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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Hmmm... not easily! However, a possible "workaround" would be to search your Sync logs for the word "skip" (as Sync will log which files it's currently unable to sync along with the word "Skipping" or "Skipped")
  2. No, "sync_trash_ttl" is a global setting, however, you can turn off SyncArchive completely on a per-folder basis (via the "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" folder option)
  3. Sounds like it's an issue with your network/router unable to handle the amount of traffic that Sync is causing. There are a few things you can do to ease this, including: Limit the upload/download rates that Sync can useChange the setting of "lan_use_tcp"Set "rate_limit_local_peers" to "true"Disable the per-folder "Search LAN" setting Actually, this is not the case with "Beta" software - the developers want you to use the latest Beta builds so that any bugs can be found & fixed. If you find a bug in an earlier build, the advice from the developers would almost always be to update to the latest beta build and try and replicate your issue there, as it may be that the bug you've encountered has since been fixed. For this reason, links to past beta builds are generally not promoted.
  4. Sync cannot transfer files whilst they are open/locked/in use by other applications. Sync will still indicate there's an amount of data still to upload/download, but this data won't actually transfer until the files in question are closed/unlocked by their respective applications.
  5. Yes, Sync is capable of syncing between 20 or more devices. Please do bear in mind though that Sync is currently still in "Beta", which you may like to take into account depending upon the nature of the data you wish to sync.
  6. Yes - turn off "Search DHT Network" (this is a per-folder setting)
  7. Sync 1.2.82 is the latest and most stable "beta" build currently available, so it's not really advisable to run earlier beta builds. Perhaps if you outline what your "severe issues" are, folks here in the forum may be able to help?!
  8. The hidden .SyncArchive folder is where Sync stores files that have been deleted from the folder on other devices you're syncing with. Files in these folders are kept for 30 days by default, but you can change this with the advanced "sync_trash_ttl" setting. For more information on SyncArchive, please refer to the Sync User Guide.
  9. To get Sync 1.2.82 running in "Portable Mode" off your USB stick, please see this post
  10. OK, Folks! - Here's how to get the latest build of Sync running in "Portable Mode" off your USB stick or Memory Card: So, it's a little fiddly, but here goes: Step 1: Download Sync 1.2.24 to your USB stick (NOTE: This is an older build of Sync - not the latest, and so should only be downloaded for following these specific steps - if you're not trying to run Sync in "Portable Mode", download 1.2.82 instead) Step 2: Run the file you've downloaded (BTSyn-1.2.4.exe) from your USB stick. When running it from your USB stick, the installer will show the "Portable Mode" option - select this option and click "Next": Step 3: Sync 1.2.24 will now be installed to your USB stick, where it will run in "Portable Mode". However, 1.1.24 is not the latest build of Sync available, so in order to get the latest build, 1.2.82 running in "Portable Mode", you will then need to do the following: Step 4: Download and Install Sync 1.2.82 onto your computer (not your USB stick), and once installed, copy its main "BTSync.exe" program file (you'll find this file in C:\Program Files\BitTorrent Sync, if you've used the default install options) over to your USB stick (replacing the executable file on your USB stick with the same name) Step 5 (Optional): Uninstall Sync 1.2.82 from your computer if you don't need it (we only installed it so we could grab a copy of the main executable for our memory stick) ..and Voila! You will then be able to run Sync 1.2.82 from your USB stick in "Portable Mode" Note: In my testing, running 1.2.24 in "Portable Mode" and then performing a check for updates did alert me to the fact that 1.2.82 was available, however, this didn't appear to download/install when running in "Portable Mode", hence why you'll also need to install 1.2.82 onto your computer, then copy the main 1.2.82 executable across! IMPORTANT UPDATE: According to the developers, "Portable Mode" was intentionally removed from recent builds "due to higher priority tasks" taking precedence in the development of Sync. However, the developers do inform me that "Hopefully, we'll get back to it [portable mode] in future". As such, if using my "workaround" outlined above, please be aware that running the latest build of Sync in "Portable Mode" is technically unsupported at this time.
