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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @zeropluszero I've read whole history of your issue with "*.sv$" file. It looks pretty much similar to what other community members complain with MS Office - sharing violation when accessing temp files. We are working on the fix for this issue, though it is not there yet. @fejese Thanks for the constructive feedback - will deliver to designers! @rockhill04 Could you please share more details? Is it ".conflict" duplicate files or something else? @eltopo There is an issue in 1.3 WebUI client - it does not connect to update server. This bug was fixed in 1.3. Please update manually. @daishi4u Maybe I was too brief. I wonder, what makes you think that something is missing in size calculation? How do you determine it prior to comparing to one shown by Sync? @colinabroad Thanks for the feedback. Can't promise any changes now. As for touch screens - it leaves highlighted because you tapped there and the "mouse" actually hovers on Win8 platforms where you tapped last.
  2. @Kryptonit3 When Linux loads binary, each of it's sections should be aligned with the new memory page. Sync's sections are aligned for 4k, while new WD FW demands it to be aligned for 64k. So new OS even can't load the binary.
  3. @mbob Vice versa. Sync opens the file for a moment to check if someone opened it for writing, and Office attempts to open the file for exclusive use at this moment - and gets a violation. Anti-malwares work with files completely differently. Anti-malware brings a filter driver, which subscribes to filesystem events and gets a chance to get a file read / file write event just a moment before it is opened by a requester (and block file operation until it completes whatever it wants - scanning, hashing, etc.). Sync is pure user-space application and does not bring any drivers with it. So it is pretty limited in tools it can utilize to monitor file changes and actual status. As I mentioned, our devs are working on solution to both minimize sync delay and make it tolerant to such interoperability issues.
  4. @JB09 I'm on it - but don't have an answer yet. Plz stay tuned OR bump in a week if I do not respond
  5. @hawkman Starting from 1.4.82 Sync binds WebUI socket to loopback interface for security reasons. Try running: ./btsync --nodaemon --webui.listen It will force WebUI to listen on all available network interfaces.
  6. @dariomor Unfortunately the issue is still there. I've added the known issues to the topic starter. @hurik Sync uses HTTP by default when accessing linux WebUI. To use HTTPS you'll need to configure certificates. For the feature request - yes, i've seen it. We periodically browse feature requests to include some of them into release. Can't promise if / when we'll add .crt @robson.sobral Auto update enabled for 1.4.93 now for all OS (except WinXP / Win2003) @speedy48 Try turning off Simple Mode - you'll be able to save received folders to whatever location you need. @firminmaillard Fixed FreeBSD x64 link. @eltopo Update turned on for everyone. Just tested my Raspberry PI - it shows the notification that update is available. @sfmcnally Just tested in my lab - no issues syncing -$abc.txt file. Most likely we'll need debug logs to find what happens on your PC. Also, fronted and core are developed separately. I understand that new UI draws a lot of attention to it, but it does not mean that core did not change. There are plenty of changes in the core as well, and core issues are not bound to new UI. @merlinuwe No need to test, I confirm issue reproduction in my lab. We need to release 1.4.93 as it contains number of fixes demanded by users. We cannot include all the fixes we want to 1.4.93, therefore some has to be postponed. @daishi4u How do you calculate the size reported? Note, that Sync does not include it's own service file in .sync subfolder (including Archive). @nils The "Sync now listens only loopback interface" change was introduced in 1.4.82 - and was mentioned in the change log.
  7. @jdrch Could you please pack your whole storage folder (%appdata%\BitTorrent Sync)? Please exclude the sync.dat and sync.dat.old from the archive and send it to me. Note that this one goes for RomanZ regarding Blank UI.
  8. @juggler It is still there. We'll fix it soon. @eltopo We'll take a look on what happens, thanks for reporting. @Devonavar Sync 1.4 should handle gracefully any xattrs it can't save on target peer. They are saved into .sync folder and PC which is unable to store them as xattrs / alt streams will still be able to sync them to other machines. @richdotward Every Sync release is verified by QA. Though, there are certain limitations: 1) As Sync supports a wide variety of platforms and configurations, it is impossible to check every possible configuration. 2) We cannot include every and other bug reported by users due to limited man force. For the blank UI issue - please take a look at this topic, it might help. @hurik Yes, it is. @zeropluszero We are are working on the fix to make ignoreList working very early on file change, so it should resolve your issue.
