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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @benguild To make long things short: Link allows to get the Key securely. If someone steals / sniffs the Link - he will stuck with the approval and you can reject him. If someone steals / sniffs the Key - he'll get access to your data. Here and here more details. Absolutely right. Only one who produced the link must (and actually can) approve.
  2. @hurik Please see the referred topic - you can get direct links, containing version now. @AzimutTheUt I'll check out what happened to official BT package and let you know. @djsuperstore Can you please help to debug what happens to your Sync's speed? Please follow this instruction to collect speed debugger information, submit it to me here then.
  3. @mcai8rw2 Please let us know which params are not clear so we'll add KB article and/or improve sample config file.
  4. Hi guys, It is a bug. The list contains a bunch of internal params which are not reflected to the UI. We'll fix it in next build.
  5. @zbigb69 StreamsList is pretty much like IgnoreList, but IgnoreList is a blacklist - it excludes files while StreamsList works on whitelist scheme and all xattrs included there are going to be synced.
  6. @zbigb69 The syntax of StreamsList is same as IgnoreList, though your question is still valid. Please expect the article "Alt Streams and Xattrs in Sync" on KnowledgeBase - it will appear there shortly after validation. Could you please elaborate what prevents to change the width of columns? You simply need to hover mouse over column delimiter in header until it changes to arrows - and resize width.
  7. @mariano I tried your scenario - it did not work for me. Newer files propagate, while older are deleted. Are you sure that files on 3rd peer (one that is shut down) are not touched or modified? @simondarren What about you? Was your issue resolved with 1.4? @BeTheSync Well, thanks for the detailed description! I strongly suspect that your Sync does not succeed with saving all the relevant data to the DB before OS terminates it (as you've got a huge number of files). It is very simple to check it: - disable Sync auto run - start your scenario with following changes: a. Start Sync manually when system boots up b. Before starting Sync, please open storage folder (%appdata%\BitTorrent Sync) and look if files with extension .db-wal and .db-shm are present. These files should not exist when sync is off. If they DO exist, it means that Sync did not finished its session with Database in graceful manner - and, likely, lost some data. @LosLukos I strongly suspect that you are (or some other soft?) "touch"-ing or changing files when Sync is off. In this case touched / changed files will be considered to be the most recent once Sync starts up. Is this your case? @WeeGee "Remote peer" means Sync does not know who did it. When Sync knows - it replaces "Remote peer" with peer's name. There was a bug when RO peer "reflected" the removal command back to RW peer which caused file deletion (see my post above)
  8. Folks, Please see 1.4.72 and 1.4.75 builds available on Publicly released builds will be available on in future.
  9. Dear community members, I apologize it took that long to cover the question. But now EULA allows business use explicitly.
  10. @cronocr There is a bit more fresh doc. Feel free to use.
  11. @simondarren Thanks for the detailed description, it helped to identify the root cause. Technically, RO peer is unable to distribute file modifications / move / removal events that happened on RO peer: it has no private key and cannot sign changes / events. However, RO peer is able to distribute events and changes other peers shared to him. In your case RW peer shared a number events to RO peer (a number - because of MS office save file peculiarities) and they were processed in a wrong order. So the "delete" event came back to RW and removed the file. Fix for the issue will be available soon in upcoming 1.4 release.
  12. @justinr1234 There is a known case of overwriting. Say, you've got Machine A and B. Here is the scenario: 1. A shuts down Sync. 2. A changes some files. 3. B has Sync ON. 4. B changes same files as A in #2. This change happens later than #2. 5. Now, when Sync turns ON on Machine A - changes on B are going to be discarded. Please check if this scenario applies to your case. @simondarren We are trying to reproduce your case in the lab meanwhile.
  13. @simondarren I hope you've got your debug logs turned on so I can take a look? Also - which version of office do you have and which OS do you use? I'll try to reproduce your issue in the lab.
  14. @dima72 Note, that Sync installer is actually the same binary which later placed to %programfiles%. If you run it with /config parameter, it should not perform installation, just run using the settings in config.
  15. @bigbear Well, you can simply pack / copy it. However, it should be done only together with files, as it is not safe to backup metadata separately from files. It contains hash of the non-encrypted file, which is one of components of actual encryption key. So, it is file-specific. In general, I understand your concerns. We'll review encrypted peers and see how it can be adjusted to be more convenient to use.
  16. @jqsh3 Just rechecked in lab. Speed limitation is working just fine when running in API. I wonder - what do you mean under "Updates continue to happen regardless of what I set them to be"? Do you try to stop data transfer at all with limits?
  17. @jqsh3 Allright, glad to hear it is resolved now!
  18. @bigbear That's right. To decrypt the file you need to get: 1) Encrypted file 2) D... or E... type of secret 3) Metadata from Encrypted Peer When you transfer the file with some other means, you omit the metadata, while it is totally necessary to calculate decryption key. SyncArchive can be used to restore data. When you move files around, sometimes the "move" event comes as "delete + create new file in new location". So Sync can use Archive to get file from there instead of re-syncing it. Well, good point. I suggest noting it in Feature Requests forum to make sure that idea is not lost.
  19. @elfo Do I understand correctly that you want to make a slackware package which will be available for installation with slackware distro? If yes - you can do it. You'll need to make an explicit note that the package is not official BitTorrent package. Also note, that Sync is in beta now and new versions are released pretty often, so it is very likely you'll need some script to update your package regularly with new versions.
  20. @wrouesnel No. Sync does not work with unix domain sockets. However, you can run Sync with config file and configure UI to be available on linearly incremented port number, while nginx could map URL to particular port number.
  21. @teoky The official QPKG contains 1.3.106 build. Did you use some unofficial QPKG or simply updated binary manually?
  22. @jqsh3 Could you please make a process sample after it hang?
  23. My bad, indeed, it was on closed forums. @GreatMarko - thanks for bringing the clarifications here!
  24. @spYro If you are using Sync API - all you need to do is to call "get_folder_peers" function.
  25. @all, Thanks for bringing this one to our attention. We'll consider fixing it in future releases.