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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. This isn't really a "feature request" for Sync - because if games makers/software developers wish to distribute their games/software/updates to users via Sync, there's nothing really stopping them!
  2. You may wish to consider contributing to the following topics in this forum which already cover Sync "styles" as you call them: 1 | 2 | 3
  3. Sync automatically does this!! If you enter a secret into Sync and all other devices with the same secret are currently offline, once those devices come back online, your Sync will automatically start syncing - you don't need to do anything!
  4. There isn't a way to do this with Sync, as the primary purpose of Sync is to synchronize files your across devices - not to stream media in real time. For that, I'd suggest you checkout BitTorrent Live - which will do exactly that!
  5. It's probably a permissions issue on Machine 3. Are Windows user profiles stored locally on that machine, or are they served via a network?
  6. Disabling archiving will disable versioning (i.e. untick the folder's "Store deleted files in folder archive" setting)
  7. In a nut shell, changes to files in a folder which has a Read-Only secret will be ignored and won't propagate to other devices. Changes made to files in a folder which has a Full-Access secret will propagate to other devices. In relation to your Android issue - are you sure the files are actually on your Android device? The mobile app works slightly differently to the desktop in that it lists all files in the folder on another device (i.e. your desktop) and then allow you to select which to sync to your mobile device. Therefore the list of files displayed doesn't mean all those files are on your device (i.e it's essentially just a "remote view" of the list of files on your desktop, until you select which specific files from the list you wish to sync with your mobile device)
  8. It may seem an obvious question, but is there adequate free space on your devices?
  9. Do all the zero-sized files you wish to ignore have the same extension? (i.e. ".lock" or similar) In which case, you can exclude based on extension using .SyncIgnore. You may also like to consider suggesting the ability to ignore/exclude files from syncing based on their size, over in the Feature Requests forum.
  10. The "lan_use_tcp" setting was removed some time ago. From the developers: "1.3 version is using tcp actively where it is possible (for sure - in LAN), so this option is deprecated" Indeed - there's is an entire dedicated Feature Requests forum for Sync, and an existing topic therein which you may consider contributing to!
  11. Are any of the files you're trying to sync currently open/locked/in use by other applications?
  12. Yes. Please see this pinned topic in the dedicated Sync Troubleshooting forum. In relation to .conflict files/folders, this will be caused because you're syncing between two different operating systems that handle file names differently. For example, on Linux, you could have two files in the same folder named "ABC.txt" and "abc.txt" respectively. On Windows, however, this isn't allowed, and so the OS (not Sync) generates a .conflict to deal with the issue of what it perceives to be two identical files.
  13. As you created this thread, you can edit its title (via the Full Editor) to mark your topic as "[solved]", which I've done for you on this occasion
  14. The documentation covers both Mac AND PC usage! (As well as Linux, NAS and MObile devices)
  15. "Time difference of more than 600 seconds" indicates that the system clocks on one or more of your devices are incorrect. Please ensure that the system clocks on all your devices are correct (sync them all to a time server to be sure), and that should resolve your issue.
  16. "One Way" Sync can be achieved by using a "Read Only" secret. However, the specific functionality you're after - i.e. "one way Sync without deletions" - isn't currently possible - but see this thread in the Feature Requests forum as a number of users have requested such functionality.
  17. @sailatlas, as Helen has explained, .!Sync files are created on your device whilst data is being received. Once data for a file has been fully received, the file is renamed and its .!Sync extension removed - this indicates that the file has been fully received. If you're seeing files on your device with .!Sync extensions it means the file hasn't fully been received. This may be because the data for the fiel is currently being received by you, or it may be that the device sending the file has gone offline mid transmission. Either of these should be determinable from the user interface for Sync.
  18. "U" is the amount of data in the process of/waiting to be sent from your device. "D" is the amount of data in the process of/waiting to be received by your device.
  19. If it's encrypted, the contents are useless to other people anyway!
  20. @getabc, given that the current free offering of Sync is intended primarily for personal/home/consumer use, it's unlikely that the vast majority of home user's would need to sync a folder with more than 50 devices (the average personal/home user probably wouldn't even have/own 50 devices!).... which is why the ability to raise/configure this 50-peer limit will likely be a feature for the Enterprise/Business version of Sync once that emerges. I'm afraid I have no additional news to share on Sync Enterprise/Sync for Business at this time, although you can register your interest by following the instructions in this topic. In the meantime, the "workaround", as you have eluded to would be to use more than one secret to enable your content to distribute to 130 devices (i.e. on the machine you're distributing from setup 3 folders, each containing the same content, and each one added to Sync with a different secret). You'd then split your 130 devices into 3 groups (each with less than 50 devices in), and give each group a different one of the three Secrets. Not ideal, but a workaround non the less. The alternative, as I mentioned, would be to investigate using BitTorrent Bundles
  21. Yes - you've reached the 50 peer limit. See also this thread and this thread. The ability to configure this limit in the future is being considered by the developers - although this may end up being applicable only to Sync Enterprise/Sync for Business, rather than to the "consumer" edition of Sync. So, you may wish to consider adding your voice to the second thread I've linked to above in the Feature Request forum, and you could also investigate BitTorrent Bundles for distributing your content en masse instead.
  22. Don't worry... it's called development! Indeed there are! "Soon"
  23. Syncs can be "one way" or "multi way" depending upon the type of "Secret" you use. A "Read Only" secret will allow files to sync from Device A to Device B, but not from Device B back to Device A. (i.e. changes on Device B are ignored and won't propagate back to Device A) A "Full Access" secret will allow files to sync both ways Device A and Device B