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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. That IS the TCP option - the "lan_use_tcp" option. If set to "true", BitTorrent Sync will use TCP instead of UDP for local connections across your lan (this won't disabled UDP for external connections though - there isn't currently a setting to allow you to do this) Assuming you're running on Windows, the sync icon is a circular blue icon with two semi-circular white arrows within, and should be present in the system tray near the clock to the bottom right of your screen. If you right click this icon there's an option to "Enable debug logging"
  2. Ah - there you go then - that likely explains why a folder containing a ":" got deleted by BitTorrent Sync! I'm not quite sure what the ultimate solution would be here, given that windows doesn't allow ":" - or indeed any of the following either \ / : * ? " < > | If you have two files in a directory on a linux device, one named "file:.mp3" and the other named "file_.mp3", and BitTorrent Sync's current solution is to convert ":" to "_" on Windows... how would/should these two files behave when syncing across to a windows device? Hmmm... I can't see an easy answer!?
  3. Hmmm... link's working for me! ...perhaps your network/ISP is caching an earlier version of the link? (i.e. prior to Tuesday when BitTorrent Sync went public, the link took you instead to a pre-alpha sign up form . which given the wording of your error, appears to be what you're seeing!)
  4. You're right, there should be a more visible link around these forums to the download - I've added an entry accordingly to the Unofficial FAQ
  5. This has been requested a number of times now. There is, however, a work-around - if you're running BitTorrent Sync on Windows, right-click the tray icon, select "Pausing Syncing", and then a second time select "Resume Syncing" - this will essentially "force" a sync refresh
  6. It looks like BTSync isn't able to automatically open ports on your firewall/router - you may have to manually add exceptions to your firewall/router configuration (remember to add UDP expections) There was a recent discussion relating to ports here.
  7. Great! Glad you've managed to track down the issue! Yes, "Can't open the destination folder" is not a very user-friendly error - it would be much clearer if this said "Please select a folder to sync" or similar! Hopefully the team will re-word this error, but in the meantime, as it appears to be catching a number of users out, I've now added an Unofficial FAQ entry to clarify the meaning of this error!
  8. BitTorrent Sync isn't open source - please see the unofficial FAQ
  9. No, it's not currently possible to remotely remove/ban a specific device from a sync partnership - the way around it would be to change the "secret" on the folder you're syncing, and then re-issue the new secret to all but one of your users!
  10. Why would you want your computer to sleep whilst its still uploading data?!
  11. Good point! I wonder if this is what the OP and others were trying to do?
  12. Ok, so so far we've ruled out then: A ) the location/name of the folder as being the issue B ) the location being "locked"/"in use" at the same time by the system, or some other process or application C ) the type of user account logged on as So, the next logical question would be; what OS version's are you guys all using? ...I wonder if there's perhaps a similarity/connection there?
  13. Thanks for that, vitz1 - can I also ask, are you logged on to your laptops with an administrative account, or a regular, restricted/limited user account?
  14. For those of you experiencing this issue, can I ask, does this happen for every folder you try to add to BitTorrent Sync regardless of its location, or just for certain specific folder locations? Let's see if we can find a common connection!
  15. An API for BitTorrent Sync is planned! - please see the Unofficial FAQ
  16. It may be that the folder you're trying to add is currently "locked" (open/in use) in Windows by some other application/process
  17. This has already been previously requested in the "Wishlist" thread and another of other threads by users. In addition, another user has reportedly found a "workaround" to make BitTorrent Sync "portable" here, although this is untested/unsupported
  18. Not at the present time - please see the "Unofficial FAQ"
  19. You're absolutely right! - Unoff. FAQ has been updated accordingly! Originally, the limit was 100,000, then it got increased to 200,000 - I obviously missed the subsequent update to 1M - so thanks for the tip!
  20. Have you considered then just providing family/friends with a "read-only" secret instead? That way they'll be able to "download" files, but won't be able to inadvertently delete files from your machine?
  21. No, if you have 3 devices all syncing, lets say, and you remove one, the other two will still sync with each other! (assuming the device removed wasn't using a "full-access" secret, with the other remaining devices all only using "read only" secrets!)
  22. I actually believe the current limit is 200,000 files (See the "Unofficial FAQ")... still no where near the OP's ~1000 files!
  23. Yes, "*bar* will exclude from the sync any files/folders containing the string "bar". If you have a folder containing the string "bar", that folder (and all files within) will be ignored
  24. I've no doubt there will be in time! - Don't forget, BitTorrent Sync is still just an "alpha" right now