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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @eltopo It worth taking a look what happens on other side - most likely debug log of second peer contains an answer. BTW, what amount of folders in general do you have and what amount of peers connected to each?
  2. @jensw I don't think that sync is going in your case at all. Could you please collect debug logs from couple of peers so we can find out what happens there?
  3. ...Or run special command line switch --webui.listen <IP:port> (see here for more details)
  4. @jameswhite Try running sync installer with "/S" switch - it will install itself silently. Then, you may kill the process and run it with /config parameter, specifying the folders you need inside config file - which can be the same for all the instances. I'm attaching sample config below. It is not necessary to turn on API when you run Sync with config.
  5. @WeichertGriffin MS and Linux hiding folders in different manner. In Linux starting dot is enough to make it hidden, while MS demands explicit attribute setting. Sync does not synchronize file attributes (only exception "execute" attr in Linux), so it won't hide files automatically. The ".sync" folder is not actually synchronized. It created on every share and explicitly made hidden on Win machines by Sync. So - sorry, when adding new folder you have to make it hidden by some other means on Windows, Sync can't do it.
  6. @giannicooreman I believe sync.conf in SynoCommunity package is stored in /usr/local/btsync/var/sync.conf
  7. @egosgame I'll check it out with our legal department and get back to you.
  8. @sciurius Defaults will stay. They were made available as response to users who create tons of folders with different default settings that Sync offers.
  9. @zbigb69 Can you please send me your storage folder (%appdata%\BitTorrent Sync)? Please remove sync.dat and sync.dal.old files before sending and make sure you collect it after the issue reproduced. Thanks!
  10. @delegatevoid It looks to be an issue. I'll check when we can fix it.
  11. @Nick.Plehanov174 I suggest contacting our support via this webpage. We'll do our best to assist you.
  12. @zebradog Currently it is impossible to produce your own links. Though, it can be simply workarounded in your company. 1) Set up a web server 2) Set up your DNS server to resolve to your own web server IP. 3) Your web server should convert the link it receives in a simple way: replace the https:// to btsync://. It should work fine with desktops even if tracker server is not available (for mobiles tracker access is totally necessary to receive approvals).
  13. @Nick.Plehanov174 Could you please show a sample how do you call it and how it fails? Technically, Sync API does not care a lot where you call it from - while the HTTP request itself is correct.
  14. @crest Well, you may run Sync as a separate user and enforce security settings via Linux permissions.
  15. @Moshemeir Just to make sure I understand your question and use case correctly. 1) When your app saves a project - it saves it to multiple files. 2) One of project files get corrupt. 3) You want to restore from sync archive a non-corrupt file and all other files corresponding to this non-corrupt version. Is it correct?
  16. @colinabroad Sync is fully automatic. It does not require manual cleanup in case the file was not transferred completely - it takes care about its files without user intervention. If this works differently - it is a bug.
  17. @crest the "directory_root" setting is not intended to enforce any security. The main intend of the setting is convenience. @ChrisH, @GieltjE Sync can't run portable anymore. We'll remove the function completely so it won't crash. You can use config file to store sync's data in custom folder.
  18. @jrroca It happens due to fact that your %appdata% is located on network. We are aware of the issue and will fix it in future releases.
  19. @colinabroad Yes, you can. I'd also advise to re-add folder if possible. BTW, could you please add a sample folder to Sync and see how the freshly created IgnoreList looks like?
  20. @colinabroad That's strange. Here is the default ignore list: # IgnoreList is a UTF-8 encoded .txt file that helps you specify single files, paths and rules# for ignoring during the synchronization job. It supports "?" and "*" wildcard symbols.### OS generated files #.DS_Store.Spotlight-V100.Trashes~*ehthumbs.dbdesktop.iniThumbs.db._*I wonder - how come that you do not have the "~*" filter in your ignore list? Did you fresh-installed or upgraded your sync? "#" symbol forces Sync to ignore all that inserted after it. Also, the "~" symbol is part of ASCII charset, so it looks the same in UTF8. It means, that if you do not have any non-latin letters - the UTF8 and plain text would be the same for you. @ancylostomiasis For Android you can simply "Send feedback" - it will propose you to include debug log. Just mention this forum topic in the feedback body.
  21. @jrroca Okay... Could you please try to capture what happens with ProcMon and send ProcMon log to me?
  22. Andy, Could you please try to pack your storage folder (usually ".sync" folder which stays next to your binary) and send to me? Please also remove sync.dat and sync.dat.old files from archive as they contain your private information. I suspect that something is wrong with your webUI itself and it won't show - no matter which browser or device tries to open it. Please send it to me to, note this topic and the fact that file goes to "RomanZ". Thanks!
  23. @oshmoz It took me around 42 seconds to index 0.5 gig on Class10 ExtSD card. Sorry - I have no other memory cards in my lab.
  24. @ancylostomiasis Do I understand correctly that you've got some 6 files that could never be synced completely to your Android device? If yes - could you please collect debug logs from both Android and your desktop PC?