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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. "STATION" will simply be the name of another user's device running Sync that is connecting to your device, as Firon indicates, via a relayed connection. Because their connection is "relayed", the inbound connection to your Sync will appear to originate from "", rather than from the end-user's actual domain/IP. Given you've published Secrets on the web, it's perhaps to be expected that unknown Sync devices will show up in your Sync's "Devices" tab, as once you publish a secret online, you then have no control (short of changing the secret) over which other devices connect to and sync with your own device.
  2. Azak, if you wish to "pre seed" your files, you should do this with Sync not running whilst you manually copy files/folders across (excluding copying the .SyncID file), then start Sync on your devices. Sync will then re-index the folders, but as long as their contents are identical, nothing should transfer between devices.
  3. BitTorrent Sync can certainly do this - you'll just need to setup a separate "share" for each folder you wish to sync to other devices. Please check out the "Getting Started Guide" for how to setup your syncs
  4. The easiest way is as follows: Note the folder's current Secret Remove the folder from Sync Rename the folder in your OS Add the folder back to Sync with its original secret The folder will be re-indexed, but nothing should transfer as its contents will be identical to the other devices it was previously sharing with.
  5. Indeed it will! Sync runs just fine on both WHS v1 and WHS 2011
  6. Assuming you're using full access secrets on both devices, the end result will be that both devices contain an identical set of files. In any instance where two identical files exist on both devices, assuming their last modified dates are also identical, nothing will happen (i.e. they won't transfer again) - but if they are different, the newer version will propagate to the other device.
  7. You'll need to provide more information - but please see this thread.
  8. Linux builds of Sync 1.3.80 are available - 1.3.80 isn't just for Windows!
  9. Not currently - but feel free to suggest this in the Wishlist.
  10. Konstantin, the latest version of Sync is 1.3.80. There were a number of crash fixes made in both 1.3.77 and 1.3.80. Please update to 1.3.80, and see if that resolves your issue.
  11. Really? It's showing version 1.3.67. The "latest" version of Sync is actually 1.3.80
  12. There was a newer build released today, 1.3.80, which included a fix for "issue with QR codes on Mac" - maybe it's related? Have you tried downloading 1.3.80
  13. File/Folder counts will differ between those reported by your OS and those reported by Sync, as Sync doesn't take into account files in .SyncArchive, or the .SyncID/.SyncIgnore files, or files which it can't access (insufficient permissions). What sort of files are you trying to Sync? ...and what OS are you on? For example, if you're on Windows with an NTFS formatted drive, and you're trying to sync an entire drive/volume, Sync most likely won't be able to access /Recycled, /System Volume Information, and other hidden/protected/system files/folders - which would result in differing file/folder counts in Sync to those reported by your operating system.
  14. Sync uses a variation of a "standard" BitTorrent tracker. Not presently, but the ability to run your own "tracker" for Sync is likely to be an "Enterprise" feature. Sounds like a post for the Wishlist
  15. The current offering of Sync is designed primarily for personal use. Also, do bear in mind that Sync is still in "beta", and therefore you may be unwise to deploy "beta" software in a production/business/enterprise environment. However, an "Enterprise" edition of Sync is in development, which sounds more suited to your needs - find out more here.
  16. Only on the My Sync tab though, and not the Devices tab as well? Also, the "persistent tooltip" bug on the Devices tab is still present in 1.3.80 You need to right-click on the column headers in the My Sync tab to add the "Path" column
  17. Remember, you don't have to sync folder names "like for like"! Instead of syncing "S1" on a user's device to "S1" on your "master" device and "S2" on another user's device to "S2" on your "master" - the folder's can be called anything! So on your user devices, have an "F1" folder on both, but sync one of these back to and "S1" folder on your master, and the other to an "S2" folder on your master! Your uses will then all be accessing a folder on their local device named "F1", yet each user's own "F1" folder will sync with a different location on your "master"
  18. piotrnik, please add it to the Wishlist.
  19. Correct. 1.3.77 hasn't yet been pushed out via auto-update. You will need to manually update to the latest version here.
  20. Your best option for your scenario would be to create individual syncs for your "S1" and "S2" folders, instead of syncing the parent "F1" folder
  21. There are no limits imposed by Sync on the number of sub folders which can be synced - please see "Is there a limit on the number/size of files I can sync?" in the Unofficial FAQ. However, do bear in mind that Sync can't sync files which are currently open/locked/in use by other applications, and won't sync files/folders which match any exclusion rules you may have in your .SyncIgnore file.
  22. You'll find a wealth of information on Supported NASs for Sync in this thread.
  23. Sync - in fact most software - won't recognize dates before midnight 1 Jan 1970 (also know as the "epoch"), therefore any file that has somehow got a timestamp before the epoch - which from your screenshot, appears that the year is 1907!!!? - will have its timestamp set to the lowest valid time, which is 1 Jan 1970 at midnight. I would suggest the bug is less with Sync - which is handling invalid dates correctly - and more with your digital camera if it recognizes 31 July 1907 as a valid date/time!