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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. If you were using full access secrets on both your wife's laptop and your external drive on your Mac, the secret will have been identical on both - therefore, just copy the secret across from your wife's laptop to your fresh install on your Mac and you should be good to go! If you weren't using a full access secret, and your wife's laptop only has a read only secret, you will need to generate new secrets I'm afraid.
  2. It may seem a silly/obvious question, but even though you've checked the times are the same - are the dates on your two servers also the same? Have you synced both devices to the same NTP time server, just to make sure?
  3. syncingpossum, the topic detailing the most recent build available will always be "pinned" to the top of this forum. Once a new build is available, the topic relating to the previous build is "unpinned". So, the best way to check if you're reading a topic about the most recent build or not, is to check whether the topic is "pinned"
  4. Yes! A typical scenario would be running a headless Windows based server - a user would have to be logged on for Sync to work. Being able to set Sync to run natively as a Windows service from the outset would mean that when the server starts, so does Sync - without requiring a user to first remote access into the server and login to Windows first in order for Sync to run.
  5. There are no physical limits imposed by Sync on the number of devices that can connect using the same secret, but due to the nature of how decentralized P2P networks work, not all devices will necessarily be connected to all other devices simultaneously. i.e. if you have 10,000 devices all trying to obtain a 1GB file from a single device, different "chunks" of that file will be sent out to different devices so that the overall load is spread over the P2P network rather than all devices needed to obtain all parts of a file from a single peer.
  6. RomanZ, Whilst we know it's not currently natively supported (although, yes, there are some potential workarounds), given that it's now well over a year ago now since Kos' posted "We will implement service for Sync", are you able to provide any insight/update as to where this particular native functionality is up to and when it's potentially likely to emerge? Is the ability to natively install and run Sync as a Windows server still even on the cards for some point in the future, or are users expected to just use "workarounds"? ...or will native functionality simply end up being an "Enterprise" only feature?
  7. Agreed. This makes a lot of sense, and would avoid a lot of user confusion if the config file and UI could co-exist without one disabling the other!
  8. I agree this would be good, but please post feature requests into the dedicated Wishlist thread.
  9. If you've not changed the default SyncArchive settings then you most likely won't have actually lost any files - they'll be in SyncArchive folders! The developers DO work with users and DO respond to users - just have a quick look through this forum, and you'll see there are no end of responses from the devs responding to the user base by offering solutions to problems and/or asking for more information/debug logs etc so that issues can be troubleshooted and resolved!!! Perhaps you're not aware, but Sync is actually in BETA right now. If you're familiar with how software is made and the development processes involved, you'll understand what software with a "beta" tag means! "Beta" software - whether it's Sync or any other "beta" software - can be expected to have bugs, things not behaving as you quite expect, or other issues which may include data loss. That's what "beta" software is! When "critical" bugs are discovered in beta builds of Sync, the team are quick to release updates. If, after searching this forum, you're unable to find answers/solutions/workarounds for your specific issue, and you believe you've found a "critical bug" that no one else has encountered, please follow the steps in this thread for reporting your issue - this thread also tells you what information is needed by the devs in order to help them reproduce your issue.... but the developers WILL look into your report, and WILL respond to your report.
  10. Please post suggestions/feature requests in the dedicated WIshlist thread as that way they will be more noticeable to the developers
  11. The "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" setting will have no affect on sync speed. You don't need the "Use relay relay server when required" or the "Use tracker server" options set if you're only syncing locally within your LAN
  12. So, I'm assuming that your devices are on the same LAN? - in which case, disabling tracker, relay and DHT options, will ensure that Sync uses "direct" connections between devices (which are faster). Also, turning off "Search LAN" and using pre-defined hosts instead will certainly reduce the amount of traffic (specifically mutlicast traffic) on your network. There are a couple of other advanced settings worth checking/tweaking - make sure that "rate_limit_local_peers" is set to "false", set "lan_encrypt_data" to "false", and experiment with changing "lan_use_tcp" between true/false (sometimes one gives better speeds than the other)
