCs - and if issue pops up again - send both logs to me. It's important to have logs from both computers in your case as it is not fully clear which one actually fails to send / receive data.
  8. @texaszman The "Out of Sync" issue actually has a number of root causes. Its pretty hard to hunt them down without having it reproduced in lab. It looks like we've pinned couple of the most widespread - and possible fixes are included in experimental build. I've sent you build links to e-mail.
  9. @KnightRider08 Let's wait crash report analysis. Hopefully we won't need any other debug info. Thanks for reporting!
  10. @lupus If we would have enough debugging info to fix the issue - I wouldn't ask for logs Unfortunately our support center does not accept such a big files at the moment. Could you please share it with Sync or with any file sharing service?
  11. @Stephan iPhone 4S works fine with iOS 5..8. We've got one with iOS7 onboard in our lab and it works fine with Sync. Though note, that iOS has a very different architecture from Android and usually all files have to stay within same application sandbox and can be transferred only one-by one. Depending on what you are going to use iPhone and Sync for, It might be a tiny drawback or a huge issue. I would strongly advise getting some iOS device you can play with to see how it works.
  12. @sirio81 As I understand the Master is the only PC having RW key, the rest has RO keys only. If Master's HDD is dead (or inaccessible by some reason) - no way you can make a new master without changing keys as it is impossible to calculate RW key from RO key. So you'll have to make a new master, make a new key and distribute its RO counterpart to tother peers. If Master's HDD is accessible - you need to grab whole storage folder. The location of storage folder differs for different OS: Windows - "%appdata%\BitTorrent Sync" Linux - ".sync" subfolder next to btsync binary (or maybe configured in config file if btsync is started with --config parameter) Mac - /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BitTorrent Sync. After grabbing the content of storage folder put it to a new machine to appropriate place (instead of new empty storage folder) and run Sync. It will say "Destinantion not found" for all the folders that actually do not exist on your new computer - but still you'll be able to extract and copy key. Note, that cross-platform copy of storage folder is not recommended. If old Master was Mac, you can run old storage folder only on Mac computer.
  13. @lupus Thanks for testing. Could you collect process monitor logs please? Just run ProcMon and let it record events, reproduce the issue, then export events list and send to me. Pack it first as event log might be rather heavy. Thanks!
  14. @robson.sobral We already got that request in Feature Requests forum and plan to implement in future. Note, that it is possible to remove all the files in a single folder in 1.4 (tap the three dots menu, tap "Select" tap the checkbox icon in upper right corner then tap "Remove".
  15. @sup3rior There is a way to achieve what you want, though it requires some advanced network configuration and is pretty much inconvenient to support. Usually, Sync has several ways to find other peers: 1. Contact tracker server 2. Send multicast packets to specific group to discover clients in LAN 3. Participate DHT to find clients 4. Contacting manually defined hosts. While #1 to #3 tend to form "mesh" of all peers (i.e. each peer knows and talks to all other peers), the option #4 means peer is going to contact some host (by IP or by DNS name) you predefined manually. So, your solution would be to disable #1..3 and put required IPs / DNS names in predefined hosts. As a result, you can shape whatever network topology you want, though it is rather hard to maintain (especially, if some dynamic IPs are present).
  16. @gros1k, @lupus I've sent you experimental build 1.4.10018 (based on 1.4.106). Let me know how it works in your environement and if it fixes the issue.
  17. @robson.sobral Sounds strange. Technically, Sync may store 2 massive entities in its sandbox: database and actually files. The rest of data is rather tiny. I can suspect 2 things that could happen: 1) the DB increased to 339 Mb. Though, this will happen only if the files you added are huge (under "huge" I mean their size is measured in terabytes). Also, this should repeat after you re-add the folder. 2) Some of data was actually synced (not deleted - even if you see it as non-synced) . If you encounter such a thing again, could you please install the DiskAid app and see what actually takes the space in Sync's sandbox? Thanks!
  18. @jola16 We are aware of the issue. It reproduces only for some setups, not all MacOS devices are affected. We plan to optimize the way icon animated in future.
  19. @CoupeWare Could you please take a look to the reg key HKCU\Software\BitTorrent\Sync\Revision and make sure it is set to 0x0104006A? If you have to change the value - make sure Sync is off.
  20. @uffowich We've located one of such issues with certain model of Android devices involved and working to fix it. Though, it looks like you've got completely different case. I would love to see the debug logs from both your Win machines (if issue reproduces, of course). BTW, where the affected folders are located? Anything special like old FS (FAT32), removable storage, network drive, huge file sizes, etc?
  21. @Hawaiian Every peer in Sync should have a unique PeerID. As soon as PeerID stops being unique within one mesh, the duplicate peers won't see each other. Try deleting settings.dat and settings.dat.old to reset PeerID and generate it from scratch. This will delete all app-global settings, though (while shares will not be removed).
  22. @vivitron There is an issue in upgrade tool when you upgrade cross-architecture. If you'll change your mind and decide to participate in debugging - let me know!
  23. @carloxp 1) The "No peers" usually indicates connectivity issues. What peers are participating (OS, wifi / LAN connectivity)? 2) There is a known issue with out-of-sync. I can either propose you to try experimental build (with a possible fix), or - do a debugging session so we can try to find the root cause of your out-of-sync. @PainterArt Okay, it's good that it is syncing now, though it's a pity I can't see what was in the log. For the DB corruption - I cannot say what will be in the log. If the DB library detects the error, there would be something with "DB error". If on the DB level everything is okay and Sync just wrote some wrong data to the DB - it won't be that simple and error might take any look.
  24. @mogarick Indeed, we are working to release official packages for all major NAS vendors. WD is in the list, though I can't claim ETA for the release.