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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Whilst perhaps not "officially" supported, I can confirm that both Sync 1.2 and 1.3 run just fine on Server 2003
  2. As RomanZ has indicated, the ability to "sort" lists is on the roadmap, so will happen at some point! Yay!
  3. Because you've downloaded a file from the internet your Windows server automatically blocks it by default. So, you'll need to first unblock the installation executable (Right click -> Properties -> Unblock)
  4. Possibly. Although, it may also be that some of your files were in the process of being transferred/synced at the particular point in time when you exited and then upgraded Sync to 1.3. Try the following; With Sync not running on your devices, check for the presence of any .SyncPart, .SyncTemp or .Sync files in your sync folders, and delete these, before restarting Sync on your devices.
  5. I know it feels like a "dumping ground" - but really it's not! The developers do frequent that thread and are using it as a basis to determine the popularity of suggestions from the community. That's why you don't have to first trawl through it to see if you're suggestion has already been made by someone - just make it again! The more suggestions a particular feature receives, the more popular the suggestion is to the developers. If instead someone starts a new topic in the forum requesting a particular feature, the topic soon get lost as it makes it's way ever lower down in the forum over time as more new posts are made above it, increasing the chances that the post won't be seen/remembered by the developers. This is the reason why the "Wishlist" thread is there and is pinned to the top of the forum - so the developers can see all user contributed ideas/suggestions in one place. Agreed. But in the absence of a "Things that shouldn't have been removed from Sync - wishlist" , the main Wishlist thread is the place to request bringing back such functionality. It's a very good idea and would indeed be very useful, and as this hasn't been present in Sync before, this would certainly be a "feature request". I think the thinking behind it was to try and "de-clutter"/simplify the UI (not that the UI was ever that over cluttered to begin with IMO!)
  6. Agreed! - might be something that needs to go in the Wishlist though so that the developers can gauge the level of reaction to the removal of the permanent display of full paths from the UI in 1.3. It was actually something that was brought up in alpha testing of 1.3 - so you're not alone! However, the "compromise" during development was to have the full path shown in tool tips (early 1.3 builds didn't even have this! - so a tool tip is currently better than nothing!)
  7. If you "hover" your mouse over the folder name in the "My Sync" or "Devices" tab, its full path will be shown on a tooltip
  8. You can run Sync with a config file by using the "/config" command line switch: btsync.exe /config your_config_file.confFor more information, please see this thread. An alternative way for deploying a pre-configured Sync installation across multiple devices is to create a "portable" version - see this post - which can then simply be "copied" to your other devices and run (with no installation necessary)
  9. Please see "When a file changes, does BitTorrent Sync transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  10. I'm assuming you're referring to a Windows desktop? ..and I assume you're trying to sync your entire profile (documents, pictures, music, etc) rather than just the shortcut icons on your desktop? In which case, you need to be careful and understand exactly what you're syncing - if you've simply added your entire C:\Users\username folder structure to Sync, this will likely never completely Sync with your other devices. The reason being is that this folder contains a number of files which Sync may not be able to access (i.e. temporary files currently open/locked/in use). Also, the permissions of user profile folders may be such that they are only accessible when that user is logged in (i.e. if your profile is at C:\Users\Jack, you may not have access to C:\Users\Jill) Additionally, if you're syncing your entire C:\Users\username folder, this folder also contains Sync's database which needs to remain unique to that device (each device you're syncing between needs to maintain its own record of what's been/is being synced with that device). For this reason, if you are trying to sync your entire C:\Users\username folder you would need to setup some exclusion rules in your .SyncIgnore file to ignore things like C:\Users\username\App Data\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync, C:\Users\username\App Data\Local\Temp, and so forth. Now, if you're simply wanting to keep your documents, pictures, music, etc in sync across devices, it would be more advisable to sync each of these folders individually, rather than your entire user profile folder.
  11. matoqui, there's also a recent discussion similar to your issue that may be of interest here
  12. Ok, if nothing happens when you run the file, and you're sure its "unblocked", then perhaps your download of the installer itself was interrupted/incomplete/corrupt? Try grabbing a fresh copy from the download page and see if you can install/run that.
  13. Are you seeing an error message when trying to run 1.2.91 - or does simply nothing happen when you try and install/run it? If it's the latter, it maybe because you first need to "unblock" the executable file on your server (right click -> properties -> unblock)
  14. Stanha, Everyone is welcome to contribute to any topic within these forums, and everyone's opinion is as equally valid as anyone else's. If you have a differing view to another forum contributor, that's fine - constructive discussion and the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and solutions is what makes these forums a fantastic resource for the Sync community! However, personal attacks, "flaming", threatening or abusive language towards other contributors is not appropriate in these forums. Your previous post has therefore been edited accordingly. Please help to keep these forums a friendly and welcoming place for the Sync community. Thank you for your co-operation.
