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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. The technique you are describing called "Hole punching". BTSync uses it, but as I mentioned - some firewalls/NATs actually track destination address and do not allow it. The most probable reason is because connection from Location A came from port 44943. Is location A covered by firewall or NAT? Some NATs are actually changing ports when they substitute source IP:port. You forget about: 1) UPnP + NAT-PMP 2) Hole punching Again, both technologies can be blocked by NAT/Firewall. If they are - then connection goes thru relay server, or user has to explicitly allow / forward ports.
  2. @BeTheSync If you change files on Computer 3 (which as I remember has RO secret), the file becomes "invalidated" and will be no longer synced from Computer 2 or Computer 1 Computer 3 However, if you open the folder properties in Sync, there is a checkbox, which will force to discard any changes in RO folder and re-sync changed files form RW peer.
  3. @gabor This is a backup, not a migration assistant. There are 2 main things which could prevent syncing: 1) The paths in your new phone. Would the path be different - btsync won't be able to pick up a new location. 2) The ID. If you are going to use both old and new phones in BTSync - they are going to have completely same ID, which will prevent them from seeing each other. This behavior is going to be changed in future (first, to make easier secret change, and second - to automatically track folders which changed location).
  4. @ChrisH b and c are totally necessary for files decryption, but not enough. To decrypt files, you need (a AND b AND c). if any of components is missing it is not possible to decrypt files.
  5. @vasaka Try setting folder_rescan_interval to, say, 3600 and see if it helps.
  6. @idef1x BTSync shows nothing (earlier versions - icon of 2 arrows) if it managed to establish a direct connection. If connection goes thru a cloud - it shows cloud icon. @vasaka Actually BTSync should index your files once, and then check for changes every ~10 minutes. How many files/folders do you have Synced in general?
  7. @mattwillfixit We are planning to make some advanced reporting to user on problematic files.
  8. @deelite It is possible. All you need to do is to connect to your NAS via SSH and replace old btsync binary with the new one.
  9. @adhemar Is your NAS displayed in the devices list on Desktop and Laptop?
  10. @kratochviljan Thanks for the information. We'll try to reproduce it in our lab.
  11. @kratochviljan Unfortunately the issue you are facing is not that easy to reproduce in the lab. It is extremely sporadic, but you've gave an interesting hint - a server reboot during Sync. Was remote peer restarted legitimately or it crashed? @mould Yep, debug logs are helping greatly in catching such sort of issues. You can also set "log_size" advanced preference to, say 100 (which means 100 Mb) to have more chances to get the issue recorded in debug log. Also note, that it is very important information which applications you were using when issue happened - all apps are working with files differently.
  12. @Dersch Okay, the output says that BTSync is not running and no one occupies its WebUI port. When issue happens, could you please try to stop your BTSync manually (killall btsync) and start it also manually not as service?
  13. @deelite "Storage folder" is the place where btsync stores its database and other service data. If not specified explicitly, it resides in .sync subfolder near binary.
  14. @bmassanek Can you please supply me with full debug log from this machine? I'll try to figure out more details than simple "Access denied". Send them to, refer to this topic in the message body.
  15. @Unit106 Looking forward for the logs.
  16. @deelite I suggest checking that btsync has access to "settings.dat" file in storage folder. Also, when you are killing btsync - how do you do that? if you kill it forcefully "kill -9" it won't have a chance to save settings. As for the network - it might happen that your router can't process numerous BTSync UDP packets. In this case I'd advise limiting BTSync bandwidth.
  17. @kratochviljan Was BTSync running on both peers when you edited files?
  18. @pklausner Tried to repro in my lab, no success. Just to make sure: your foo/bar has owner "root" and group&all other users has "read" access only. Right? Which app do you use to save the file?
  19. @bmassanek Files size is not an issue here. Are you usually able to read these files? For example, copy them to another location? Also, who shows you that message (screenshot would be the best).
  20. @terafin Thanks for the information. We'll take a look what happens there.
  21. @gmosquera I see in your config that you disabled LAN discovery, tracker and DHT. Did you add both linux boxes ip:port to FreeBSD and vice versa?
  22. RomanZ

    Btsync Api

    @kraukscis try http://192.x.x.x:9990/api?method=add_folder&dir=/fullpath/demo3&secret=AIIUXI2R2AIVAAAAAA7IAVVVVYZRBELBW
  23. @meeeee Thanks for reporting. Please expect fix in upcoming 1.4.