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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Currently the only documentation available on sync-help in relation to config settings is this article. However, see also this thread.
  2. The ability to setup "encrypted nodes" (where those you're sharing with can't decode/read your content) already exists within Sync. Finding other "friends" to setup encrypted nodes with, isn't a "feature request"! - however, see this topic.
  3. So... essentially selective pause then?
  4. Hi nir, there is now a solution to this - please see "When I open Sync, I just see plain text in a random layout and no images?" in the Unofficial Troubleshooting FAQ
  5. There probably isn't! - try removing some apps you no longer use to free up space, or moving them to your SD card, etc
  6. They do - but it's via a tooltip when you hover over the system tray icon: Ha! No not at all - Sync 1.4 does partial run on XP already, it's just it's UI doesn't. Running it as a service isn't going to magically bring back the UI!
  7. If you run Sync with a config file, it overrides settings in the web ui (i.e. settings won't be saved)
  8. That's a very defeatist attitude to adopt! The developers DO take note of this Feature Request forum, and many of the suggestions made here DO go on to be implemented (Recent examples: 1, 2, 3, 4) The more people that add their voice and "+1" a particular request, the more the developers will see how much interest there is in that request - now, that doesn't automatically mean a suggestion will get implemented, but it does let the developers know what users want to see in Sync, which can in turn affect where things sit on their internal road map.
  9. Nope! You'll all need to keep posting in this thread, so that the developers can see how popular the desire for this ability is!
  10. Please take a few moments to read the Unofficial FAQ, notably the section "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?"
  11. Hi Mike, Windows XP support for was originally envisaged for 1.4, however, as I mentioned in my earlier post you refer to, I received confirmation from the developers last week that this has now changed: "As for XP - I have bad news. We decided not to support it in 1.4" Now, it could be argued that XP is now an "obsolete" operating system, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. So whilst it's understandably frustrating for those still using XP that Sync 1.4 isn't supported, you can kinda understand BitTorrent Inc's decision not to devote resources to maintaining compatibility with XP. HOWEVER, in their decision not to support Sync 1.4 in XP, it's also had a knock on affect of causing compatibility issues with Vista and Server 2003 (both of which are still valid operating systems supported by Microsoft - Server 2003 for example doesn't reach EOL (End Of Life) until 2016!) Essentially the underlying "engine" behind Sync 1.4 will install/run on XP/Vista/2k3, however the new IE-dependant "web ui" doesn't, because the developers haven't made it compatible with IE8 (which is surprising as all the various CSS/JS libraries and components that make up the new UI are all themselves compatible with IE8!!) It's almost as if the decision was made by someone that "we're not going to support IE8", without fully realizing that some current OS's (Win2k3) for example can't run anything higher than IE8, and others, like Win7 come with IE8 installed by default (therefore causing issues for those who've never updated their IE) So, if the developers could just spend some time addressing the IE8 issues with their interface, it should then mean that Sync 1.4 will fully work on XP, Vista, AND Server 2003. Or, as others have suggested, have Sync on Windows run its own small http daemon, allowing users to access the UI from ANY browser installed on their system, and not be reliant on IE9+. This would then make Sync 1.4 compatible again with XP/Vista/2k3. At present, the latest version of Sync 1.3 (1.3.109) is still compatible with XP/Vista/2k3, but I've asked the question as to whether this will continue to be compatible going forward i.e. whether a 1.3.x version will be maintained in parallel with 1.4 for those OS's that can't fully run 1.4.... whilst I haven't had a direct answer to that, the impression I get is that a decision on this hasn't yet been reached/made. Now, in relation to Sync 1.4 support for Server 2003 (which can't run anything higher than IE8), one of the developers commented to me last week after 1.4.72 was released, "I hope that we'll support it [server 2003] in 1.4.xx" So, in summary; XP support for Sync 1.4+ looks highly unlikely going forward (unless the devs/management have a change of heart/re-think!)A decision on future 1.4+ support for still "valid" OS's (Vista/Win2k3) doesn't appear to have been made yetA decision on whether 1.3.x will continue to receive updates to ensure compatibility with 1.4+ going forward doesn't appear to have been made yetShould 1.4 support for "valid" OS's like Vista/Win2k3 go on to be implemented/fixed at some stage, it's likely that as a by-product of this, Sync 1.4 would then also work on XP (all be it unofficially!)I'm sorry I don't have any more concrete information for you all on these issue at this time! I will of course provide updates if/when I have any further information. My best advice in the meantime would be to show your support in the Feature Requests forum for XP/Vista/2k3 support in 1.4 and/or for the continuation of 1.3 support, so that the devs/management can see just how big of an issue this is for users!
