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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. No "roadmap" is available yet for "Sync Enterprise" for business use, but there have been a number of clues as to the features this will have over and above the current free "consumer" version - i.e. to be able to run your own private "tracker" for Sync, or install Sync as a native Windows service, etc. (Tip: You can also search the forum for the word "enterprise" for some more clues!) In the meantime, those interested in the Sync Enterprise beta can register interest here. (note: at time of writing there hasn't yet been a public Enterprise Beta released, so when you register your interest, don't expect a response/access to a beta right away!)
  2. Just use a "read only" secret instead of a standard "full access" secret on the device you wish to sync to. That way, any changes to the folder on this device will be ignored and won't propagate back to other devices.
  3. As Harold mentions, the WebUI is disabled because you've defined shared folders in your config file. The config file overrides the WebUI, therefore, removing the "shared_folders" section from your config file will then allow you to access the WebUI, where you'll be able to add your sync folders there.
  4. If indexing has "paused", it's likely to be either because Sync cannot read/access some files (because they're open/locked/in use by other applications), or because there is not enough free disk space on your device. Please ensure that there's enough free disk space for Sync to build its index, and also that any files/folder being indexed are not open/locked/in use by other applications. You can manually copy data between your devices first, before adding your folders to Sync. If folders are identical to begin with, Sync will simply index them, but nothing will transfer
  5. Hmmm... I'm unable to replicate here! (on either Win 7 x64, Server 2003, or Server 2008) What specific version of Windows are you using?
  6. Check out some of the threads in the Sync Hacks forum. A number of Sync users are developing ways to distribute static content to users. Examples: 1 | 2
  7. Yes - it can be done. Before adding the folder to Sync on either device, copy the folder contents across to your second device so that both devices have an identical set of files/folders to begin with in the folder you wish to sync. Then add the folder to Sync - on each device - using the same secret. As the folder contents will be identical to start with, Sync will simply index the folder on both devices, but no files should transfer between the two if the folder contents are identical on both devices. However, some things to check/note: When copying files across from one device to another, make sure their created/last modified times are preserved and not reset on the receiving device to the current time.Ensure you have no other synchronization software acting on the folders you're trying to sync using BitTorrent Sync.
  8. Sync CAN be used to "backup" your files (using a "read-only" secret) - however, Sync doesn't compress/archive/zip/create disk images of your files, so as mentioned previously, you need enough free space on your devices for the amount of data you wish to backup/sync.
  9. Have you tried manually creating/adding a .SyncIgnore file to the new folder you wish to sync BEFORE you actually add that folder to Sync? (so that when you add the folder to Sync, there's already a .SyncIgnore file there with your particular rules - so a new "default" one won't be created in its place?)
  10. Whilst Sync remains in "beta", not every new beta build is pushed out via the auto-update function. (This will change once Sync leaves "beta") In the meantime, you would need to manually update to the latest build instead. Whilst Sync remains in "beta", not every new beta build is pushed out via the auto-update function. (This will change once Sync leaves "beta") In the meantime, you would need to manually update to%2
  11. As mentioned numerous times previously in the forum - this isn't a "bug"- this is because Sync is currently in "beta", and as such, not every beta build gets pushed out to everyone via auto-update, and those beta builds that do are usually several days/weeks after they are first announced here in the forums. This will change once Sync leaves "beta", but for now, the best way to check whether you're running the latest beta build available for Desktop is via the main download page, or look at the "pinned" topics in the Sync General Discussion thread. For mobile builds (Android/iOS, etc), check the relevant app stores.
  12. Please see "When a file changes, does BitTorrent Sync transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  13. I sync between various devices, including two WHS servers (one WHS v1, and the other WHS 2011), as well as numerous PC's, Android devices, and an iPad all without issue. I would guess there's likely a firewall/router issue that's preventing your WHS server from seeing other devices directly. If you can't resolve, I'd suggest looking at a VPN solution (there are many free ones available, such as Hamachi or NeoRouter, etc) - this will allow your WHS server to appear as though it resides on the same virtual "LAN" as your other devices, and will allow Sync to establish "direct" connections with other devices.