  13. There is a newer version of Sync available, do you see the same behavior using the latest 1.2.92 build ?
  14. Have you disabled the tracker option (this is a per folder setting). With the tracker, relay, and DHT options disabled, Sync will only sync across your LAN, and not via the internet. If you're not able to get Sync to work "locally" in this way, you can additionally use the "Pre-defined hosts" option to list the IP address of other devices you wish to sync to within your local network. If after that you're still unable to achieve a "local" sync, it's then likely to be an issue with your firewall/router settings blocking connections between devices.
  15. Are you using full-access secrets or read-only secrets? Any changes made on read-only devices will be ignored and won't propagate back to other devices. Also, given that Sync is cross-platform, most file permissions/extended attributes are generally not be synced.
  16. If a file is open/locked/in use by another process or application, Sync will skip it for the time being, but will keep retrying until the file becomes accessible again, at which point, it will then transfer. In current versions of Sync, 1.2.x, the only way to see which specific files have been "skipped" is via searching the log. In the forthcoming Sync 1.3.x, however, a "Sync Queue" is available for each folder through the UI, which indicates which files/folders have yet to be synced.
  17. I agree that the ability to have a .SyncInclude file, allowing you to specify which files/folders you want to include in a sync (rather than those you wish to exclude, as is the current case with .SyncIgnore) would be very useful in a number of scenarios! It has been suggested on several previous occasions by a number of people (myself included!), but do also add your suggestion to the Wishlist!
  18. Is that the specific wording they've used? Even if they're not limiting - in their words - "BitTorrent" traffic, do they employ ANY form of traffic management/throttling/shaping on their network? i.e. at peak times and/or if you exceed a certain amount of downloaded/uploaded data in any given period of time - irrespective of what "type" of traffic/data it is! Even if they don't employ ANY form of traffic management/throttling/shaping on their network, it may be that your ISP's network does not have the available capacity/bandwidth at peak times to provide maximum up/down speed to all subscribers in your area. Either way, if you've not "rate limited" your up/down speeds in Sync itself, then Sync will always strive to transfer data at the maximum possible speeds it can - but these speeds are generally determined by external factors outside of Sync's control.
  19. Well, you could add your entire C:\Program Files (or C:\Program Files (x86)) folder to Sync, and then use .SyncIgnore to exclude everything apart from .pdf, .chm, .doc files etc. However, at present sadly there is no "SyncInclude" behavior - which would be more useful in your case i.e. just specify which files you want to include in a sync, rather than those you wish to exclude. If such "SyncInclude" behavior was available, it would be a simple case of adding rules for .pdf, .chm, or .doc files. However, given that only ."SyncIgnore" behavior is available at present, you'd need a pretty extensive list of exclusion rules in this file in order to exclude everything but .pdf, .chm, or doc, etc files from your Program Files folder.. Perhaps a different approach would be to open a search window (Windows key + F), search in your Program Files for the file types you're interested in, and then copy all the files from the search results into their own "Documentation" folder somewhere else of your computer, and then just sync this new folder?
  20. Files in .SyncArchive should persist for however long your "sync_trash_ttl" setting is set to (by default, this is 30 days). So please check your value for this setting
  21. Quite possibly! Try freeing up some space, and see if that resolves your issue!
  22. Please see "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  23. Please remember that Sync is still in "beta" and therefore, you should always be cautious with any "beta" software if you're using it with important/critical information that you don't have backed-up elsewhere. Files are moved to .SyncArchive when they are deleted on another device. For example, if you have a file on Device A and Device B, and the file is then deleted on Device B. On Device A, the corresponding file will be moved to the .SyncArchive folder.
  24. Yes! If your files are in sync on both devices before you actually add them both to Sync, they your files will not transfer again.