  11. As indicated in my original response in the thread you link to, the last known build that had the "portable mode" install option that I was able to determine appears to be 1.2.24. Later builds haven't had this option - I've no idea why! ..but I'll try and find out why and report back! In the meantime, Sync 1.2.24 IS still available to download, however, I wouldn't recommend using earlier "Beta" builds of Sync - it's always advisable to use the most up-to-date build available, which at time of writing is 1.2.82. That said, I'll do a little testing myself with 1.2.24, and see if it's possible to directly perform an inline update from a "portable install" of 1.2.24 to 1.2.82 and for it to remain "portable" in the process - if so, this would be a potential solution, and I will post instructions accordingly! watch this space!
  12. Firstly, I assume you mean Sync 1.2.82? Secondly, it sounds like either a problem with your router, possibly with a NAT routing/conflict within the router itself, or with the printer's implementation of UPnP. However, you could also disable UPnP in Sync by unticking the "Use NAT UPnP port mapping" setting in the "Preferences" tab, and/or specifying a different "Listening Port" both of which should help, if it's imperative that your printer remains with UPnP enabled.
  13. The team are currently busy working on Sync 1.3, which will likely publicly land around March time. Therefore, there's not likely to be another 1.2.x build before then (unless any critical bugs are found in the interim)
  14. Are you sure there are no hidden files/folders within the folder you're syncing?!
  15. Please refer to the User Guide "Priority" is currently handled by Sync itself. Essentially, Sync's aim is to synchronize your files as fast as it can, therefore those devices that are able to deliver data faster will take priority. Now, usually, this will be local devices, so you don't need to worry, but you can't specifically set local to "take priority" over Internet. Assuming your devices are still on the same logical network (i.e. your router's DHCP assigns IPs in the same range to both wired and wireless connections), then yes, they will be considered "local"
  16. Yeah, that's because you're right-clicking the icon in the Task Bar, rather than the icon in the System Tray!I If you right-click the System Tray icon, you'll see the "Enable Debug Logging" option:
  17. Please see "Not all my files in a given folder/drive are syncing" in the Unofficial FAQ for common causes of your issue
  18. Not the Unofficial FAQ though, as your question is answered there! (see the entry for "How long are files kept in .SyncTrash/.SyncArchive for?")
  19. Yes, there are plans (although no ETA at present) to be able to natively install & run sync as a Windows service. In the meantime, please see "How to make BitTorrent run as a service" in the Unofficial FAQ for some workarounds
  20. There is a known issue where Sync may stop syncing if it's running whilst you change networks. If the network a device connects to changes, and syncing subsequently stops, closing and restarting Sync usually resolves the issue.
  21. At present, Sync doesn't natively support being installed/run as a windows "service", however, until such native support comes, there are some workarounds to get Sync running as a service on your Windows machine. Once Sync is running as a service, it will be able to run even when you're logged on (as long as the machine itself is still on, and the folder you're syncing still accessible)
  22. I suspect, given time, that an official Blackberry app may well emerge from BitTorrent Inc. Given uncertainty last year over Blackberry's future and the fact that there are more users of Android, iOS and Windows phones than Blackberry phones, the Sync team have instead so far been understandably been more focused on native apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone At present the team are working on a native Windows Phone app, having already released apps for Android and then iOS within the last six months. I wouldn't be expecting a native Blackberry app before the native Windows Phone app is out - at the earliest!
  23. B and C should still sync if A is offline. There is therefore likely an issue with your network/firewall/router. Are all 3 devices A, B, and C on the same physical network?
  24. There is no public "roadmap" at present, whilst Sync remains still in "beta". During this Beta phase, expect updates to occur at any time, and on an irregular basis. Hopefully this will change once Sync leaves beta.