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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, it's been mentioned a few times in the forums - You may currently get either 1.2.82, 1.2.87 or 1.2.89 via the main download links. I suspect it's due to slow propagation throughout the CDN, so the version you actually get may depend on your browser and/or geographic location. However, there is negligible difference between these builds - essentially just a few minor bug fixes, and small GUI tweaks for the installer. So for those who don't get 1.2.87/.89 builds don't worry, you're not missing out on any "new features", and besides 1.3.x is on the horizon anyway!
  2. Seems a little redundant to use BitTorrent Sync for P2P messaging when that's specifically what BitTorrent Chat is designed to do!
  3. Yes - it will be moved to .SyncArchive (if you have this setting enabled) A "read only" node will "follow" changes to a master node. But any changes made on a read-only node won't be synced back to the master
  4. API Keys are currently released in batches - it may be several days/weeks before you actually receive your API key. I know this is not ideal, but please do bear in mind that the API (in fact Sync itself) is still in "beta" and not currently considered "stable". As a result, the team are somewhat controlling/limiting the release of API keys at this time, as the API will no doubt change/evolve over time. API keys will likely become more readily available once the API leaves its current "beta" phase.
  5. Just fill in the form above, and the developers will contact you as and when necessary! As with the previously "closed" betas for the Android and iOS mobile apps, the developers tend "invite" those who have registered an interest, in "batches" as and when newer closed-beta builds become available for testing. Therefore, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything for several weeks. If you've signed up, you will be on the list, and you will be contacted as and when there is a new build they wish you to test.
  6. Yes, a Windows Phone app is in development. There's currently no published ETA on when this will become available to general users.
  7. Please post feature requests for Sync in the dedicated Wishlist thread - they are more likely to be noticed by the developers there.
  8. Sync main function isn't as a "collaboration" tool, which is essentially what you're after. Please see this thread. Whilst you can do a 3-way full sync between "John", "Jane" and "Integration", it's not possible for "John" and "Jane" to sync with "Integration" only, but not with each other in this scenario.
  9. I think you may have misunderstood how archiving/versioning works. Let's say you have two devices A and B sharing a single folder. If you delete a file from A it isn't added to the .SyncArchive on device A, but rather the corresponding file on device B is moved to the .SyncArchive on device B.
  10. Please see this post - Sync 1.3.x is coming soon!
  11. File count/folder size in Sync will differ from file count/folder size in your OS, as Sync's counts don't take into account the contents of .SyncArchive folders, or any .!sync, .SyncPart, .SyncTemp, .SyncIgnore, .SyncID etc, files
  12. Not at present - but feel free to add your suggestion to the Wishlist
  13. The short answer is "no" - You can't currently select which network adapter Sync will use - i.e. if you have both Ethernet (LAN) and wireless adapters enabled in your laptop, Sync may use either - you can't explicitly tell Sync which adapter to use. A potential "workaround" is to temporarily disable your LAN connection (so only the wi-fi is available), then start Sync (which will use the wi-fi adapter, being the only one available), then re-enable your LAN connection. Sync should continue to use the wi-fi adapter until next program restart, next computer restart, or until you change network/adapter properties.
  14. Folder path lengths are OS dependent - i.e. if your underlying operating system doesn't support path lengths of more than a certain length, neither will Sync! Now, when you say renaming solved your problem - did you rename the file's extension, or move it to a different location? If you renamed the file's extension, what did you rename it from/to? If it had a .sync, .syncpart, or .synctemp extension, this indicates that the file hadn't finished syncing
  15. Have you installed Sync on both your Mac and your Mac Mini Server? Sync needs to be installed and running on both your devices. Once it is, you add the folder of files you wish to sync on your Mac to Sync and generate a "secret" for the folder. Then, in Sync on your Mac Mini Server, you select the folder you wish to sync your incoming files to, and enter the same secret you previously generated on your Mac for this second folder. The two folders will then sync between devices.
  16. Sync doesn't currently alert the user if certain files fail to sync, however, you can find this information in the debug log, or a simpler method is just to compare timestamps of the files in your operating system. It does, and if you enable Debug Logging, files that are presently unable to sync will be logged there. Agreed - as long as this is customizable! For example, if you've got a file open/locked/in use in another application (because you're actually working on it), you wouldn't want a balloon notification from Sync every few seconds telling you the file can't Sync!
  17. Sync will always do a quick rescan of folders when it loads up to check nothing's changed since it was last run. If you have very large folders this may take several seconds, although this process shouldn't significantly slow down your computer. One thing to check; once you add folders to Sync, are you then allowing these to complete their initial indexing processes before you power off/restart your computer? If you add a large folder to Sync and then power off your computer before its completed its initial indexing of that folder, the initial indexing process will start again the next time your computer loads up.
  18. Hmm... this sounds more like an issue with a system library on your computer that Sync requires - what OS are you using?
  19. "Backup" on the Android app is used to, for example, backup your camera photos to an external computer. This is a "continuous" backup - i.e. when you take more photos on your camera, and run Sync, sync will "backup" these new photos to your external computer
  20. Sync cannot transfer files whilst they are open/locked/in use by other applications. If Excel is open, this may be why your excel documents are not syncing. Closing Excel should then allow these files to sync. However, this shouldn't cause Explorer to "hang" - can you just confirm that you have no other backup/synchronization software running in parallel with BitTorrent Sync?
  21. Sync = two way (i.e. between your phone and a computer - files can transfer in either direction) Backup = one way (i.e. from your phone to a computer - files transfer FROM your phone only)
  22. I know you say you've checked settings, but have you compared them to the settings on your other two machines, to check (particularly the advanced settings) they're the same across your devices? What's the folder_rescan_interval setting set to on the device you're having an issue on?
  23. The API "Wishlist" thread may be found here. Also, for questions specific to the API, we now have a dedicated Developers forum