  12. Hi Folks, Sync 1.4.75 is now available for manual download from the main site (or via direct links here) Note: This build isn't yet available via auto-update Sync 1.4.75 Changelog: - Fixed cosmetic issues - Fixed various crashes reported by users The changelog for the previous build (1.4.72) may be found here. Important Notes on Sync 1.4: Downgrade to 1.3 is not possible after installing Sync 1.4. (If you wish to downgrade - please uninstall Sync removing all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch) For Windows XP/Vista/Server 2003 users: DO NOT INSTALL SYNC 1.4 - it's not fully compatible with these operating systems at this time. Please use Sync 1.3.109 instead, which is compatible with Sync 1.4. For Windows 7 users: Sync 1.4 requires Internet Explorer 9 (or later). Windows 7 originally shipped with IE8. If you've never updated from IE8, Sync 1.4 will not function correctly (the UI will be blank). Updating to the latest version of Internet Explorer resolves this. For Windows Server 2008 users: Sync 1.4 requires Internet Explorer 9 (or later). Windows Server 2008 originally shipped with IE7 (R2 with IE8). If you've never updated from IE7/8, Sync 1.4 will not function correctly (the UI will be blank). Updating to the latest version of Internet Explorer resolves this.
  13. Files in your archive named file.1.ext, file.2.ext, file.3.ext, etc are "versioned" files of the original file.ext files
  14. Yes - aaron at bittorrent dot com (see this post) ...but please be aware that users generally have had to wait several working days if not at least a couple of weeks before they receive their API key after requesting one, as these are manually processed (it's not an automated system). Given you only requested your key last Thursday, I'm hardly surprised you've not received one yet.
  15. Have you made changes to them? "versioned" files are also stored in archive folders along with "deleted" files.
  16. Ok, so if we name your two devices A and B: If you physically delete a file from A, the corresponding file on B will be moved into the "archive" folder on B, rather than be deleted outright If you physically delete a file from B, the corresponding file on A will be moved into the "archive" folder on A, rather than be deleted outright
  17. Precisely - that's because they will have been deleted from one of your OTHER devices! For example, if you have 3 devices, A, B, and C, and physically delete a file from B, the matching file on both A and C will be moved into the "archive" folder of A and C respectively.
  18. You'll need to provide a lot more information on the specifics of your "problem" than that! Have you also had a look at other posts in this forum? For example, is your issue similar to this?
  19. Please take a few moments to read the Unofficial FAQ:
  20. Just to pick up on this particular point; Sync 1.4 was tested, including by members of this very community who signed up for the private Sync Alpha test program. Those members of the community participating in this alpha test have had access to Sync 1.4 builds since 22nd July, and have been actively testing and reporting their comments/concerns/feedback/bug reports to the developers since that time. I can assure you that many of the concerns, feedback, and issues/bugs that people have taken to the forums to comment about in the past week since Sync 1.4 went public, were also previously identified & raised during the alpha phase as well, and reported to the developers. As I am not one of the developers, I cannot speak as to why many of these haven't been addressed prior to the first "public" beta of Sync 1.4 which became available a week ago. So, do keep on providing your valuable comments/feedback/bug reports here in the forums, but please don't blame the testers! They've done their bit (and are on your side, as many of them are also end-users like you!)... it's really in the hands of the developers/management to address the various concerns/issues raised to date in relation to 1.4...
  21. You're not alone! - Other users have reported this same issue here.
  22. There is no Transfers tab in Sync 1.4 - the UI has been completely redesigned.
  23. It's there, you just need to click the "x of y peers" labels in each row in the main windows - this will then show you what each peer for that folder is doing, and each peer can be expanded to show what's currently transferring to/from that particular peer.