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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Sync has obviously not been fully/correctly uninstalled from your system! However, you don't say what your operating system is, or what version of Sync you have installed - without this knowledge, it's difficult to provide manual removal instructions! Therefore, without knowing these things, the simplest thing for you to do would be to reinstall and then uninstall Sync, and see if it correctly uninstalls a second time.
  2. No, but is the secret you're using for that folder in Sync a "read only" secret, rather of a full access one? If a folder is added to Sync with a "read only" secret, changes made to that folder will be ignored and not synced to your other devices.
  3. It's likely to be a uPnP issue - please see these other similar threads: Weird uPnP error BitTorrent Sync messes up a network printer
  4. This feature already exists; simply use a "read only" secret instead of a regular "full access" secret!
  5. There are some causes of, and solutions for, this error in the Unofficial Troubleshooting FAQ. For example, it may be that the folder's .SyncID file has become corrupt, in which case, deleting it then re-adding the folder back to Sync may resolve your issue.
  6. There already is! In the "Devices" tab, a icon appears on the far right of each device that's out of sync, which when clicked, shows which items are pending sync.
  7. This will be an underlying limitation of your Operating System and/or disk format, rather than an issue with Sync itself. For example, on a Windows operating system on an NTFS drive/partition, a typical maximum path length should not exceed 260 characters (Source) Basically, you'll need to reduce the length of your file/directory names and/or move the files/folders in question to a higher directory on your drive.
  8. .DSN and .ND extensions will not be being added by BitTorrent Sync. These particular extensions appear to relate to QuickBooks. Therefore, do you have any other backup/sync-type programs (or QuickBooks addons/plugins/extensions), acting on the same files? A .!sync file is created by Sync during the receiving of data from a file on another device. Once the file has been fully received, the file is renamed and the .!sync part removed. It sounds like when Sync is creating these temporary .!sync file to receive data, that you've got some other process/application monitoring the same folder which then adds a .DSN/.ND extension to the .!sync file. Because the resulting file no longer ends in .!sync, Sync will interpret the resultant file (ending .DSN/.ND) as a newly added file, and will sync this it back to other devices. Bottom line is; BitTorrent Sync isn't corrupting your files; whatever is adding the .DSN/.DN extension is!
  9. As you mention, Sync is unable to sync your files whilst they are open/locked/in use by other applications. A potential "workaround" would be to setup a script/scheduled task that simply "copies" the open file to a different location (a location you'd add to your Sync) on a recurring interval. Because this "copy" wouldn't be open/locked/in use, Sync should then be able to re-sync it whenever it is updated by your script/scheduled task. Obviously, this assumes that your script/scheduled task is able to make a copy of the file whilst it's open/locked/in use.
  10. Please see: "What are .SyncID, .SyncIgnore, .SyncPart, .SyncTemp .SyncOld and .!Sync files and the .SyncArchive folder?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  11. It was more of a case that there's an existing dedicated "Feature Request" forum for the BitTorrent Client that people were regularly - and incorrectly - posting requests in for BitTorrent Sync (a different application)! That said, I will also be trying to pick out similar requests from the previous 1,000+ post "Wishlist" thread and merge them into single-topic Feature Request threads in this forum when appropriate, to try and make it easier for users to discuss and add their voice/vote to similar/identical Feature Requests. (For example, I've already merged into this thread a number of previous posts from the "Wishlist" thread where users have also requested the same ability to natively run Sync as a Windows Service) Finally, I'd also like to echo your particular feature request, as the ability to natively install and run Sync as a Windows service would be VERY useful!
  12. The app in the apple store is the latest version (1.3.35 - April 21) - remember that the version numbers for the mobile apps don't correspond to or follow the same version numbers of the desktop apps. So whilst the latest desktop version of Sync is presently 1.3.94, the latest iOS version is 1.3.35.
  13. Topic closed, as this functionality in now present in Sync in the form of "encrypted nodes"
  14. Hi Folks, We now have a dedicated "Feature Requests" sub-forum for BitTorrent Sync! If you've got a suggestion as to how Sync could be improved, or ideas for possible new features or functionality you'd like to see in future versions of Sync, join in the discussion over in the new Feature Requests sub-forum The BitTorrent Sync forums are now arranged as such: Sync General Discussion (the forum you're reading now!) - A place for general discussion of BitTorrent Sync Sync Troubleshooting - Having problems with Sync? Found a bug? This is the place to post about it! Sync Hacks - Share awesome things you can do with BitTorrent Sync! Sync Developers - Building something with the Sync API? Discuss it here Sync Feature Requests - Got a Feature Request or a suggestion you think would improve Sync? This is the place to post and discuss! So, when posting about Sync, please select the most appropriate forum from the list above in which to make your contribution.
  15. These particular informational notifications were introduced in Sync 1.3 - which is why you didn't see them in 1.2 It basically means that you've just updated a file in a folder that Sync is monitoring, but at that point in time, none of the other devices that folder Syncs with are on-line. Once at least one of the other devices you're syncing with comes on line, the changes made will then propagate, so it's nothing to worry about - it does not indicate an error/problem/bug - it's just a new notification that was introduced in 1.3 to alter you to the fact that other devices are offline
  16. By the same token, those who only wish to synchronize their files and aren't interested in downloading traditional "torrents" don't want to have to install a BitTorrent client! - so it works both ways!!
  17. When you install and run Sync it doesn't "upload" your files to any cloud/server operated by BitTorrent Inc or other party. BitTorrent Sync is not a native cloud storage solution. The primary purpose of Sync is to allow you to synchronize files directly between your own devices.. There is no "online storage" or "space" provided to allow you to "store" your files in the "cloud" - you are in control of your data! If you wish to sync files from one device to another both devices must be online - there is no intermediary "cloud" provided for your files to reside in! If you wish to Sync to a "cloud" you'd have to create one yourself - either by installing Sync on an always-on home server, NAS drive, or by renting a VPS/dedicated server somewhere. You can find some examples in this thread.
  18. What version of Sync are you using? If it's earlier than 1.3.86, please update as 1.3.86 fixed an issue where rate limits were not being applied to LAN connections (VPN connections will likely be interpreted as LAN connections). Updating to the latest build of Sync (which, at time of writing is 1.3.94), and ensuring that the advanced "rate_limit_local_peers" setting is set to true, should mean that your VPN connections obey the up/down rate limits you've set in Sync.
  19. It's not currently possible to disable individual notifications - "Preferences -> Show Notifications" will show/suppress all notifications at present. If you wish to be able to disable some notifications but not others, I'd suggest posting your suggestion in the Wishlist. You don't say which version of Sync you were using prior to 1.3.94, but "out of sync" notifications are relatively new. i.e. if you were previously using 1.1.x or 1.2.x you wouldn't have seen them.
  20. BitTorrent Sync syncs directly between your devices - not via an intermediary "cloud" as DropBox, OneDrive, GDrive, etc all do Because BitTorrent Sync doesn't sync via a "cloud" there is therefore no "free cloud storage" provided
  21. Sync already runs on Windows 2003 Server!
  22. Please see "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  23. You'll also find a whole host of other supported NAS devices in this thread.
  24. Nope! Sync won't allow you use to use same secret more than once on each running instance of Sync. Sync's primary purpose is to sync your data between devices, rather than between local drives on the same device. A workaround would be to sync instead to an external supported NAS drive that's also running Sync.