  15. A couple of things to try; There were some changes to Sync between 1.1.x and 1.2.x versions - do you still encounter this issue if you try a fresh install of 1.2.92? (rather than an upgrade from 1.1.x) Also, some Arm users reported "alignment" issues when upgrading 1.1.x builds - please see this thread for more information/a fix.
  16. The contents of any user *editible* field should be able to be copied to the clipboard - which it can be! Non-editible GUI elements can't be copied to the clipboard, but I'm not aware there's a rule or "requirement" for such elements to be copyable to the clipboard? I agree a menu bar and a status bar are traditional - however, more and more software is moving away from this traditional concept. Take web browsers for example, it's now more common for there to not be a traditional menu or fixed status bar by default. In Sync the traditional "menu bar" has been replaced by simple to navigate tabs, allowing direct access to the key functions of Sync. A "status bar" of sorts is coming in Sync 1.3. This will show the current up/down speeds and be visible across the bottom of all tabs. The Debug logging feature is not an "every day" function that every user will need to access. It is an "advanced" debugging function, that will be used infrequently for the primary purpose of debugging Sync problems. Given that Sync is currently in Beta, this option may well not even be present in "Stable" builds! (or perhaps it might then move to the "Advanced Settings" dialog) It is described in this pinned thread. The manual directs users to the forum if they have problems, and as I say, the "Debug" function isn't something that most regular users will need to use, unless they encounter a specific issue, for which debug logs are required and for which instructions are provided in the forum. Because Sync is designed to always be running in the background, if you've got lots of windows open/programs running, it's often easier to exit Sync by right-clicking on the tray icon (which would take two clicks, 1 - right click on the tray icon, 2 - click "Exit"), than it would be to first locate/open the Sync UI (1 click), click a "File" option in a menu bar (another click), then choose "Exit" from a file menu (another click) = 3 clicks vs 2 clicks! Screenshots are a good way to provide this information in the forum if you need to do so. Additionally, further information will be available in the Sync log. There are improvements coming to the devices tab in Sync 1.3. Most notably, you'll be able to see exactly which files are awaiting being synced, or which are out of sync. This would be something more for the "Devices" tab - which shows current/active information, whereas the "History" tab shows action which has already taken place/completed. I agree that a "time remaining" indicator would be a useful addition to have, but as with any suggestion/feature request - please post it in the dedicated wishlist thread. ??? It's already pretty long! (94 chars max on the Windows app): Please see earlier comment in relation to the "status bar" coming in Sync 1.3. Also, please note that Sync isn't a dedicated Windows product - it's cross-platform and the desire is to have a similar looking UI across desktop platforms. There are a number of improvements coming to notifications in Sync 1.3
  17. 1.2.67 is quite an old build - do you still get similar speed results if you use the latest build? In relation to "improving speed" - check out "How can I improve sync/transfer speed?" in the Unofficial FAQ.
  18. Yes! Folder names do not have to be identical across your devices - so you could sync a folder named "A" on one device with a folder named "B" on another The "Devices" tab of the user interface will show with which other devices each folder is currently syncing with (when they're online)
  19. It depends on your operating system, but on Windows, Debug logging can be enabled by right-clicking the Sync icon in the system tray and selecting "Enable debug logging" from the menu.
  20. Well, you could potentially take a look at the API
  21. Where are you arriving at a figure of your issue affecting "30% of users"!?? Other than yourself, only one other user has commented in this thread since July last year that they have that they have experienced this issue - don't forget, this thread is over 8 months old now - of course it's going to have had a few thousand views in that period of time!! - it doesn't mean that 3,787 people have all encountered this issue!! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing your issue or saying you've not encountered it - but I think your perception of the scale of this is massively overestimated! I appreciate your frustration, but If, as others have suggested in this thread checking, you believe your device clocks to all be correct, and yet you still encounter this issue, then please follow the instructions here for reporting your issue. The developers can then review your report/logs and will respond accordingly.
  22. Not quite true!! You can use a VPN (are there are a number of "free" offerings available i.e. Hamachi, Neorouter, etc) which will allow your devices in different physical locations to appear as though they are on the same local LAN!
  23. Yes, it's safe to delete this file! It's also worth checking that debug logging is disabled (right click on Sync's system tray icon to check). In future versions, the developers have also commented that there will likely be some form of "log rotation" to prevent the size of logs from spiraling!
  24. Have a quick search of the forum for "syncinclude" - it's been proposed a number of times to have the ability to define "inclusion" rules rather than, or as well as, just "exclusion" rules (which is what we have currently with .SyncIgnore). It makes a lot of sense, and hopefully some sort of ability to define "inclusion rules" will emerge at some point!
  25. Yeah, the "unable to send crash report to server" issue does happen from time to time, I'm afraid! Please can you manually email the .dmp file to instead, and describe what Sync was doing (if anything) just prior to your crash, so that the developers can take a look? (Incidentally, emailing the .dmp file to will also open a support ticket, allowing you to keep track of the status of the cause of your crash!)