  9. Dear community, Sync 1.4.93 is now available on download site. Here is direct link. It is also available via auto-update. Change log: Fixed issue with listening port randomized when changedFixed minimum window dimensionsFixed status behaviorFixed link validation mechanismThe change log for the previous build (1.4.92) may be found here. Important Notes on Sync 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 is not possible after installing Sync 1.4. (If you wish to downgrade - please uninstall Sync removing all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch) Important Notes for Sync 1.3 Users Windows XP and Server 2003 clients using Sync 1.3.x will not receive auto-updates to 1.4, but can still update to 1.4 manually. Known issues - UI is tiny on high resolution displays [Workaround] - Files containing non-ASCII characters in their names may not sync - Files may become "Out of Sync" in certain instances (See this thread)
  10. @mbob Indeed, 1.3 has a 10 seconds delay before Sync started processing the file. Though it introduced another nasty issue. Anyway, thanks for proposal - we'll think about it.
  11. @Devonavar Sync 1.4 knows how to handle xattrs between MacOS X and Linux (actually any other OS / FS which can't save xattrs). It stores xattrs in Sync service files and able to sync 'em to other computers.
  12. Dear users, I apologize for the "Random port" fix is not yet in the 1.4.92 - we were woking hard to deliver it, but were too late for this train. I don't want to set more false ETAs, so can't claim when it will be ready. We are doing our best to get it in the build ASAP.
  13. @stefsegers Which files are in queue? Only or other files as well? Do you have any pre-1.4 clients in your mesh? @kratochviljan Indeed looks like bound to the issue with randomizing ports. Are you willing to test the version with fix in your environment once it is built? @itcrowd #1 - Usually, out-of-sync is shown when peer has some new data and other peers do not get it by some reason (RO folder with changed files, ignored files, etc) #2 - This is a known issue, we'll fix it soon. @kamborio & other users questioning about UI. There are many questions from many users about UI. I'll prepare the article for sync-help about it to cover all the questions.
  14. @mbob Looks like issue has the same root cause. Sync wants to open and sync Office temporary files while office does not like it. While you can't prevent Sync from opening the file (it happens before the ignore list is checked), please verify if "~*" filter is present in your .sync\IgnoreList. If you upgraded from 1.3 it might not be there, as it became default only in 1.4.
  15. @colinabroad Indeed, support team does big effort to cover forums, though primary focus for support team is support system. Thanks for the feedback.
  16. @colinabroad Thanks for letting me know. Just FYI - it something nasty happens - it's always better turn to support (i.e. fill in ticket at or mail to
  17. @mariano This one is top priority issue for me, so we'll do our best to resolve it.
  18. @all Unfortunately the fix is not ready yet. We know the root cause of the issue, but fix is much more complex than expected.
  19. @wells I've got couple reports on negative amount of locked files. Anything special on your environment? Any apps accessing same folders as Sync? @juggler Confirmed issue, also confirmed it was not present in 1.4.81 - thank you for reporting. @boistordu We are doing our best to get the port fix into next build. @stefsegers It always should sync xattr .FinderInfo. You can remove it from .sync/SyncStreams file if you want to stop synching it. @Compuitguy Thanks for reporting - we'll fix it. @roza Thanks for the valuable information! It can help other users to identify the blank UI issue root cause! @hurik I'm doing my best to promote it to be fixed. @JimPotter Sorry, can't share any ETA at the moment.
  20. @dms2013 It is mostly bug fixes. @fbreve One simple thing to check - see if removal of settings.dat and settings.dat.old helps. Let me know the results. @kamborio "Listening port" fix is not yet there, sorry. Should be fixed in next update. @nils Screenshot, please? @syncroland Can I take a look at debug logs? @roza Which OS / browser do you use to connect to WebUI?
  21. @Pilsener To get some solution I need to find out the root cause. It may be different for different environments - most users bottleneck is the hard drive. So I suggest trying to set "hdd_low_priority" advanced preference to "false" first of all and increasing send / recv buffers size (also in advanced preferences).
  22. @Jaman42 The very core of Sync implies that if you've got the key - you can use it everywhere. You can read more about keys and secrets here.
  23. @ladius There is an API for Sync to run it in "Invisible" mode, though it is not available for mobile platforms yet.
  24. @tomtx, @AzimutTheUt, Please check if Sync has permissions to use camera and access to pictures. @LikeNoOne Try fully reinstalling app - it can help. @all Unfortunately, new release also contains many issues. We are aware of them and working hard to resolve.