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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. You won't be able to collect "usernames" - do you actually mean device names?! If you want to view how many/which devices are currently connected, this information is available in the "Devices" tab of the user interface
  2. Windows RT is somewhat limited, in that you can't natively install and run non-Microsoft apps - including Sync.
  3. Hi All, There were 3 identical discussions on ipv6 here in the forum, so I've merged them into one. To answer the question, there is presently no ipv6 support in Sync, however, feel free to suggest it in the Wishlist!
  4. Well, when you get back from your vacation(!) open Sync, then on the "Folders" tab, click the "Add Folder" button. You will then be prompted to enter the secret and a local folder with which to sync.
  5. What version numbers of Sync are you using across your devices? Given that Sync is in beta there are sometimes changes made to the makeup of Secrets. Generally speaking newer builds are backwards-compatible with older builds (that is to say that Secrets generated on earlier builds will still work in later builds), but older builds are not necessarily "forwards-compatible" with newer builds (i.e. secrets generated on the latest builds may not be compatible with much earlier builds) For this reason, if you're currently using different versions of Sync across your various devices, your best option would be to update them so they're all running the same version number. That way Secrets will be valid across your devices. If updating devices isn't practical right now for whatever reason, try generating Secrets for your folders on the lowest version of Sync you're using on a device i.e if all your devices are running 1.2.82, apart from one which is running 1.0.x, generate secrets on this device 1.0.x.
  6. See the steps outlined in my previous post above!
  7. Yeah, that's not really all that practical! Consider this; let's say you have a partitioned disc, with two drives C & D. Drive D contains 500GB of files you wish to sync. Drive C (the system OS drive) only has 100GB of free space left. If temporary/incoming files are initially stored in the C drive instead of the D drive (the final destination), then 1) the C drive will run out of space, 2) Once each file has been received, it would then need to be "moved" from drive C to drive D - making overall sync time longer, and in the case of traditional HDDs, leading to big disk fragmentation! Whereas, under the present system, a received file is stored in its destination folder and simply renamed once complete - it's not "moved" from one location to another after it's been fully received. The bottom line is that Sync allows you to exclude certain files, file types, or folders from syncing. However, if any other 3rd party software you have "monitoring" or processing the contents of the folders you're also syncing doesn't have the same ability to ignore/exclude certain files, file types, or folders from their own respective monitoring processes, then you should suggest to those software vendors that they provide a way to do this in their software so that it can co-exist with Sync.
  8. Sounds like your installation of Sync has become corrupt when you re-installed Windows. To resolve: 1. Make a note of which folders you're currently syncing, and their secrets 2. Exit Sync 3. Rename your %AppData%/BitTorrent Sync folder to "BitTorrent SyncOLD" 3. Reinstall Sync (this will perform a fresh install) 4. Add your previous folders back to Sync (If you see warnings about resetting/changing ownership, accept them)
  9. If you've lost a folder's secret, you could locate it from the corresponding location on the other devices the folder was previously syncing with (assuming they have full-access secrets). If not, you'd just have to add the folder to Sync again with a new secret, and distribute this secret to your other devices accordingly.
  10. Well look for strings like "error", "failed", "bad", or "skip" Sync will re-attempt to Sync files that have previously failed at recurring intervals until the files have fully synced. Remember, Sync can't sync files whilst they are open/locked/in use by other applications. If you're sure no files are open/locked/in user by other applications, then the next step is to exit Sync on all your devices, locate and delete any .!Sync, .SyncPart, or .SyncTemp files on your devices, then restart Sync. If this still doesn't resolve your issue, make a note of the secret for the folder in questions, then remove it and re-add it back to Sync using the same secret (this will force a complete re-index of the folder)
  11. Yes - read-only nodes using the same secret can share files between them
  12. You'd have to relocate your entire Windows User Profile to your D: drive, or alternatively install & run Sync in "Portable" mode
  13. Don't worry, suggestions & feature requests made in this thread don't just disappear - they're not ignored! The developers are paying attention to what's posted in this thread, and are keeping track on how popular each suggestion made here is. In time there may well be a dedicated "Feature Requests" sub forum or similar, however, at present, do bear that Sync is still in "beta". During this development phase, the developers feel the best way to collect user suggestions and feature requests is via this thread. (There's also a separate mobile app Wishlist thread here, and an API Wishlist thread here)
  14. It would be useful to know your operating system, and also whether you are able to delete folders when Sync isn't running?
  15. ...You should also note that Sync is currently in "Beta" and therefore cannot be expected to have every other feature right now that every other sync service has!
  16. You can sync a root drive, BUT you need to be aware of the following general issues: Sync can't sync files that it can't access, either because it does not have the necessary permissions (i.e. System Volume Information folders etc), or the files are open/locked/in use by other applications or the operating system (i.e. pagefile.sys). Some files on your root drive may need to remain "unique" to that device - for example, if you've installed Sync on the drive you wish to sync in its entirety, you'll want to exclude %AppData%\BitTorrent Sync from syncing as this folder needs to be unique on each device, as it keeps track of which files are in sync on that device.Now, If you're just syncing a drive that contains data only and no system/program files/user profiles, and the files on the drive are not open/locked/in use, then there's no reason your root drive can't sync (as long as you exclude system/protected entities like System Volume Information, etc) Perhaps if you could provide details of the errors you're seeing, we can provide more insight into your issue?
  17. So, just to clarify - as your topic title is somewhat misleading - you're not actually trying to move the BitTorrent Sync application itself to another location, but rather one of the folders you're syncing? In which case, the process is as follows: Note down the secret for the folder you wish to move Remove the folder from Sync Move the folder to its new location Add the folder back to Sync using the original secret Sync will re-index the folder, but assuming it was fully in sync before you moved it, no data will transfer after the re-indexing is complete.
  18. From the Unofficial FAQ: "memory usage increases by around 300-400 bytes per file being monitored by BitTorrent Sync. Therefore, if you're monitoring/syncing 1 million files, you will need around 300-400 MB of free memory"
  19. There have been no new updates to the Mac client (which is what the OP referred to) since vadimt's post. The latest Mac client version is 1.2.82. Sync 1.3 however is on the horizon!
  20. Right click the tray icon and select "Pause Syncing". Then when you wish to sync changes, right click the tray icon and select "Resume Syncing". See also this thread.
  21. ...Are you using full-access secrets across all 3 devices?!?
  22. If you're receiving a "Sync stopped. Device time difference more than 600 seconds." error then there will be an issue with the system clock on one or more of your devices. From what you describe, it sounds like your device's clocks start off correct, but then either drift, or jump, in the middle of a Sync process. Resolving the issues with your system clock(s) should then also resolve your Sync issue. As a last resort, you could possibly increase the "sync_max_time_diff" advanced setting to allow for your system clock issue, but this isn't ideal, and won't actually address the root issue, which lays with your system clock(s).
  23. Yes. Yes. The mobile apps have a "selective sync" function, allowing you to select which files you actually want to sync to your mobile device.