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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @remram Please enable and supply debug logs from machine C and some other where it refuses to sync (A or .
  2. @QuaCKeReD Same thing. I need debug logs from 2 machines that does no sync. And a name of folder and couple of files that does not sync.
  3. @wolfgangrumpf We are aware of this issue and it was already fixed. Please expect new build supporting iOS8 soon.
  4. @elfo You can simply find the latest available on It returns "File not found text" if version does not exist and version does not hop more than 15-20 builds at a time.
  5. The exact reason would be visible only on coredump of the process. I can suggest: 1) Check by running Sync manually via switching user to one you need. 2) Make sure this user has enough permissions to read and write: - to storage folder (as it is not specified in your config - it would be the same for all users, ".sync" subfolder next to binary - to /btsync/ file - to actual folder you want to sync.
  6. @jcml The number of files and amount of data does not look excessive for your HW configuration. Could you please turn on debug logging, wait until it freezes again and send log to me for analysis? Please also mark down the time when freeze happens. When you are done with log - please make also a process dump (just open a task manager, right-click on BTSync, choose "Create process dump") and send it to me as well. Both logs and dumps contain a lot of redundant information and can be packed well.
  7. @skinnyfan This is limitation of Windows Phone OS. You can open any file in another application, but you can't save it back to Sync. You have to import it back to Sync's sandbox.
  8. @TheDurtch "defaults_..." are applied only on new folder creation. After folder created - it has completely independent predefined hosts list.
  9. @vto80, @zbigb69, Great to hear it now works! Thanks for timely sent debugs. Hope it is the last "Blank UI" issue culprit. We are working on fix in code - will be available in one of upcoming builds.
  10. @dd6905 Could you please provide your debug logs as well as issue description to our support so we can help?
  11. @jimbo77 If @GreatMarko advise does not help - please turn on and send us debug logs.
  12. You just send feedback from settings, when you done typing feedback text and tap e-mail button - it will ask if you want to include debug logs. They are always on on iOS, so no need to turn them on manually.
  13. @knwpsk The logs are self-descriptive at some extent. Unfortunately there no more information on log decoding available for now. Sync proved to work fine with Squid, SsockSD, Winroute proxies.
  14. @all, As @mbob claimed - we indeed managed to find the root cause of the issue, but fix is being developed right now. We'll do our best to include it in next build, but I can't 100% guarantee that as fix is not ready yet.
  15. @mogarick Thanks for the information. As I mentioned before, we'd like to support WD storage in future, but definitely not in 1.4 release.
  16. @vto80 The "Volume data" key should be "text/css" so it was okay in your case. Could you please change it back? Also, your storage data is missing settings.dat - which, actually, looks to be a culprit. Could you please send it as well? @zbigb69 Thanks a lot for your storage folder! We've managed to reproduce issue and now are working on fix. As a quick workaround you may delete your settings.dat and settings.dat.old file - it contains some corrupt data which prevents UI from opening. It will reset all the global app preferences, but bring back your UI.
  17. @Zywer Please collect your speed profile and send us to We'll try to find out where bottleneck is.
  18. @vto80 I guess you've checked the .css registry key and it did not help?
  19. @FrankStrahan Issue confirmed with inability to delete all local files at once. We'll take care of it in next major release. As for the second issue (something that takes 1Gb of storage) - could you please send a feedback from your iPhone with attachment of debug information? Please refer this forum topic in message body. We'll try to understand what exactly takes such amount of space.
  20. @WeichertGriffin That's right - it would be a feature request. I believe we already got request to sync file attributes in the past - but you can also mention it on the feature request forum.
  21. @knwpsk Ultrasurf is not intended for usage anything other than browser traffic (as they state themselves) and I did not found any confirmation on their site that Ultrasurf conforms Socks5 standard (RFC1928). Also, they implement some filters for the content they believe to be non-legitimate - which might be another reason for blocking Sync traffic.
  22. @chungyan5 I don't think issue is with file size. Sync is capable on syncing files up to 1Tb without issues. Can you please drop me a debug logs from both Linux machines so I can take a look what get stuck?
  23. @reddhead You can run Sync headless to avoid memory consumption. You can run it with "/config <config_file>" parameter ("--config" on Linux or Mac) and disable UI in config file.
  24. @zbigb69 It's better to send it to Pack it, the data there should deflate very well. @matthewpapa I checked your symptomes. Did you try what Helen suggested? If yes and it did not help - then please send your storage folder as well. Again, please get rid of sync.dat and sync.dat.old as it contains private info (and actually bears no value for blank UI debugging).
  25. @agitato816 We've managed to find the root cause and fix it. Please expect fix in next release build.