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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Well, the simplest way would be to add the folder containing the file to Sync, and see when it syncs! If it syncs a few seconds after each update to the database, the file isn't being "locked". If it doesn't sync until after you actually close the database/application using the database, then the file is being "locked". Your original question was "when will sync happen" - best thing to do would be to try it and see!
  2. Ok, so changes to files on Windows should be detected by Sync in "real time" - the issue remains though as to whether your Access database is "locked" the entire time it's in use, or only locked when actual changes are made to it. This factor will determine how frequently Sync can access the file and synchronize changes.
  3. It very much depends on your OS, the type of database and how that's accessed by the application using it. If the application accessing the database "locks" the database the entire time during use, then syncing would only occur once the file is closed/released by the application using it or the application itself is closed. If, on the other hand, the application using the database doesn't lock the file the whole time it is in use, only locks it when actually writing immediately unlocking again afterwards, syncing should then occur a few seconds after this (depending upon your operating system)
  4. @pesos, please add your voice to this thread in the Feature Requests forum. In relation to the Enterprise Beta signup forum - you can also access it via this link.
  5. @delegatevoid / @all - it's not a "dead link" as such, it's just a post that's posted in an area of the forums that not everyone has access to. So for reference, here's the response Roman is referring to:
  6. @ioan, Sync needs to be running to backup your photos to another device. If Sync isn't running, your photos will be backed up the next time Sync is run.
  7. The Feature Requests forum - notably this topic - would be the best place to contribute to the discussion on this topic.
  8. @AcostaJA - personal attacks against other contributors to these forums is not tolerated. You feel that @ChrisH's suggestion is identical to your own, he feels differently. You are both entitled and welcome to contribute to these forums. If moderators/administrators detect threads in this Feature Request forum that are identical or near identical to an existing thread, they may be merged accordingly. @ChrisH specifically "forked" your original thread as he felt that his suggestion was distinctly different from your own. Both of your contributions are welcome, and If we feel it necessary to merge them at some stage we will. However, if they continue to descend into personal attacks against each other/each other's posts, they risk both being deleted all together.
  9. Just turn off the "Store deleted files in folder archive" setting on the folder at each end, or alternatively you could reduce the advanced setting "sync_trash_ttl" from 30 (days) to say 1 (day), so that "valuable space" won't be taken up for more than a day after a file's been deleted.
  10. @devilankur18, as RomanZ has indicated "Once product becomes mature - we'll publish more information on incoming features and changes". Sync is currently a "beta" product and in very active and fluid development, so don't expect firm (or indeed provisional) "roadmaps" any time soon! For example, Sync 1.4 is coming "soon" - there is no exact ETA on when this will land, and its provisional feature set may evolve/change before it's released - which is why no specific details on upcoming new functionality/features have been publicly announced - as things may (and do!) change during the course of its development.
  11. Please see "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?" in the Unofficial FAQ Sync won't indicate whether a connection is within your LAN or over the internet per say, however, it will indicate whether a "direct" connection could be established (which is usually the case with local connections), or whether the connection is "relayed" (which is often the case with external connections via the internet). For more information, please see "What do the device icons mean?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  12. Not natively. Consider adding your voice to this topic over in the Feature Requests forum. A "workaround" would be to use the scheduling abilities of your operating system to run/kill Sync on a schedule. i.e. on Windows, you could use the Task scheduler to run Sync at certain times of the day. Correct - the purpose of this is to pick up any changes that weren't detected in "real time" for whatever reason. The folder_rescan_interval setting itself has no bearing on real-time detection of changes to files - it's more of a "fall back" mechanism.
  13. There isn't currently a way to automatically "expire"/"revoke" access to a folder after a certain number of days (Maybe consider posting this as a request in the Feature Request forum?). The way to do this manually would be to change the folder's secret, which will then essentially cut off other user's access to the folder.
  14. Not currently - probably a suggestion for the Feature Request forum. It can also keep files for longer/shorter periods if you increase/decrease the value of the "sync_trash_ttl" setting Not currently - again, probably a suggestion for the Feature Request forum.
  15. @rsebbe, In relation to your third suggestion, There's no real benefit to make these files "platform-specific" - the way the rules within.SyncIgnore works is that they cause Sync to ignore certain files/folders/file types, regardless of the OS that Sync is running on. For example, a rule, like say "desktop.ini" (which is included for the purpose of excluding these primarily WIndows hidden/system files) can be safely included in the .SyncIgnore file for Sync running on other platforms (Mac, Linux, NAS, etc) with no real adverse affect - even if "desktop.ini" files don't exist on those OS's.. Also, if .SyncIgnore files were made "platform specific", wouldn't that then somewhat complicate your second suggestion of having .SyncIgnore files propagate to your other devices?
  16. Have you tried the unofficial Linux desktop UI packages?
  17. @Thermometer, consider adding you voice to this thread.
  18. The latter - different chunks of data will be sent to the 10 nodes, and each of these nodes will in turn share those chunks with other nodes.
  19. Indeed! @all, there's a dedicated thread over in the Feature Request forums for requesting Windows RT support. Therefore, if you wish to be able to use Sync on your RT device, I'd suggest adding your voice to that thread. As you can probably appreciate, there are a number of platforms/OS's that Sync presently isn't available for (i.e. Blackberry, Chrome OS, Firefox OS, Windows RT, MIPS, etc). The likelihood of Sync eventually becoming available for these more minor platforms/OS's at some stage in the future will depend upon a number of factors including each platform/OS's global popularity, the number of requests for such platform/OS support in the Feature Request forum, and the technical feasibility of implementing Sync on these platforms, etc.
  20. @anibalbarca, proxy support is coming in Sync 1.4, not in 1.3 builds (the latest being 1.3.109)
  21. You might be interested in this topic as "Selective Sync" is a popular request over in the Feature Requests forum.
  22. It's what's known as a "false positive". Most likely as the file is very new, not enough downloads via Chrome have taken place for Chrome to yet be assured the file is safe. However, if you look at the Virus Total analysis of v1.3.109, you'll see that it's safe.
  23. Yes - turn off the per-folder Relay, Tracker, DHT and "Search LAN" settings and use the "Pre-Defined" hosts setting to list your IP addresses instead. In relation to your concerns over security of "Secrets" - there is a wealth of information within these forums on this subject. Please see "How secure are "secrets"... can they be "guessed"?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  24. Please take a moment to read the Unofficial FAQ as your question is answered there. Please take a moment to read the Unofficial Troubleshooting FAQ as this is also answered there. In short, no. Because Sync's primary purpose is to keep your files in sync across devices - not across hard drives. (i.e it's not a "mirroring" program). Also, consider how Sync works - if it were to allow you to "mirror" between two locations on the same computer, this would be a VERY inefficient way of doing so, given that Sync relies on "peer-to-peer" technology, meaning that data would need to pass through at least one other device, causing lots of network traffic just to essentially "copy" something from one location to another on your computer. If you need to "mirror" a folder on your computer to another location on your computer, consider using an external NAS drive - also running Sync - and "mirror" to that, or perhaps select a more suitable software solution for your particular "mirroring" needs.