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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. What version of BitTorrent Sync are you running? If it's not the latest build (1.1.12), then please update to this build, which has some fixes which may well resolve your sleep issue!
  2. Please see the Unofficial FAQ entry: "Can I control how frequently syncing occurs?"
  3. Oh, there are plenty of things that haven't made it into BitTorrent Sync... yet! ...because do bear in mind that it's still just in "alpha", and therefore the primary focus for the developers has been more on improving performance & stability, than on adding new features for this particular build! Give them time, though, as proxy support is planned! ...and there's currently an 18-page "Wishlist" thread - the developers can't physically implement all of these suggestions in one go!
  4. If you remove and then re-add a folder to BitTorrent Sync, it will be re-indexed, and assuming it was in-sync prior to removal, then after the re-indexing is complete, no files should need to be transferred again.
  5. Yes ...I agree though, it would have been good for the installer to automatically cleanup obsolete components from earlier versions! For anyone else updating from 1.0.x builds, the "metacache" directory, on Windows, can be found under %AppData%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync\metacache. Once you're running 1.1.x, this "metacache" folder may be safely deleted.
  6. Please see the first post in this thread - changelog is there! EDIT: Ha! Kos beat me to it!
  7. No, these are not BitTorrent Sync system files - please check none of the files in the folder you're syncing are open in their respective applications. Some applications create temporary "working" (or backup) copies of files whilst they are open/being edited, which is likely what these temporary files are that you're seeing! It's probably worth excluding .tmp files by adding ".tmp" to your .SyncIgnore files to prevent these temporary files syncing between your devices
  8. jonnojohnson, there are all kinds of issues surrounding the idea of being able to sync a parent folder separately to a sub folder. There was quite a length discussion on "nested" shares a while ago, with the official word from the developers at the time being "We see a demand for this and will add it soon." (Source). My advice would be to post your suggestion in the Wishlist thread, as the more popular certain ideas become, the greater the chance that the developers are likely to look at implementing them! In the meantime, the workaround for your scenario would be to not sync the parent folder, and instead setup individual syncs on each of the sub-folders. That way you can precisely control which sub-folders sync where!
  9. Well, other possibilities could be that you've somehow ended up with TWO instances of BitTorrent Sync running at the same time, or maybe the config file is being loaded TWICE?
  10. Please see the unofficial FAQ for more information on the "Selected folder is already added to BitTorrent Sync" error
  11. UPDATE: Issue appears to be resolved as of Kaspersky database release 08/06/2013 18:07:00. Kaspersky no longer identifies BTSync.exe as a Trojan If you've encountered the issue described in this thread and are running Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) or Kaspersky Antivirus (KAV), please update to the latest database release (Right-click Kaspersky taskbar icon and select "Update")
  12. Hmm... I've just download this and checked it with Kasperksy: Looks clean to me! (Kaspersky database release date: 07/06/2013 14:53:00) UPDATE: Having just posted the above, I decided to see if new database definitions were available since yesterdays, and sure enough, after update (new database release date 08/06/2013 12:57:00), "Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Foreign.diwl" HAS now been detected on the installer!! looks like potentially a false-positive caused by the latest database update from Kaspersky?!
  13. Looks like you may have an existing infection in your machine, unrelated to BitTorrent Sync. Whilst I can't find specific details for the ".diwl" variant of "Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Foreign", for all other "Trajan-Ransom.Win32.Foreign" threats; "This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites." (Source) Therefore, this infection has not been caused by BitTorrent Sync itself! UPDATE: Ignore the above, and please see my subsequent post
  14. Don't worry, the ability to natively install & run BitTorrent Sync as a Windows service is planned!
  15. There are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to .SyncIgnore: 1) Changes to .SyncIgnore need to be made when BitTorrent Sync isn't running 2) Changes to .SyncIgnore need to be manually made on all devices where the folder is syncing 3) Changes to .SyncIgnore may not affect previously indexed/sync'd files
  16. Please try to avoid cross posting - you only need to post your question once, and forum members will see it!
  17. The reason for the delay since the last update (1.0.134) on 15th May is due to the nature of the next update... which is big!! The developers are making good progress on this and an update will be available "soon" (there are no specific release dates/roadmap whilst Sync is in alpha). But since this forthcoming update to Sync has a dramatically improved core, it takes time to stabilize everything. However, according to the developers, in the forthcoming update memory consumption will be 2-3x times lower, with much better CPU utilization and network speed! be patient... an update is coming and will certainly be worth the wait!
  18. ...this is why when modifying .SyncIgnore files, you need to manually modify them on every device that's syncing so that the .SyncIgnore files are identical across your devices. If you only ignore files on one device, but not on other devices that are syncing, you risk files being deleted. ...and as Lightning says, the various issues/limitations with .SyncIgnore have been discussed in numerous other threads as well
  19. Please see "How do you define multiple shared folders in the config file" in the Unofficial FAQ
  20. Are your devices able to establish direct connections to each other through the VPN (indicated in BitTorrent Sync by a two-way arrow icon), or only indirect connections? (indicated by a "cloud" icon) this will greatly affect speed!
  21. It should, hopefully, resolve your issue, as you were able to find lots of .!Sync files... had you not found any of these I would have been at a bit more of a loss as to the cause... but hopefully if you've removed all the .!Sync files (incomplete transfers) from all devices, with BitTorrent Sync not running, then when you come to restart Sync on your devices, they should all sort themselves out and behave! theory!
  22. 1) Check the system time on each device is correct 2) With BitTorrent Sync not running on any devices, locate any .!Sync files, delete them, and then restart BitTorrent Sync BitTorrent Sync is currently an "alpha" product - paid support is not an option at this time. If your "team" is expecting paid support at this stage, then "alpha" software probably isn't right for you! However, you can obtain free support from the Sync community right here in the forums!
  23. Regardless of the number of threads you open on this same topic, such as this one, the developers have been VERY clear that there will NOT be Windows XP x64, or Windows XP pre-SP3, support for BitTorrent Sync... sorry!
  24. Please also see this thread for a number of other workarounds to automatically empty .SyncTrash too!