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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @KawateTadako It was removed intentionally. We are working to improve the way Sync for Android works in background. One of the side effects is that Sync can't remove itself from notification area. Although, you can still go to OS settings, App properties and remove notification there.
  2. @all, Please see updated EULA as well as Subscription EULA. It should address questions raised.
  3. @nodoid I suggest you are talking about some mobile device. If this is Android - you can disable the "auto-sleep" feature to let Sync detect file changes and sync them immediately, though this mode of operation is rather battery-consuming. Otherwise you'll have to wait while Sync wakes up (sleep gap is configurable) to get your files synced.
  4. @nodoid There is no API for mobile platforms. So, for the mobile you'll have to use regular Sync version. For the login and pass - this is a protection from unauthorized access to your API. Sync API works via HTTP requests, therefore technically it can be controlled from anywhere. You can specify login and pass in the config file.
  5. @May After you shared folders, just ensure that the "Sync ALL" switch is turned to "ON" in folder properties (click "..." button when hovering over folder or right-click). In this case Sync won't replace all the files with placeholders initially.
  6. @davidicus Backup never deletes your files. So, if some files are deleted on your Android device, they won't be deleted on peers that store it as backup. Although, if your Android device adds files - they will be added. If your PC adds some files to device - they won't propagate to Android and any other devices, though will stay in backup folder (Sync won't touch them).
  7. Sergey, We do have a discount program for student and non-profit orgs. Please see here for more details. You can apply here for discount.
  8. @ayeti PowerPC is no longer supported - sorry.
  9. @fedele.mantuano I suggest checking who is the user running btsync process and if it has permissions to write to folder you sync as well as to .sync subfolder next to binary (it contains Sync service data).
  10. @lunarfox To add the folder manually you need simply to click "Share" on one computer and add the link (via browser or manual connection) on another. Are you running Free / Pro? Free version does not distribute folders.
  11. @Moe, @Shaav Its a bit more here. Sync is sending multicast packets for other peers discovery with TTL=3. So it actually depends on a router how to behave. If router is simple and is not aware of multicast - it will just route packet and decrease TTL. If it is aware, then multicast with TTL=3 will be routed within same organization / site. So it more depends on VPN gateway implementation.
  12. Dear community, Sync Support is now conducting maintenance activities on ticketing system we use to track issues and communicate you. Just in case you received mail that your ticket was automatically closed while not yet resolved - please don't hesitate to contact me directly. I apologize for possible inconveniences.
  13. @Kaetemi, @2disbetter There is rarely reproduced issue with inability of Sync 1.4 to save its settings. I suggest looking into this topic for workaround.
  14. @tjluoma Do you have Sync Pro / Free? Sync Free does not distribute new folders via My Devices and they have to be distributed manually using links.
  15. @pirloui Please try to do the following: 1) Make sure you use 2.0.120. It contains a fix for possible extension crash. 2) If it does not help, open the OS X preferences -> Extensions -> Finder. Make sure that Sync extension is enabled. As a test, try disabling other extensions. 3) If it does not help, open Console (don't confuse with Terminal window!), keep it open. Try unchecking, then checking Sync Finder extension in preferences (same place as described in #2). Send me the output that appears in console when you enable / disable Sync extension.
  16. @Clouseau This is not something intentional and does not reproduce for everyone. As soon as we find some solution - we'll share it. If you are willing to assist us with debugging - please follow Helen's instructions and report us your results.
  17. @colinabroad Yes, more fixes and improvements are to come. As Sync covers a number of platforms and operating systems - there are always some cases that need to be addressed in product core. Besides, there are always space to improve and optimize data transfer speed, memory and CPU consumption. I won't declare some obviously false statements that we've fixed all issues, but we've addressed a lots of them since 2.0 release. I believe it would be more objective if you try the .120 build yourself or watch the community for feedback.
  18. @patwolf Of course. If the key leaks - the one who got it can access the folder. This concept is known and accepted. It is pretty much basics of cryptography. Key itself only show in QR codes - as scanning the QR is pretty secure operation. When you copy link or send it over e-mail - you won't see the folder key there. There is a one-time key which is used to transfer the folder key securely in case if owner approves. @2disbetter Sync 2.0 folders do not rely on keys (secrets) anymore. They rely on certificates, so the access to the folder is confirmed with a digital signature.
  19. @pirloui Try restarting your Finder. To do it, alt-right click (or ctrl-alt click if you are not using right button on the mac) Finder icon in doc - and you'll see relaunch item.
  20. @drego85 Not yet, but it is on the way. @somniator Only inside the peer list. @2disbetter We usually push the release to auto-update after couple of weeks for stability purpose. In case some major issue pops up - we can fix it before auto-updating all our users.
  21. Dear community, Sync 2.0.120 is available through the official download site. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64Please see the list of changes in the change log on the Help Center.
  22. @Syveren You can try get_folder_peers command, it has a "download" parameter indicating how much data left to download from particular peer. If you compare it against whole folder size in get_folders it can give you an idea about the progress.
  23. @ElectronicLad Sorry about limitation - we are dealing with massive spam bot attack to the forum. I fixed your account so you can post with no limitations. For your API question - Sync core does allow you to share the file if there is no client on other side.
  24. @utente-prova Yes, the problem is still in 2.0. Actually, Sync is not locking files. The issue is that Sync opens a file for reading, and while it is open - MS Word / Excel also tries to open the file, but with exclusive access. OS won't let office to do that (as file is already open, so the access won't be exclusive) and office displays error to the user. @ionreflex I'll open support ticket for you - we'll need your logs, screenshots and maybe some other debug information to get it addressed. This issue is slightly different from what @utente-prova mentioned.