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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @sbrattla 1) Win&Mac: BTSync runs as current user, so all files it creates when syncing have default permissions for current user. Linux - it applies umask to newly created files. 2) Indeed. Last change (including direct copy of an older file to sync directory) wins. 3) It targets to be a mesh structure, i.e. by default all peers try to connect to all peers.
  2. @Nefarious Yes. Disable / Enable backup, so it will regenerate secret. Once done, re-add backup folder on your PC with new secret. BTSync won't download pics that are already there.
  3. @pportnoy There is no priority. BTSync will try to connect all predefined hosts.
  4. @MoonKid If issue still occurs - I suggest mailing to our support to with full debug logs from both computers so we can assist you.
  5. @Tony Shark Publishing plans and roadmaps always sets some expectations for community - which might get broken by changes which product designers take during course of development. We don't want to set any false expectations for our users. Once product becomes mature - we'll publish more information on incoming features and changes.
  6. @iMaculate Do not worry. Previously there was no officially supported package for QNAP. The one which was available was done by 3rd party. Our team is working hard to make and publish official package for QNAP, Netgear and bunch of other popular NASes.
  7. Tito, Officially Sync is not intended to run in API or Config mode on mobile. The solution you point simply runs a linux binary compiled for ARM CPU - which should work.
  8. 1) No speed-related changes from 1.3.94 to 1.3.105 2) Yes, see here. Every topic starter contains changes and a link to previous release build changelog. 3) Most likely something (ISP were noticed to do that often) is throttling the connection. Usually more peers provide better speed. 4) Actually, even 2 peers should try to occupy all available bandwidth. There should be no need in additional fake peers. 5) Yes, it should be possible. In next release (1.4) we prepare a bunch of speed-related fixes as well as tool to debug and find bottlenecks.
  9. all, Sorry for confusion. I'm working with legal department to clarify the usage. Will update as soon as have answer.
  10. @keamas The second screenshot says that the application is "BitTorrent General", but not BTSync. Why do you think that it is Bittorrent Sync opening other ports?
  11. Tito, You won't find the file. On Android it is stored to logcat, sort of circular buffer in the memory. There are bunch of utilities capable of monitoring logcat (and probably saving it as a file?). As for the MIPS support - well, not supported yet, and not going to be in next release, sorry.
  12. @frater It looks like in older non-official packages for QNAP the file was set a special attribute prohibiting file change and removal. Try running command "chattr -i" for and see if it allows deletion.
  13. @hpbaxter It depends on which OS runs on your ReadyNAS. BTSync official package supports Netgear OS 6 and newer.
  14. @Magnetic_dud Yeah, sync should work. My lab experiment also confirms that.
  15. @MoonKid Thanks for your feedback. I'll update Sync team as well as designers.
  16. Tito, Small update - the discovery issue is present in 1.3 and was fixed in upcoming 1.4 release.
  17. @datroubler, I suggest posting it to Feature Request forum. The proposals from there are reviewed regularly by dev team and some of them are implemented.
  18. @MoonKid It shows the time when the last sync was complete. If sync is ongoing - it shows the amount of data necessary to be uploaded and downloaded. Indeed, WebUI was redesigned to be more convenient and resembling GUI for Mac and Windows.
  19. @MoonKid We do read the official forums . There is an information about the last sync time in new WebUI. You need to click the devices link next to share name - and it will show you the last connect time. Now it more resembles GUI for Windows and Macs, where last sync time is indicated on Device tab.
  20. @captainmark Yes, mobile devices will also be able to go thru proxy.
  21. Only by removing folder and re-adding it with a new secret.
  22. Bernie, We are aware of this issue and are working to make 1.3.105 available thru QNAP package. It should be available pretty soon (sorry, cannot give you precise ETA).
  23. @nomarky You can do that in next way: desktop - add music folder with RW secret laptop - add music folder with same RW secret media PC - add music folder with corresponding RO secret In this case desktop and laptop will sync their music to media PC without taking anything from there. Also, by default they would not overwrite anything with the same filename and different content. Though, desktop and laptop are going to merge their music folders - as they have both the same RW secret. If you want to avoid that and keep desktop and laptop music folders separate - you have to make 2 different secrets, one for desktop and one for laptop. Then you'll need to add 2 separate folders on media PC with corresponding RW secrets. You can't sync 2 separate folders from different PCs into one folder on 3rd computer.