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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. If removing the folder and re-adding it didn't work, it may be that the folder's .SyncID file is corrupt/has been damaged. Remove the folder from Sync again, then delete the hidden .SyncID file within that folder, then add the folder back to Sync again with the original secret. Sync will generate a new .SyncID file in the folder, which should cause Sync to reindex the folder correctly.
  2. I don't believe so - you have to list individual IP addresses (or hostnames), rather than IP ranges
  3. You don't specify which previous version of Sync you updated from, as updating from a very old builds to the current build may require that you remove and then re-add your folders back to Sync, due to changes that were made in the way Sync functions and in the protocol, etc But, regardless of the version you were using prior to update to 1.2.73, does your problem get resolved if you remove the folders from Sync and then re-add them again with the same secrets?
  4. 1.2.68 is not the latest version - the latest version, as vadimt indicates, is 1.2.73 and may be obtained here
  5. It means both - it denotes the last time the folder was Sync'd (i.e. the last time that changes were detected and subsequently finished transferring)
  6. Sync cannot delete files if they are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. "Transmission BT" is likely the reason why Sync is unable to delete files from the folders it's syncing. Closing "Transmission BT" will likely resolve the issue
  7. Steps for Syncing Devices or PCs 1. Install Sync on PC1 and PC2 2. Select a folder to sync on PC1 and generate a secret 3. Take note of the secret 4. Select a folder to sync on PC2 and enter the secret you've noted in step 3 The respective folders on PC1 and PC2 will then sync. For more help getting started with Sync, please see: BitTorrent Sync User Guide BitTorrent Sync FAQ BitTorrent Sync Unofficial FAQ
  8. Please consider posting this in the Wishlist thread. In the meantime, a potential "work-around" would be to not save your large files directly to a Sync folder - when you regularly save, save them somewhere else instead (a non-sync folder), then setup a Scheduled Task to automatically copy/move the contents of your save folder to your Sync folder every night, for example.
  9. It is a known issue - Sync isn't able to handle changes in network settings (i.e. IP address changing, etc) whilst it is running. When changing networks/IP addresses, etc you need to close Sync and restart it for Sync to detect changes. - Think of it this way, if you're watching a YouTube video and your IP address suddenly changes, or you connect to a different Wireless network mid-playback for example, playback will stop until you reload the page/click play again - it won't automatically continue of its own accord - well, it's the same sort of thing with Sync!
  10. Sync references everything back to UTC when comparing file modification times, etc, so the timezone setting itself should be an issue. I'm aware your devices are only 3 minutes different, but does the problem go away if you actually synchronize both your devices to a time server?
  11. Not all operating systems report changes in files to Sync in realtime (although Windows does) - but your issue is likely due to your Symlinks (see next paragraph). As a fall back, the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting is available to force a rescan of all monitored folders at a recurring interval. By default, this is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes). You can decrease this value to force Sync to rescan your folders for changes more frequently However, in relation to changes not correctly propagating across devices, avoid using SymLinks! Whilst products like Dropbox etc only allow you to Sync one central folder, thus necessitating the need for SymLinks, BitTorrent Sync allows you to sync any folder - making SymLinks somewhat redundant! If you insist on using SymLinks, try creating them the other way around instead!
  12. This is not an issue with Sync, but rather a limitation of certain file system - for example, on Windows, you can't have files/folders with " symbols in them, but on other operating systems you can. Because Sync is cross-platform, it would be unable to sync a file with a " symbol in its name from say a Linus machine to a Windows machine. For this reason, you should avoid syncing files containing characters that are not supported in names of files/folders on different operating systems. BTW, Please also update to the latest version of Sync - 1.2.73
  13. Have you tried turning off the DHT settings in Sync?
  14. Firstly, remember that Sync is currently only "beta" software - if you're worried about data loss, you probably shouldn't be using "beta" software to synchronize your important data! Secondly, Android aside - what versions of Sync are you using on you other devices? This thread originally relates to 1.1.70 - this is a very old version are Sync. Are you using the latest version (1.2.73) on all your devices and still seeing this issue?
  15. The problem is likely with the network configuration of your "virtualized" Windows 7 machine i.e. is it "sharing" the connection of the host machine, or does it have its own IP address? If so, is this on the same subnet as the host machine? What about your firewall? Is that allowing your virtualized Windows 7 machine to make connections through the port you've set Sync to use? etc - there are many things to check, but I would suggest the issue will likely be due to a configuration issue with your "virtualized" machine
  16. Quite possibly - that's why it's worth adding an exclusion rule for temporary "~" offices files in your .SyncIgnore file
  17. If you have bandwidth caps, you'd be wise to use the bandwidth limiting settings within Sync to "slow down" the rate of transfers for devices with caps. Also, remember that Sync is decentralized - therefore if you are sharing a large amount of data between 4 devices, each device will receive data from the all the other peers, but also send data to other peers as well. So if you add a 1GB file to one device, it will start uploading to the other 3 devices. Therefore, the total amount of data being "sent" will be more far more than 1GB. Finally, it would be worth checking that the system clocks on all your devices are in sync. If we take the above example of a 1GB file transferring to 3 other devices, if one of those devices has a system time that's ahead of the other devices, upon receiving the complete 1GB file, Sync may then think that the file that has just been received is a "newer" version of the file, and so then start transferring it back to all the other devices!! So really, Check all your device clocks are in sync to avoid identical files being considered as "newer" versions prompting further transfersIf you have bandwidth caps, consider limiting the upload/download rates in Sync
  18. It's not currently possible to run your own relay/tracker servers for Sync as such - this will likely be a feature that's implemented in the "business grade"/"enterprise" edition of Sync. You can, however, use the pre-defined hosts options within Sync to list the IPs of your known devices to allow connection without needing to go via Sync's relay/tracker servers. However, this assumes that direct connections can be established between the IPs you list. If direct connections cannot be established, Sync will fallback to using its relay/tracker to establish connections. Essentially, if all your devices are on the same subnet of the same LAN, you should be able to establish direct connections between them. If you can't, it's likely an issue with your router/firewall setup
  19. Sync can create the following folders: .SyncArchive ..and the following files: .SyncID .SyncIgnore *.SyncPart *.SyncTemp *.!Sync ...but really, the best advice would be; don't run multiple different file synchronization/backup software on the same set of files/folder - it's really just asking for trouble! Either choose "SecondCopy" or BitTorrent Sync - running both together will cause issues to one or the other!
  20. XLSX files that begin with a ~ are generally "lock" files created by Microsoft Excel whilst you edit an actual XLSX file. Sync cannot sync files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. Closing an XLSX file in excel will automatically remove the associated "lock" file (starting with a ~ character), and allow your XLSX file to Sync. You could also consider adding a rule to your SyncIgnore to prevent Sync trying to sync temporary "~" files
  21. Not currently (short of enabling debug logging!) - I would suggest you post this suggestion in the Wishlist thread
  22. Please read the "BTSync doesn't want to start and exists with Alignment error on ARM" entry in the FAQ
  23. Well, you don't specify what different operating systems you're syncing between (or are they all Windows?), but essentially, one or more of them has an incorrect time. You will need to correct the time on all the devices you're syncing between to resolve this issue, ideally by synchronizing the system clocks to an internet time server
  24. Latest version is actually 1.2.73 - please update to see if that resolves your issue!