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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Please take a moment to read the Unofficial FAQ: "Note: If you currently use the auto-update feature of BitTorrent Sync, it may inform you that your "Client version is up to date" despite a newer build being available. This is intentional whilst Sync remains in "beta" - new builds are currently announced here in the forums in the first instance. Not every "beta" build is pushed via auto-update, only those considered significant/more stable. Even then these may not be pushed out to existing users via auto update until several days/weeks after they are first announced on the forums" If you're not a regular visitor to the forums, and for whatever reason "can't wait" until an update is made available via auto-update, consider following BitTorrent Sync on Twitter, as new builds/updates tend to also be announced there in the first instance too!
  2. The only alternative right now is to run Sync 1.3.109 on your desktop devices (which doesn't rely on IE) - this is the last build of 1.3, but it is fully compatible with 1.4 devices (including mobile).
  3. I don't believe such settings (i.e. which columns are shown/column order/column width, etc) currently exist in the config file.
  4. Using a config file with Sync overrides settings/changes made via the Web UI. See also this thread.
  5. There's already a dedicated thread for this request here. I'd suggest adding your support there. The "My Sync" and "Devices" tab are no longer present in Sync 1.4.x
  6. @wimbit, there's now an updated build (1.4.38) available in the Google Play Store. Does this resolve your issue?
  7. @all, there's now a newer build available in the Google Play Store (1.4.38) containing "Crashes and bug fixes" - perhaps give this updated build a go, and see if it resolves some of your issues with the build (1.4.36)?
  8. @leo, there's now a newer build available in the Google Play Store (1.4.38) - are your issues still present with this latest build?
  9. @all, there's now a newer build available in the Google Play Store (1.4.38) - are your issues still present with this updated build?
  10. @all, which Android build numbers are you using? If it's 1.4.36 there's now a newer build available in the Google Play Store (1.4.38) which contains some bug fixes which may resolved your issues.
  11. According to official guidance, unfortunately, you can't: "If you want to downgrade - please uninstall Sync and remove all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch."
  12. You've downloaded and installed the wrong version, Sync 1.4 isn't compatible with Windows XP - please see this article
  13. Hi Colin, You've taken my comment in relation to this somewhat out of context - I'm not at all saying there's "no need" to provide further feedback on 1.4.72! - all constructive feedback (good or bad) is welcome! My comment was in direct response to your specific concern that you felt that had you been part of the "alpha" phase of 1.4 that all the various issues would have already been identified and fixed before the "beta" of 1.4 was released earlier this week, and because you weren't part of the "alpha" that instead these issues have gone unnoticed (i.e. that those who were involved in the "alpha" phase didn't pick up on these issues - which isn't the case!). I was simply clarifying/confirming that many of issues/complaints that users have posted about here since 1.4 went "public" earlier this week were previously identified during the "alpha" phase by testers. However, that's not to say that EVERY issue that's been posted about had been picked up during "alpha", nor is it to say the devs don't want to hear about issues that are already known about! In fact, the more they hear about the same specific issues, the more they can gauge how important/widespread/what the reaction is amongst users, which may in turn influence the order in which things are fixed/addressed/changed in subsequent 1.4.x builds. So keep providing your feedback, folks!
  14. @all, let's try and keep this thread on-topic please and not descend into off-topic discussions/speculation on if/how much people are getting paid! This thread specifically relates to the discussion of Sync 1.4.72. If your comments are not related to 1.4.72, this isn't the thread to post in. Thank you for your cooperation
  15. Sync to date has never been released as a "stable" version - all previous versions (Sync 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc) have been "beta" builds. tuxpoldo's 1.4 builds will be ready when they're ready... I'm sure he will update you all in due course when they are.
  16. I would imagine so! However, do bear in mind that tuxpoldo works on these unofficial builds in his spare time... therefore it's down to his availability & good will as to if/when 1.4.x versions of his popular builds become available.
  17. No, you need to run the uninstaller Yes They shouldn't although depending upon your .syncignore rules in Sync 1.3, they may end up propagating to other devices. That's why it's advisable to remove all traces of 1.4 before re-installing 1.3. I'm not sure how to make this simpler - perhaps this official article from the Sync Help Center will help: "If you want to downgrade - please uninstall Sync and remove all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch." Have you followed these instructions? i.e. completely uninstalled Sync 1.4, removed all settings, installed a fresh copy of 1.3, and configured your folders from scratch?
  18. The second! - They will they all try to sync different parts and then share amongst themselves for the other parts!
  19. Previous version (1.3.109) may be found here. However, before "downgrading" first please consider reporting your issue/providing logs as outlined here. Rolling back to an earlier version is counter productive in helping the developers identify the cause and resolve your specific issue, so if you are able to provide them with more information/logs on your 1.4 issue before you downgrade to 1.3, I'm sure they would appreciate it!
  20. Nice find, Mike! I'll update my previous post accordingly!
  21. Have a look at "Introducing Sync 1.4"
  22. Yes, the advanced "peer_expiration_days" setting is available on the Windows version of Sync (Options -> Preferences -> Advanced -> More Options)
  23. I'm afraid I don't have an "official" answer to this for you. However, my best guess would be that the developers have chosen to provide a single "latest" link in an effort to ensure users are always using the latest version of Sync available i.e the same download link will always retrieve the latest build, whichever that happens to be. By offering "versioned" downloads links to each and every build, users could be downloading obsolete builds of Sync without realizing. ...that would be my guess... the alternative however could just be that they've simply not yet got around to offering a "versioned" download link for 1.4.72 yet (which has only been available since Tuesday, and haven't yet been pushed to users via auto-update!)
  24. Hi Mike, yes, official links to previous versions for the PC are indeed readily available. However, not every Android build that's been released has had a corresponding "official" download link outside of (and in addition/parallel to) the Google Play store (and as for iOS builds, these have never been made available outside of the App Store!) Having just trawled through previous releases, the most recent Android build I can find outside of the Google Play store that has an "official" download link is (which was available to coincide with the desktop versions of Sync 1.3.67) and which may be directly obtained here. UPDATE: As mikelock points out, a more recent Android build, 1.3.20 is available via this post. However, please be aware that this now is an older Android build - it's likely not to be fully compatible with Sync 1.4, and may contain issues/bugs that were subsequently addressed in later Android builds.... basically, what I'm saying is that the link I provide above is for use at your own risk, and support isn't available for this now "obsolete" Android build. Also, in terms of the development of Sync (which you may or may not care about) reverting to "older" builds is somewhat counterproductive. Obviously, yes, you need something that "works" - I get that, but also the developers need feedback and bug reports on the latest builds. If everyone reverts back to earlier versions it will likely take even longer for issues with the latest beta builds to be addressed! ...just a thought!
  25. Yep - fair point indeed, Leo! ...although stanah was specifically referring to the desktop applications (1.3.109 and 1.4.72) Just for clarity; Sync 1.3.109 was a public "beta" also. Technically, no new features have been added to Sync 1.4.72 "beta" - new features were however added to Sync 1.4 "alpha" (i.e. builds of 1.4.x prior to .72). But without quibbling/splitting hairs over what is/isn't perceived as alpha/beta software, the fact remains that there has to date never been a "stable" release of Sync. There have only been private "alphas" and public "betas". Sync 1.7.72 is classed as a public "beta". Stanah, I appreciate your frustration, but I'm afraid your association that changing from a native UI to a web UI is equivalent to Windows shipping with IE by default is pretty tenuous at best! You could argue in that case that you're being "forced" to use an operating system in order to use BitTorrent Sync, and that Sync should run without any "3rd party" operating system at all!