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I got running on QNAP ts469. have not implemented autorun yet. but seems to work well even through firewall once port forwarding was set up it was sooo easy to install on an external (internet connected) pc. I am hoping this will serve as a personal dropbox type service with my nas as the primary node.

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Can anyone tell me if this is correct for use with iomega ix2-200?


I have little(practically none) experience with linux. I managed to download the package but unable to install it.

I'll keep checking back in the hope someone is a saint and step by step walkthrough for dim wits like my self.


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Works on Synology DS 212j with DSM 4.2

EDIT : Since I'm asked some steps, I just downloaded btsync on windows, put it on the NAS with FTP, logged in with SSH, and started the executable... that's it.

Just don't forget to open the ports for FTP, SSH and 8888 in the web interface's firewall options. Oh, and the SSH login is root, not your username.

In other words, this works fine :

tar zxvf btsync_arm.tar.gz
chmod u+x btsync

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Anyone could tell me if upgrading to the new Kernel 3.x it should work as well?
No prom - i386 rattling on both TS-639 Pro and TS-EC1279U-RP ... 3.8.2, since today using 3.8.3 firmware (QNAP x86_64 3.4.6 Kernel) [or TS-459 Pro using a QTS 4 Alpha build].
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Guest chairman.faust

in regards to the DNS-323... i'm running debian, 2.6.32-5-orion5x kernel... i'm able to run btsync and add folders in the webgui, however, after a short while btsync just crashes on it own, or crashes quickly if there is a large sync... nothing specific in the logs but there are dump files... I see its not compatible, im just curious if its something that will be addressed in a future version or its limited by hardware resources.

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I can confirm that btsync works on Lenovo Iomega EZ Media & Backup Center

Steps to install it:

1. Enable SSH access by visiting: http://your-iomega-ip/manage/diagnostics.html (mark top checkbox, choose port-number and your-password, click Apply)

2. SSH to iomega (on Linux open terminal and type ssh -l root -p port-number your-iomega-ip). Warning! Your password is not the same as the one you defined through the web-page! Add 'soho' before your-password. If you had qwerty then use sohoqwerty to login.


cd opt/apps




tar -xzvf btsync_arm.tar.gz


rm btsync_arm.tar.gz


nano /etc/rc.local

  • place
    (sleep 300; /opt/apps/btsync) &


    exit 0

  • To save your changes press: ctrl-x, 'y' and 'enter'



You're done! To test your btsync wait for ca. 10 minutes and go to http://your-iomega-ip:8888

(make sure port 8888 is open)

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QNAP TS-109 Pro II, firmware version: 3.3.2 Build 0918T

./btsync starts four processes. The webui prompts for username and password. Then the browser gets the initial html-code, but the four btsync processes die before any javascript or image files loads.

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I'm gonna post this in hopes that anyone who wants to put Sync on a Raspberry Pi might see it:

Thanks! I'll give it a shot and let you know -- everything seems to be working and I'm not receiving any errors, but a simply symlink won't hurt.


No, the symblink does not work as the resource is already located in the /lib/ directory.


Tried running btsync as root -- same issues. Any transfer that takes longer than 10-12 seconds drops down to near completely stopped, or completely stopped.


Part of this issue was caused by the default Raspberry Pi settings. By default the partition size of the disk is only 1.8GB to which I filled up VERY quickly. After attempting to transfer a larger (700MB) file, the transfer peaks at 2.8 Mbps (pretty much my saturation cap) then drops all the way down to 20 Kbps, then down to 12 Kbps, then finally down to 0 Kbps.

Read More:

All in all, the transfer speeds for smaller files are fine now, but again, anything that takes more than 10-15 seconds to transfer basically drops to a speed where it almost stops.

Any suggestions?

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QNAP TS-109 Pro II, firmware version: 3.3.2 Build 0918T

./btsync starts four processes. The webui prompts for username and password. Then the browser gets the initial html-code, but the four btsync processes die before any javascript or image files loads.

I'm having similiar issues on a WD MyBook World NAS, I described it in more detail in this thread:

Finding a solution would thus add two NAS devices to the supported list.

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I loaded the Arm version and when I type:


I get:

BitTorrent Sync forked to background. PID = 21547

Does anyone know if it is working/How do I share/create a BT Sync folder--add a Secret?

running great on freenas 8.3 in a jail

go to http:// ipaddrnas:8888 :)

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Ok--That works but it's still in the tmp dir

Now I need to figure out which directory to install to and how to get it to load after a reboot.

Thank you.

There is no "install" in UNIX. Just place the btsync binary where you like, along with its config file and all of the meta cache it has already created since you've run it in tmp already.

Then add a startup line to /etc/rc.conf.local (FreeBSD) or /etc/rc.local (Linux).

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