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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Gents, let's keep things friendly, civil and on-topic please!
  2. I'd point them in the direction of:
  3. Indeed! ..and add to that Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook.. heck, the Windows operating system itself!! ...the list of closed-source applications is endless! I find it hard to believe that's university doesn't/can't run any closed source applications!?
  4. There's related requests for RDP/VNC integration into Sync in this thread over in the Feature Requests forum. If this is something you'd like to see integrated with Sync in the future, feel free to add your voices to that thread!
  5. Are you using a config file with Sync? In which case, changes you make through the Web UI will be overridden by settings in your config file
  6. You basically can't use the same secret twice in a single running instance of Sync. Therefore, if you've got a folder, let's say "C:\Folder" that you wish to sync with a "mounted" external drive/share, etc - let's call it "D:\Folder", you won't be able to add them both to Sync using the same secret. All the locations you add to your Sync are interpreted as "local" (even if they're on network shares, etc), and Sync isn't designed to "mirror" one local folder to another, it's designed to sync your files between devices. As such, Sync needs to be installed and running on all the devices your wish to sync between. That's why, for example, you can't sync between an internal hard disk and a simple external USB hard disc, but you could sync between an internal hard disk and an external NAS drive (because you can install & run Sync on both your local computer and your NAS drive) I'm not familiar with "HiDrive", but you'd essentially need to be able to install and run Sync on that platform (if that's even possible?) if you wish to be able to sync with it
  7. Do bear in mind that BitTorrent Sync is presently in "beta", and as such bugs are to be expected as in ANY "beta" software As I say, BitTorrent Sync is presently in "beta" - bug reports are welcome, and indeed encouraged - they are not simply "ignored", as is clearly evident from the numerous responses from the development team in the "troubleshooting" forum. All issues/bugs reported are investigated and addressed accordingly. The timescale for this process depends upon how quickly the development team can accurately reproduce a reported issue, and how "severe" and widespread the potential issue is are all factors that will determine how quickly an updated build is made available. Stanha, the remainder of your post has been curtailed due to the inappropriate, aggressive, and threatening tone that followed. Please remember this is a friendly community where constructive discussion, criticism, and helpful solutions are welcomed and encouraged - the emphasis at all times on being friendly and constructive. You have been warned by moderators/administrators on a number of occasions previous about the nature and tone of some of your posts here. Further posting of inappropriate content, Stanha, will result in your posting rights being suspended/removed.
  8. Yes, generated secrets are 32 random characters, preceded by a single character that denotes the type of secret (for example if a secret starts with an "A" this denotes a "full access" secret, whereas if the first character is a "B" this denotes a "read only" secret, and so forth)
  9. Sync is a decentralized way of syncing your files - there is no "central server" that is required in order for Sync to work. Indeed, Sync can run within a private LAN with no connections to the outside world at all! Therefore, the Sync "network" that you use is how you build it! Therefore, if your syncing has stopped, it will most likely be an issue with one or more of your own devices/connection. Are you on a home network, or a corporate network? it may be that your system administrators have blocked certain ports, preventing you from using Sync? Are you (or rather, were you previously) able to establish "direct" connections between your devices, or only "relayed" connections? Are you able to access from your devices?
  10. Yes, by adding an exclusion rule to your .SyncIgnore file
  11. Totally agree! I think it's basically about the perception (or rather misconception!) that people "feel" more secure if they are asked to provide two pieces of information instead of one!
  12. That's exactly the setup I have, and it works well! ...but, of course, Hamachi isn't a truly "free" product, and in an ideal world a true like-for-like replacement for Mesh would be substituting one product for another, not one product for two separate products to achieve the same functaionality!
  13. As an ex-Live Mesh-er myself, I concur that an RDP/VNC capability would make BitTorrent Sync even better and a true Mesh replacement! It's certainly a valid feature request, that said, it would deviate from the primary purpose of Sync - which is to synchronize your files across devices. Therefore, don't expect to see any such RDP/VNC type functionality implemented any time soon, as I suspect this would more be a "longer term" feature for consideration.
  14. Ok, check the folder(s) on each device you're syncing for the presence of any .!sync, .SyncPart or .SyncTemp files - if you come across any, exit Sync on all your devices, then delete these files, and restart Sync on all your devices. If Sync had got "stuck" somewhere, deleting any .!sync, .SyncPart, or .SyncTemp files (when Sync isn't running) on your devices usually resolves the issue.
  15. A "137 error: <NULL>" message isn't actually an error, and can safely be ignored. Do you have the particular Excel files open in Excel by any chance? ...if you close Excel does the problem go away? Remember, Sync can't sync files when they are open/locked/in use by other applications!
  16. The "lan_use_tcp" setting was removed from Sync 1.3, and so therefore it's no longer applicable
  17. Just backup your %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync directory prior to re-installing Windows. Then after re-installed Sync, copy back your original %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync directory and Voila! all your original folders/settings/secrets etc will be back!
  18. It depends on your OS, as not every OS offers a "web UI" for Sync (Windows/Mac, etc). On those operating systems that do (Linux), a config file overrides the web UI - in these circumstances it's "one or the other". If you need to configure advanced settings, you'll need to do this through a config file. Running Sync with a config file will supersede settings in the Web UI.
  19. Lots of reasons - for example, on Windows operating systems, there isn't an editible "config file" present by default!
  20. The secret length CAN be changed! See this thread. Also, there are already a wealth of other topics dealing with the exact same issue regarding security of secrets - some examples: (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7)
  21. Turn on logging for Sync on your device, make a change to a folder that's being shared with the "stolen" device, and then check the log as it will record the IPs of incoming connections. However, be aware that if the "stolen" device is connecting to yours via a "relayed" connection (as opposed to a "direct" connection), the IP in the log will be pretty useless, as it won't be the actual end IP of the "stolen" device - so this is only really useful if your Sync has been able to establish a "direct" connection to the other device.
  22. herry, your post very off-topic to the subject matter of this thread! However, if you've downloaded BitTorrent Sync from official sources, and your AV software is detecting a threat, it will be a "false positive" - Sync downloaded from official sources it doesn't contain any viruses/trojans. See the Virus Total analysis for proof. If your problem persists, please consider making a new post in the Sync Troubleshooting forum, rather than posting in a thread which deals with an entirely different topic.
  23. Sync doesn't use FTP - so no! For cloud storage solutions that do work with/support Sync - please see this thread.
  24. It could be that the port that Sync is trying to map is already in use/mapped to another device - Have you tried changing the port that Sync uses to something else?