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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Both and are BitTorrent Sync tracker IPs (For have a look at this thread. and for have a look at this post)
  2. Whereabouts in your config file are you setting these? - remember they are per folder settings, not global settings.
  3. Yes, this can be done - you'll need to setup a separate Sync folder for each client on your "central server", and assign each one a read-only secret (with the corresponding full-access secrets given to each client respectively) This will allow each client to sync (backup) to a dedicated folder on your "central server", but any changes made on the central server itself won't propagate back to clients, and client's will not communicate with each other as long as they each have separate secrets. However, you don't mention just how many "clients" you propose to have connecting to your "central server" at any one time? If it's more than 50, Sync running on your central server won't be able to establish connections to them all simultaneously.
  4. It's most likely that there are files within the folder that are currently open/locked/in use by other application, and therefore cannot be accessed by Sync. In these instances, the Sync interface will indicate the amount of data waiting to be uploaded/downloaded, but this won't be transferred until Sync can access the files in question. Make sure you close any applications that are currently using/accessing files within your folder, and Sync should resume. TIP: If you're running Sync 1.3, you'll see a black "i" icon in the Devices tab alongside the folder that hasn't finished syncing. Clicking this will show you exactly which files are still to be synced.
  5. If I understand you correctly, this is very straight forward to do! - you just need to set up separate syncs for each of your "Project A", "Project B", "Project C", and "Project D" folders, etc rather than on your parent "My Documents"/"NF" folders. Once a person has then finished their "project" they/you simply remove that particular folder from further syncing.
  6. "folder_rescan_interval" is a global, not a per folder, setting.
  7. The default folder_rescan_interval value is 600. To specify shared folders in your config file, please see this post.
  8. That will indeed give an error, as it's not valid JSON syntax. You'd need to remove the "," at the end of the line. A line should only end with a "," if there are further name/value pairs to follow, therefore, the last name/value pair should not end with a ","
  9. Did you know you can generate encrypted secrets without the API - see this post
  10. Are you sure you're running Sync 1.3? Log rotation was added to Sync 1.3, with the default setting being 10MB - so log files should not exceed this value (which can be changed via the advanced "log_size" setting.
  11. Within Sync, if you go to Settings -> Send Feedback, you'll have the option to attach debug logs to your report.
  12. Pretty much! There is obviously some interest in this, as is apparent from this thread, but at present isn't perhaps considered to be a "top priority" by the developers. So support for SmartOS / Illumos may eventually come, but as yet there have been no announcements/hints from the developers in this regard. My advice if you're interested in such support, and haven't yet contributed your voice to this thread, would be to do so, so that the developers can then gauge what level of interest there actually is in this regard.
  13. Have you considered making your second host, "B", an encrypted node? For more on encrypted nodes, see this thread, this thread, and this thread.
  14. I can also confirm this behavior. It can also occur when switching between tabs using keyboard navigation: To replicate: Switch to the "Devices" tab Hover your mouse over a folder name in the "folder" column so that its full path is shown in a tooltip Whilst the tooltip is shown, press the Left or Right keys on your keyboard. Sync changes to either the "My Sync" or "Transfers" tab, however the previous tooltip persists on the screen
  15. Using the pre-defined hosts options on their own won't restrict access solely to those defined peers - see this post. That said, your train of thought makes sense in that something would appear to be blocking the OP's R/O nodes from communicating with each other, and therefore, they're all trying to get data from the one single node they can communicate with. vocatus, have you checked your NAT/firewall settings on your network/devices? For example, if all your Sync instances are trying to open & map the same port on your NAT, only the first device will be able to.
  16. You can actually already "Tab" around the UI (using your keyboard's Tab key). The tabs across the top of Sync's interface are selectable this way, and once selected, you can then use the left/right arrow keys to change between tabs. In relation to the more general topic of improving accessibility for visually impaired users - there was also a discussion last year in relation to improving access for screen readers, which may also be of some interest.
  17. Very much agreed. The post you quote is actually quite old now, and support for "versioning" has since been added to Sync! (versioned files are automatically enumerated and stored within .SyncArchive)
  18. If it's a "hand-me-down" Mac, do you know what version of the operating system it's running? Sync is only supported on OS X Snow Leopard or newer - if you're running an earlier OS, that may well be why you can't install Sync. If your Mac is running OS X Snow Leopard or later, I'd suggest clearing your browser's temporary files/cache, so that you can then download a fresh copy of sync from the main download site. If your original download was incomplete/corrupt, re-downloading a fresh copy should resolve your issue. In terms of a warning that a file might be harmful - this is a standard warning when downloading certain files from the internet. If you're confident that file you've downloaded comes from a reputable/trusted source, such as in the case of the BitTorrent Sync installer downloaded from the official download site, you're safe to accept the on-screen warning and run it. If you don't accept the warning, the file won't run and you won't be able to install Sync.
  19. Hmmm... is it possible that either Sync is currently still running in the background, or that your download was incomplete/corrupt?
  20. Hi Folks! The previous "troubleshooting" sections of the original Unofficial FAQ can now be found instead in their own dedicated, and updated, Unofficial Troubleshooting FAQ in the new Sync Troubleshooting forum
  21. That's correct. Please see "When a file changes, does BitTorrent Sync transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  22. Such functionality is actually already present in the form of "encrypted nodes" - Please see this thread.
  23. It is - Sync is currently still in "beta"
  24. It sounds very much like a syntax error in your config file. Was this a fresh install, or an upgrade from an earlier version of Sync? Have you made any recent changes to the config file yourself?
  25. Within Sync on your Android device, if you go to Settings -> Send Feedback, you'll be able to send debug information directly to the developers, which would be very useful in helping them track down your crash!