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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @normalizer2000 We are implementing big changes in the way how BTSync works with multiple NICs in system, so this issue is very likely to be fixed in upcoming 1.4 release.
  2. @spYro Actually the "central" peer should let other servers know each others IPs and ports. Relay server has no any relation to sharing peers addresses, aren't you confusing it with Tracker server? In my lab I confirm that predefined hosts does not share information about each other, while enabling relay server did not fix the situation. Enabling tracker - all peers immediately know about each other. I'll dive deeper into this issue to find out why "central" peer does not share info and update this thread.
  3. @suhrim Thanks, no need to connect. One of our support engineers will contact you and help locating the issue - you'll need to assist in running couple of builds with extra debugging information.
  4. @b0rman Actually BTSync is only using hosts in predefined hosts list if you disable tracker, dht and lan discovery.
  5. @Moyshale We plan to implement camera backup in the way you describe (i.e. without pics removal) in future release. For now I can advise setting sync_trash_ttl advanced preference on your backup PC to "0" so files moved to .SyncArchive will never be deleted.
  6. @zodman Sounds strange - 1.3.106 is the latest release, while 1.4 is in development Are you writing to forum from 2016?
  7. @zodman I suppose you run Linux version of BTSync on your VPS server? If yes - you can do it in WebUI. New WebUI (starting from version 1.3.105) allows to create a directory when adding folder to BTSync.
  8. @b0rman I suggest collecting debug logs from both peers (see this topic on how to enable debug logs and send them to us to Note this forum topic in message body. Also, set log_size advanced preference to ~200 to make sure your issue will fit into logs.
  9. @GrahamJClark Thanks for contacting us. We are working to make getting started page more clear and understandable. There is no "main" device. In P2P all devices are equal. If you shared the folder on imac, MBA and ipad with the same secret - they will share data in that folder. For example, once new file appears on MBA - it will sync it to ipad and imac. However, if new file appeared on MBA while it is offline (or BTSync is off) - ipad and imac won't have any idea that there is a new file in the shared folder. Now about the instructions on how to sync a folder with your imac. If you want to sync the same folder which you already synced between MBA and ipad, follow next instructions: 1. Open your BTSync on MBA. 2. Open shared folder properties, copy the secret to clipboard. 3. Transfer the secret to your imac (whatever way fits the best - secure mail, manual typing, etc.) 4. Open BTSync on imac, click "Add folder" 5. Paste the secret you just transferred from macbook to secret editbox. Choose some folder you want toget synced with your ipad and MBA. Thats it. The data from folder you chose will be delivered to macbook and ipad while data from Sync folders on ipad and macbook will be delivered to your imac. If you want to sync another folder between MBA and imac - you need to do pretty same, but on step 2 you need to add another folder to Sync on macbook and generate a new secret for it instead of taking existing..
  10. @b0rman According to your description - you mapped ports and configured predefined hosts correctly. Only one thing I could think of is checking your route tables to make sure that traffic to designated ip goes to correct interface. Also, can you please elaborate - what do you mean under "slow"? Is there some latency while traffic starts to glow or the bandwidth itself?
  11. @b0rman Sync does not sync file attributes, however it tracks changes as a sign of possible content change. It is not possible to disable attribute change tracking.
  12. @SubCog I suggest you used correct path delimiter symbol. Please try re-adding the folder to sync (you may use the same secret) and when adding - make sure that syncignore already present in the folder. In this case BTSync wont even add ignored entries to the internal folder tree.
  13. @dsolvegmbh We are working with Netgear to deliver the latest version to the package. Also, you can replace the binary yourself if you have the SSH access to the box. I would also suggest trying to increase folder_rescan_interval to 1 day as a test (due to numerous files it looks like it takes a lot of time to rescan folders). Though, it will require SSH access as well - config mode requires you to run binary with "--config" switch.
  14. @ronexo Use "overwrite_changes" setting. It is "per-folder" setting.
  15. @oldschoola Are you using old unofficial Synology package? What is the version of BTSync packaged there?
  16. Does it see the other devices? Make sure that outgoing port 3000, 3838 for UDP/TCP are open as well as listening port (random for each installation) is not blocked by FW.
  17. @bigbaldyboy Does BTSync on QNAP actually see other peers (can be checked by clicking "devices" in webui)?
  18. @Magnetic_dud Change the umask for btsync user. BTSync applies umask when creates new files / folders.
  19. @dershope I suggest turning on debug log, it will reveal more information.
  20. @loki_racer That's for developers to judge. I suggest adding your proposal to the Feature Request forum to make sure it is not lost.
  21. @spYro Issue confirmed. We'll fix it, thanks for reporting.
  22. @dhfin I suggest checking your security software first. Do you have any firewalls, application controls, sandboxes that might affect BTSync behavior?
  23. @dershope There might be folders or files where sync can't access due to permissions or if files / folders are open exclusively by another app. I suggest collecting debug logs and sending to me for analysis.
  24. @suhrim Let me do a couple of checks on API key server, it might take couple of days. I'll let you know the results.