  14. Bottom line is - it won't! You need to ensure there's enough free space on all the devices you're syncing with in order to sync all your data!
  15. If you've synced a folder (or folders) from Device A to Device B using a "full access" secret, and then you have to reinstall your operating system on Device A, you can simply reinstall Sync on Device A, and add the folder back to it using it's original secret. This will then cause the files in the corresponding folder on Device B to sync back to Device A.
  16. Currently it's not possible to "sort" columns in the various tabs within the user interface - although, feel free to suggest this in the Wishlist thread. (Improvements were recently made to columns to allow you to choose which are shown/hidden, so adding the ability to "sort" their contents shouldn't be too hard!) However, at present, folders in the "My Sync" tab are listed in the order the were added to Sync, therefore one potential "workaround" would be to note all the secrets for your existing folders, remove them from Sync and then add them back in the order you want (with their corresponding original secrets) - far from an ideal solution, but a "workaround" none the less!
  17. You'd be able to see the IP addresses of connecting peers in your Sync logs, but that's about it! (also, if any connections were "relayed" the IP addresses won't be the actual end-user's real IP addresses) Additionally, if you're already sharing a "full-access" secret, and multiple peers now have copies of the files you're sharing, it would be impossible for someone to determine which of these "peers" the files originally came from in the first instance, as given the distributed nature of Syncing via P2P, data will be sent to/received from multiple peers.
  18. Yes, I merely used Windows as an example, but the same principle applies; Don't sync BitTorrent Sync itself across your devices. You can indeed use .SyncIgnore to exclude this, or perhaps consider whether you really need to sync your home folder in its entirety anyway?
  19. You don't say what OS your computer is running? ...but if, as an example, it's Windows, make sure you're NOT syncing your %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync folder to other devices. In essence, don't sync BitTorrent Sync itself across your devices!
  20. There are plenty of other discussions already on the subject of the security of secrets, etc - please see: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
  21. Yes! No - under normal use, all your machines would have the same priority Assuming your using full-access Secrets on all your devices, the file added to machine 2 will Sync with machines 1 and 3 also It will Sync to 1 and 3 simultaneously from 2 It will currently treat it as the file being deleted and a new file added If you want one device to be a "master" and simply "backup" to (rather than sync with) other devices, you would need to use read-only secrets on the devices being backed up to to ensure changes on those don't propagate back to the "master". It's not advisible to run two different synchronization tools (i.e. BitTorrent Sync and SyncToy) on the same set of data - it will likely cause you issues!
  22. Agreed! At the end of the day, sync isn't like DropBox or OneDrive (SkyDrive), etc that limit you to only syncing one central folder - in these instances, I can understand why SymLinks would be very useful to allow you to sync the content of other folders too! But given that BitTorrent Sync allows you to select and sync ANY folder, surely the need for using SymLinks with Sync is far less than if you're using DropBox/OneDrive, etc, as you can add all the folders you wish to Sync themselves directly?! I suspect that's probably why - although better handling SymLinks is in the development "queue" - it's currently not considered the "highest priority" for the team.
  23. 1.2.93 is quite an old version of Sync now. The latest version is 1.3.87. Please update Sync to the latest version first to see if that resolves your issue.
  24. Because Sync is currently in "beta", not every beta build gets pushed out via auto-update, and the ones that do have generally been available for manual download several days/weeks before hand. This is by design, and not problem/bug with Sync. If you wish to get your hands on the very latest builds before they become available via auto-update, please check the "pinned" topics in the Sync General Discussion forum. (Incidentally, this is explained in the Unofficial FAQ and elsewhere in the forums too) At time of writing, the latest version available is 1.3.87
  25. Err.. there already IS an official WIndows Phone app: