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Everything posted by AlexC

  1. Ok, copy read-only link to your device and folder will sync in read-only mode.
  2. It says Read-Only link, key or QR code. It's not about read-only folder. What's wrong with using read-only key to share a folder? It allows you to sync files one-way among any devices you want.
  3. There are only 3 types of folders: Standard Advanced Ecnrypted Could you please explain what do you mean by "read only folder"? You can share standard and advanced folder with read only or read write key. There is no "read only folders"
  4. Could you please gather logs and memory dumps? Also you need to check memory consumption
  5. Did you wait at least 10 minutes for folder rescan to complete? Can you gather logs from phone & desktop and send them to support?
  6. Great to hear that! P.S. This issue will be fixed in 2.7.0 version
  7. /Users/<YOUR_USER_NAME_ON_MAC>/Library/Application Support/Resilio Sync/sync.conf
  8. please add the following line to sync.conf and restart sync /Users/<USER_NAME>/Library/Application Support/Resilio Sync/sync.conf { "disk_check_free_space": false }
  9. try to use cron, init scripts or systemd services
  10. I think the following settings should help you to achieve your goal. You can try them in free version.
  11. Sync never creates '.streams' folder. This folder is created by samba service.
  12. Yes, you can. Just share the folder.
  13. No doubt new version will be released
  14. Unfortunately Sync neither creates files in .streams folder nor controls them. That's why it can't restore them. Possibly QNAP team has relevant information about it's data format.
  15. Since version 2.6.3: If you want to use https protocol add the following text to sync.conf { "force_https": true } If you are ok with http you don't need to do anything.
  16. please check the content of /lib/systemd/system/resilio-sync.service it should be the following [Unit] Description=Resilio Sync service Documentation= [Service] Type=forking UMask=0002 Restart=on-failure PermissionsStartOnly=true User=rslsync Group=rslsync Environment="SYNC_USER=rslsync" Environment="SYNC_GROUP=rslsync" Environment="SYNC_RUN_DIR=/var/run/resilio-sync" Environment="SYNC_LIB_DIR=/var/lib/resilio-sync" Environment="SYNC_CONF_DIR=/etc/resilio-sync" PIDFile=/var/run/resilio-sync/ ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p ${SYNC_RUN_DIR} ${SYNC_LIB_DIR} ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R ${SYNC_USER}:${SYNC_GROUP} ${SYNC_RUN_DIR} ${SYNC_LIB_DIR} ExecStart=/usr/bin/rslsync --config ${SYNC_CONF_DIR}/config.json ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 1 [Install] if it differs, please edit it and execute sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  17. will be fixed in next release. please install the following build: it will fix the issue